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Esther E.

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Entry Comments posted by Esther E.

  1. 23 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    I assume templates are wiped (since they're completely different?), but this will leave a lot of unused settings, tasks, widgets, etc, around in the database then. 🤨

    Yes, but the alternative would be to uninstall and have data loss. 

    I figured the best solution is to leave everything in place so that when you create your application to replace the plugin, your installation can transfer those settings, etc to your app.

  2. Custom applications will remain untouched. That includes files and data. For development environments, you would upgrade to v5 and then start with updating your files. It was mentioned above that this might be impractical, but the reality is that every file must be modified regardless; at the very least, the class needs to be renamed to remove the underscore.

    In a live environment, your application would be disabled and locked until a new version is uploaded. Note that we did this when upgrading to 4.5 as well.

    Plugins will be deleted completely, as the entire table is dropped. Your local files should still be present, though. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Kirill Gromov said:

    @Esther E., @Matt, will we be able to develop our own custom fields for Pages?

    Good question. As of this moment, I'm not sure that would be possible, but that just means we need to think about how to allow that. 

    Thank you for bringing that up. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, IPCommerceFan said:

    I know I'm reaching for the stars here, but I'd like to see the ability to sell custom software via Commerce and serve it via Downloads.

    We do this already, but its clunky. 

    Currently, our setup is something like:

    1. We create packages in Commerce and assign some custom fields to each
    2. When a customer wants to buy a package, they fill out the custom fields and we write the software to their specifications
    3. We then upload the custom software to a Download page, and change the owner to the customers account. 
    4. Using a custom plugin, we disable the ability to edit or delete the download (things the owner of a file can normally do), and make it so each customer can only see their own files when they visit the Download page.

    This essentially gives us a secure download portal for all of our customers, but it'd be great if such functionality were streamlined and given the "IPS" treatment for V5!

    You'll need a custom application for v5 regardless, so you might be better served with creating a separate location in the ACP to upload this software and link it to a purchase.

    Then, use a template hook to display the download in the client area when the user views the purchase. OR... have a separate, dedicated front-end controller that displays the user's own files. Much cleaner from a coding perspective.


  5. 57 minutes ago, Computer Candy said:

    Is it possible yet for the product photo to change based on product options? For example, if a t-shirt is for sale in different colors, can you add photos of the different color t-shirts that will change based on the color the customer chooses on the product page?

    That functionality is not supported at the moment. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    I'm not sure how the scanner works right now, but I guess it scans the used language strings and checks if they exist in the lang.php file? If so, it should also check for required language strings that the system expects when you add a specific extension/feature/node/etc.

    For example, when you add a Node/Item that supports search, you need to add specific language strings for the quick search menu, contextual search menu, etc. All those language strings are not documented anywhere. Another thing to check are the required language string for admin/moderator restrictions in ACP.

    There are a few more areas, but I can't remember them now.

    Yes, it checks all of those things.

    To clarify: It actually does NOT scan for used language strings. It scans for required/suggested language strings. So for example, it reads your acpmenu.json and makes sure that you have all the 'menu__' strings set up.

  7. 19 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    What about the ACP? For example, when creating an invoice manually in 4.x it's impossible to add a Downloads file right now.

    I hadn't realized that, thanks. 


    12 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    And a button will be available on Downloads to accomplish that?

    Not at this time. The changes in this blog have been applied to our own custom items (courses/subscriptions/etc) where it makes sense. For now we've decided to leave the other items as "buy now". But it will definitely work with your own items. 


    17 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

    Glad to see coupons for subscriptions. There were other requests such as monthly/annual pricing layouts that would be nice to incorporate into V5. 

    Can you clarify please?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Is the cart still exclusive for commerce packages, or can it be used for other items, like Downloads files?

    Technically the cart will accept any item, you'd just have to add the button on your end to add it to the cart.

