Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,502 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Hello, i have many complaints by my users that the search doesn't work. The thing is, the search works flawlessly, but the users simply don't use the search like it's intended to be. There are many issues, which make the advanced search hard to use: 1. options which belong together are spread over the the search form (search in topics only, search in titles only) 2. there are no logical clusters, search and display options are mixed up 3. Search options, which exclude each other, can be activated at one time (search in topics only, search in titles only) 4. Search options, which are used often, are displayed below options, which are used not so often (Find by dat…
Last reply by MaNiAc LRSC, -
- 4 replies
I have a dark skin and a light skin. Problem is no matter if I set the reCAPTCHA theme to normal or chrome, it looks utterly crap in one of the skins. Is it an easy fix to assign a recaptcha theme to a skin? Or is that something that would require a rework of some core code?
Last reply by Luke, -
- 1 reply
Hi When a user subscribes to forum and wants to received notification of new posts this is a VERY powerful feature, however there is time when this is a BIG turn off and in a matter of days you will find users UN-Subcribing. The problem is when you make a post like this. Scroll down and you will see that the user receives the code that is displaying the video on the forum. forexfxf has just posted a new topic entitled "17th May Live Trading -14 then + 62" in forum "Learning To Trade Forex - Professionally - Profitably - Consistently". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Just finished the webinar and then two live trades showin…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 2 replies
As a paying client and paying for ongoing support every 6 months, how do i change my fav.icon in the address bar / for bookmarks?
Last reply by bfarber, -
Hi, in the Directory under Entertainment can you add a sub forum for Television and Movies? Thanks. :)
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 5 replies
Hi, Sorry if I put this post in the wrong place. I was wondering how do you do that where you put part of a post in the forums and then the rest in the blog? Like this you have in forum - [url=" Dev Update: Extensibility then a link going to the blogs where it shows the rest - [url=" Dev Update: Extensibility
Last reply by bfarber, -
When 3.1.0 is released will we be able to place ads on the board with user permissions set? For example, we can set which group or member can see ads? This way board owners will be able to use subscriptions for those who don't want to see ads displayed.
Last reply by Painted Horse, -
- 1 reply
I don't know if it is a new feature or just the cleancut skin. But when you update your status on the board index it uses ajax so no more your status has been updated. That is awesome!!! just wanted to say that
Last reply by Axel Wers, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I a missing the future to display the names of the users which votes (both negative or positive) for a posting. Right now its just an anonymous number...
Last reply by Mr. Despair, -
- 0 replies
Icy asked me this and I looked and neither of us could find it. I think his intent is to be able to disable a persons ability to reply to other peoples status updates. Not sure if it's directly associated with being able to make status updates to begin with (per group setting) or if it's just a setting that hasn't been created yet. Either per group to disable or not allow it globally.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 0 replies
Right now you have the "View all topics x has posted in or started" etc hardcoded within that template (to only show if the app is forums). I'm working on upgrading my search plugins for IP.Links to IPB 3.1's and I wanted to add a similar option to the Links tab ("View all links x has submitted", "View all links x has commented on", etc), but I've found it to be (seemingly) impossible to do without a template hook. Perhaps add a quick function to form.php like fetchUserContentChoices() ? Similar to fetchSortDropDown()...
Last reply by Brandon D, -
- 1 reply
I just moved my forum with 330.000 postings and approx 9.000 users from SMF to IPB. Most of the users are now complaining about the way IPB is displaying new postings and threads. In SMF Thanks Stonki
Last reply by 3DKiwi, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, if IP.B 3.1 is ready I will change from vB to IP.B. In the last days, before my definitely decision, I was trying another tool named SocialEngine 4. IP.B is better for my aims. But in SocialEngine are some nice features - especially for a next version of IP.B? - Groups (like in vB) -> yes, I read, that you're not so
Last reply by .Ian, -
- 0 replies
He commend it option "Captcha" when using the search mode guest ? Jacky
Last reply by jacky35, -
- 0 replies
We can use HTML for bulk mail but all the standard emails are in plain txt only and while the co ntent can be changed you cant give these a branded eamil without some dort of HTML suoort so I would like to put that forward for consideration. Thanks
Last reply by geoff go2market, -
- 1 reply
The inline notifications are horrible (I can't close them or cycle through them or even read it all) on a netbook resolution (1024X600) Maybe if you can do something but how many people use netbooks.
