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Beta 5

Guest Mesmer

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Very nice.. I like it. Good job!

I wish the font size of member title (Advanced Member, etc ) is smaller. Don't you think?

Maybe need new Online/Offline icons? that icon is a bit old


Well we might able to do it our selfs. When we recreate anthor templete to match our fan base website?
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You can change it yourself .

Not talking about the border underneath the header, I mean that the header above it, particularly the top part of the background, seems to grow 3 to 5 pixels when it collapses.
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Not talking about the border underneath the header, I mean that the header above it, particularly the top part of the background, seems to grow 3 to 5 pixels when it collapses.

I see what you mean now.

I can remove that by removing "overflow:hidden;" from the "body .maintitle" css. Not sure what the drawbacks are though as I'm not expert.
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Firefox 2 user here. Not as excited about the new skin as some. For example:

The button for adding reputation points is far left, the reputation score is far right.
On the main page the 'hooks' panels for Recently Added Topics and Watched Content have horizontal scroll bars. On a 1680*1050 resolution!

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@Luke It grows 3-5 pixels because scriptaculous is morphing to the class Dazer pointed out - which adds the 5px border to the header. Removing the border stops it from growing in height.

Actually, you'll notice that if you remove that border from the css, the header still grows slightly. It's something to do with the overflow:hidden css. By removing it, the collapsed header remains completely identical to when it is expanded.

PS: Editing fixed?
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As nice as the previous one was, the new code highlighter is definitely the better choice. Hopefully some of the niceties that we came to know--such as the line numbers--can be amended in future versions.

@Rikki: Since they're CSS-based, is there any chance of getting some sort of hover effect on the large [add reply, new topic] buttons as well?

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Rikki, does this mean that every other post no longer displays a different shade background color (striping)? Or can you still do it this way in the CSS without changing the template?

IPB3 never has had post striping... I tried it but it didn't turn out very attractive IMO. It's easy to add to the template though since we have a built in striping tag now.
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I can look into it - I'd have to use the :hover selector and I can't remember off hand whether IE7 supports it. I think it does, but even still, that'd be one of those places where progressive enhancement makes sense. Can't promise anything though, we really want to focus on finishing things up now :)

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Actually, you'll notice that if you remove that border from the css, the header still grows slightly. It's something to do with the overflow:hidden css. By removing it, the collapsed header remains completely identical to when it is expanded.

PS: Editing fixed?

I can confirm this by using the web developer toolbar in firefox. If you remove "overflow:hidden" from ".maintitle" it stays the same size. I think Rikki used that property to keep the headers from expanding in situations where a title would go over the width though... Like a topic title. I can't seem to find a solution with it though, without setting the width to 100% (which can't be done when padding is set).
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Really love how the hooks on the main index collapse. Probably one of the best improvements.

The buttons on the topic listing look good too.

The mark as read button the main index could use some work. The angles make it look a little strange.

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Yes, the new buttons are fantastic!


What new buttons? They look the same to me...

Also, I really hope Beta 5 is released soon. Beta 4 is unusable for me, due to some odd reason. None of the CSS buttons or anything like that load up properly.
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