  9. 3 hours ago, TSP said:

    Yeah, I have to say I'm also worried about ad placement. We need a lot of control over how and where they are included. For example we have some ads which should display as a "horseshoe" around the content. To achieve this currently we have our own wrapper class around the necessary elements etc. 

    Current goal with ad placement is to implement additional locations where they make sense, and to make the existing ad locations a little more flexible. That said, we're open to suggestions. Can you elaborate on what your custom ads look like? 

  10. 22 hours ago, The Old Man said:


    I'm curious, if you can achieve it via a hack and you know people will need to do it, why not simply retain the ability to modify or replace? At least then it would be more controlled. 🤔

    The thing is that we don't really think people will need it. Or at least, the majority of people won't need it. You'll always have some outside use case, and in those instances, Daniel's suggestion is correct. 

  11. 53 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:


    I don't think my question is related to Menus or if there will be a new blog entry to cover it. I'll ask anyways.

    Will we be able to add buttons to the items view, like in the topic view (red area)?


    Thank you.

    Probably with the new template hooks (which we haven't blogged about yet), but I confess I don't remember all the hook points offhand. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Ok. Somehow I thought it would be tied to a product (package) due to its name. Guess I’m wrong?


    Yes, it's fired on \IPS\nexus\Invoice\Item. you specify the item type you want to listen on, so in your case you'd create a listener on downloads\extensions\nexus\Item\File.

  13. 49 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I need to move users to another group when they make a purchase a file in Downloads. Is there any way to get that information?

    An achievement rule could be an easy way to do it but there isn’t such a rule currently.

    You want to use the commerce package listener, not an invoice listener.

  14. 43 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    @Esther E.

    Just to confirm: will this return all data from the invoice? I mean, I need at least the i_items, to see if the invoice belongs to a purchase of a Downloads file.

    Thank you.

    Listeners don't return any data at all. I'm not quite following the question, can you please clarify? 

  15. 1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Of course. What I'm trying to do is get some answers as we're left in the limbo.

    We're actually still adding a few things to the listeners, as there were some points that came up as we continue development. I do plan on posting a follow-up in the comments here when we're closer to finalizing those changes. Right now it looks like there may still be more, so I'd rather wait for a bit.

  16. 17 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    - Visit a profile:

    When will be the "point"? It's missing only nodes in UI Extensions. As Member isn't a node, I'm wondering.

    I don't recall saying that UI Extensions had anything to do with this, and it was definitely not related to what I had in mind.

    I also don't recall anyone saying that the last UI Extension entry would be the last dev tools entry. We still have a few more things coming that are not finalized yet.

    17 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    - Ignore/stop ignoring something (posts/messages/mentions).

    We discussed this, and decided not to implement it.


    Not all requests are going to be fulfilled. We are happy to discuss them, but just because we talk about it doesn't mean the answer will be yes.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Were all the suggestions made (by me and others) implemented or?


    We added the following methods to the Member listeners:

    • onReact
    • onUnreact
    • onFollow
    • onUnfollow

    As mentioned in previous comments on this entry, we allowed for listeners on base classes, like \IPS\Content\Item.

    I'm not sure what other suggestions you're referring to regarding listeners. Was there something specific?

  18. 20 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Basically, I have a content item that has a "privacy" column. If it is private, it shows to the item creator only; public shows to everyone. I can't use my getItemsWithPermission() because, you know, it is static so I can't check the author against the logged member. Even if I could use it, I wouldn't use it because the item must be accessible by direct link. It just can't be listed.

    I've added your request to our internal list for discussion.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I have a few resources but also know others who restrict items viewing by extending \IPS\Helpers\Table\Content::getRows().

    Will this be possible somehow?

    Can you elaborate please? 

  20. 11 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    Yeah, I've been really holding back on saying too much for now. (Really! I had to say it twice.) But, from what I've read, my problem is that I can't do most of the things I need

    For what it's worth, I too have a few clients who have modified the event form (I can think of 3 right off the bat, but there are probably more). And I already have a pretty good idea how I'll handle that.

    Hope that helps a little? 

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