Last reply by FinalFrame, -
- 0 replies
I'd like to see support added to attach photos (or other files) to a topic by having the user send the file as an email attachment to a mailbox (especially for the mobile skin). Basically, generate a unique email subaddress that associates the post to the attachment. This unique email subaddress would show in every post form (maybe only in the mobile skin) so the user could click on the link from their iPhone and bring up an email form to that address. The email subject line would be the photo caption and the user would attach one or more files to the message and send it. Not all email servers support subaddressing, but the user would have to find a service that does…
Last reply by KT Walrus, -
- 0 replies
In the client area we can see a chart of the maximum number of users each day for chat... A few of my members have requested for me to generate a chart to show chat usage broken down by hour so that they can figure out when people are actually using chat (since they are trying to coordinate across global time zones to meet at the same time). It would be like the current chart we have in the client area, showing maximum numbers by day, only it'd be by hour, based on my chosen time zone (so I would be able to see at a glance that the chat is most often used in the 8-9am EDT time block). I know I could do this by hand by downloading the chat log and then whipping someth…
Last reply by Painted Horse, -
- 0 replies
As we can use IP.Converge to merge the member databases of multiples websites, I think that could be nice to connect into one chat some peoples using different chats on differents websites. (If somebody could rewrite my sentence with the correct spelling, I'm interrested, thank you)
Last reply by Gros Blaireau, -
- 7 replies
I am currently making a skin and I always want to move them around. I know it isn't a big deal but I still want to suggest it. :)
Last reply by Mr. Despair, -
- 7 replies
Hi, With the increasing number of apps both from IPS and third parties the number of tabs at the top is increasing rapidly. IP.Commerce will add another tab for example. Whilst this is not an issue (at the moment) for wide screens anyone working with a lower resolution is risking the tabs scrolling (especially with the wider search box) even on the default skin. I am wondering if IPS could look at a variation on the current system, so that sites can add further tabs. One site that has similar navigation is the BBC site - - at the top, you will see tabs, but there is also a more... button at the end, which when clicked shows a pop-up balloon w…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 3 replies
I've worked on some forums that use multiple skins, of which each have a different color background (white, black, dark blue, etc.). Of course, the group formatting doesn't work nicely on all of them. For example, on a white background, black formatted groups look fine. On black, they are obviously invisible. Maybe an option in IP.Board to use the same formatting for all skins or customize per skin would be helpful? Just a thought...
Last reply by Amy T, -
- 0 replies
I personally think the preview icon that shows up in forum view on mouseover should be done differently. I definitely don't like how intrusive the VB way is, but this way causes annoying scrolling issues for me. Sometimes I happen to have the mouse arrow over those cells when scolling with the mouse wheel and it gets stuck on them instead of smoothly scrolling. Not the most horrible thing ever, but I wonder if there would be a better way or why the icon isn't just there all the time anyway.
Last reply by TestingSomething, -
- 19 replies
Hello, I'm not english native but i'll try to be as clear as possible. With php & Gd library activated you can create pictures. Using .htaccess, you can use RewriteRule and redirect stream from an url to another. in this case : from a picture to a script. RewriteEngine on RewriteRule Everytime you'll type / jpg you'll execute trap.php. Fine. This is not an exploit. Anyway, you can execute anything using this and gather some datas. PHP adds a dot before domainname if it session.cookie_domain exists. cf. comments : i've bolded the important part of it. I PRESUME this is …
Last reply by Matt, -
- 2 replies
Just FYI, this user: posting spam comments in the Gallery here. Hit three images I uploaded with this crap:§ion=viewimage&img=4974&st=#comment_3893
Last reply by Mark H.,