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Jim M

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    Naples, FL USA
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  1. There are numerous SMTP email sending platforms out there. SendGrid is just one which we have a built-in API option for. Others can be connect via their SMTP options. They will have similar steps with providing DNS, etc... to authorize sending email over your domain.
  2. Unfortunately not. The login is authorized by Facebook so the user would need to re-authorize their account on that end with your new Facebook app.
  3. Looking at the screenshot in your original post, that appears to be here rather than on your trial community. You will not be able to access the Admin area here on our community. I have messaged you your trial community's URL.
  4. We currently integrate with Zapier so you can setup connections with external services to do this, like MailChimp, Constant Contact, etc... I am not aware of any third party providers which offer a third party application within Invision Community to do a drip campaign though. Yes. You can send out email campaigns in our software to your users. Segmentation of users via filters in the software are also available. That is in the realm of a drip campaign so not currently possible without some form of integration. We do not really have a landing page/lead system. However, our Pages Database module has a ton of power. At it's root, it's basically a form which collects data and then can also display that data. It would require some form of customization of the Pages templates to work like a landing page and lead system but could be possible. We do not have a reminder functionality at this time.
  5. What do you define as "automated email campaigns"? Drip campaigns? If so, the software does not build drip campaigns. We do have an automated notification system which notifies users of activity they have opted-into though. Our software also allows for manual email campaigns to be sent out users. Commerce can facilitate free trials and items at no cost, if that answers your question. Yes, Stripe is a payment method in Commerce. This is not part of the software. With that said, we do have the ability to "agree" to your Terms of Service and Guidelines. If you make a change to these items, users are required to re-attest their agreement. Yes, the Events system can be used to announce/give details about in-person meetings/events. It is not a CRM system but depending on your needs, it may fill some needs there as members/customers would be stored in the system with their contact information or any fields you require. However, there are no elaborate CRM features. Invision Community has elaborate permissions and logging for your staff administrators and moderators. However, I am not quite sure what you're looking for here. If you can elaborate on the need, we may be able to provide more information. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this. What/how you program integrations would detail exactly the answer to that. I can say that we have a major new release coming out relatively soon in version 5. This is a new approach to allowing third party customizations to our software so would require any applications/plugins developed for version 4 to be re-done. With that said, on minor releases, the upgrades would depend on what has changed in the software and how your application/plugin integrates with that.
  6. SendGrid would send your email from an email address of your choosing. SendGrid would be setup so that you authorize them to send any email out from your domain. To do this, you simply create an account, they supply you the DNS entries, you give those to us, and that part is done. Next you would need to setup an API key to connect your Invision Community installation to SendGrid, all that has instructions in the ACP.
  7. We would need all the DNS entries which they require to activate it. This should be provided by SendGrid. You can then create a ticket with that information and a technician can add it to your DNS.
  8. If you're still utilizing our Cloud services, you would need to provide us the DNS entries and we can add them to your DNS. If you remove our nameservers, your community will cease to be accessible.
  9. As a follow up, I have moved this to a ticket so that we can further investigate with your data here. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  10. I've hid your attachment of the example just in case there is some real data there didn't want it public.
  11. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  12. Gotcha, so a custom profile field here. Do you have an example of the data which you're attempting to insert? Often, this comes down to formatting.
  13. What field are you meaning by "postal address"? Is this a custom field or some on the customer record?
  14. You’d want to contact our sales team. Generally, after some time, 301 redirects can be dropped (I.e. don’t need a 301 after 10 years as everyone updated to the new URL) but usually our team can investigate accommodations to what you need.
  15. For the forums, you may be able to switch these to a redirection forum type and then point it to the URL you want it to go to. For topics, there is no built-in method to do this, you will want to likely work with your hosting provider to set up a 301 redirect via a .htaccess file or something.
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