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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. I wish that tagging other members in a post was quicker, more like on Facebook, where: I type "@" and a couple of letters, The suggestion menu pops-up, I press Enter to confirm the first (or only) suggestion in the menu. The way it works on Invision now: I type "@" and a couple of letters, The suggestion menu pops-up, I have to press the Down arrow key to select the first (or only) suggestion in the menu, I press Enter to confirm the first (or only) suggestion in the menu. It's not so much that step #3 is very time consuming, it's that most users don't realize they have to do that, being used to tagging members the way Facebook works, and so to them it appears as if the feature is not working properly because when they press Enter, no one is tagged and instead a line break is inserted.
  2. Here's an email I received from a member. "I had not clicked any button indicating that my question was solved. When following the link in your email, then try to make a new post and put in my email address, your site says that email in use by another user. I give up!" This is not the first time a member is confused and frustrated by this. Here's what's happening: A member posts a topic. The topic gets a few replies. The member receives an email notification that prompts him to mark one of the replies as the solution. The member wants to reply to the topic. He clicks the button to go to the post. Being logged out, the member sees the guest posting form: The member enters their email address in the first field, types a post and clicks Submit Reply. The members sees "That email address is in use by another member". The member is frustrated and confused and gives up. I feel like this process should be obvious. Now I understand that they should not enter their email, they should log in instead, however that form is encouraging them to enter their email address. I know they should click "sign in" but it's not very obvious that that is a link, nor that that is what they should be doing instead of entering their email address. Or, if that's not possible because of security reasons (divulging the account name associated with an email address), then at least make it very clear what the user should do, something like this: ________ Do you have an account? Log in now. Don't have an account yet? Enter your email address here.
  3. Why not? It sounds like the feature wouldn't be very complex to implement and it's how many other platforms work. That's already how my forum is set up, and that does not stop people from replying to the email notification. Case #1 short answers. I just received one that said: "Thanks. How is this helpful? I feel like I must be missing something obvious. " — that entire answer fits as a sample so it's shown in the email. Case #2 answers that are shortened with an elipsis added, but it's not clear that the answer the person posted isn't that shortened bit with the elipsis at the end. Something like "there was a case in the early 2000‘s where an iTunes update had a small error in the installer that would completely erase every attached any drive..." — it's not clear that the answer doesn't stop there and that there's more if you click the button. Case #3 short answers that are later edited by the poster. Only the short sample is sent in the notification, and it looks like you are getting the entire answer (no elipsis), but in reality there's more content to be read when you go to the forum. Moreover, the button is labeled "Go to this Post", it should be labeled something like "Read the Full Reply" instead. Still hoping for the option to have no sample at all and a simple button "Read the Comment". For me, that would be the absolute best way to handle this.
  4. I'm still having it here in Invision Community v4.7.3 when trying to drag and drop .zip files to the text area:
  5. In our forum we often ask members to upload .zip files to share, however when you do so an alert "The application/zip file format(s) are not supported". I suppose that means the forum doens't know how to do a proper embed of that file (which is fine, not a problem), however the file is still uploaded as expected. But some members are feeling this is an error and that their file didn't upload properly (even though it did). Is there a way to get rid of this alert? Thanks!
  6. Thank you, I will keep that in mind. For now I ended up adding the following custom CSS to do it: li[data-rowid="145141"] { background-color:#fcf7d7; }
  7. Sorry for the confusion, my mistake. I meant I would like to highlight only one specific topic (like on the screenshot), even when multiple topics are pinned.
  8. Thanks, however what I would like is to be able to highlight only one specific posts, even if I have multiple pinned ones. I suppose it's a feature request then.
  9. Wow!!! You're a freakin' genius @opentype 😆 Thank you so much!!! It works great.
  10. My goal is to promote my book by having a picture of my book in that area, perhaps a small amount of text to quickly describe the book (5 or 7 words) and have the whole thing link to my book page on my site. So this should apply only to my posts, and not to any other member on the forum.
  11. Ugh. 😞 I don't mind not easy, but is it even doable at all?
  12. Makes sense, great, I see that now, thanks! However, still no apparent way to create an image that's also a link, unless I'm missing something?
  13. I understand that, however my idea would be to give that permission only to the admin (me) if it was possible. Is there a way to add an image that is a link to another page on the site? I couldn't find that. Ok so there's no way to create a profile field only for the admin that won't exist for regular member?
  14. That's great, thanks! I was able to display it with a custom formatting. Is it possible to have a field be HTML content? Specifically I'm trying to have an image that is a link to another page. So something like <a href="page_URL"><img src="image_URL"></a> Is there a way to make a profile field (or a profile field group) available only to certain groups (or only to the admin)? I couldn't find permissions for profile fields.
  15. Is there a way to add content there (some text and image link) ? I suppose I'd have to mod the template but where do I start? Thanks!
  16. Wow that's unbelievable! I suppose everything has an end. I really appreciated your help during pre-sales and onboarding, and also how you animated the weekly events. You will be missed, I wish you the best for your new endeavors! 😄
  17. Ok so I believe this issue is now resolved - at least the emails no longer bounce. There's an important step missing from the Invision Community guide: you need to list the source domain, subdomain and emails you use to send emails to privaterelay.appleid.com in the Services tab of the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, or Apple won't recognize the emails and your notifications will bounce. The Invision Community guide should be updated to add that crucial information and ideally with updated screenshots to match the new UI of the Apple Developer portal. Go to the Services tab of the Certificates, Identifies & Profiles: Enter any domain, subdomain and email sources used for email communication with Apple's private relay service:
  18. I use Apple Mail for outgoing emails I send manually (no problem with those). I use SMTP on my server for notification emails sent by the board (no problem with those either). The issue is only with apple's privaterelay.appleid.com bouncing notification emails.
  19. I recently enabled Apple ID sign in to my Invision Community. Unfortunately, notification emails fail to be sent to members who which to hide their Apple ID email address from our community and are therefore using appleid privaterelay email. I looked it up and it looks like this could be due to a misconfiguration of the email? I read that "Developer has to register their domain with the Private Relay service else emails will get bounced." (source: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/649760) Here's the error in the bounced emails (sensitive data hidden), which states (at the end) that my email address is an unauthorized sender: This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: name-hidden@privaterelay.appleid.com host smtp2.privaterelay.appleid.com [IP-address-hidden] SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<dg2mr76cfx@privaterelay.appleid.com>: 550 IP-address-hidden <prvs=0298becc2e=info@logicprohelp.com>: unauthorized sender Reporting-MTA: dns; ldn-srv1.filteredmx.net Action: failed Final-Recipient: number-hidden@privaterelay.appleid.com Status: 5.0.0 Remote-MTA: dns; smtp2.privaterelay.appleid.com Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.1.1 <prvs=nunmber-hidden=my-email-address>: unauthorized sender
  20. Thanks for the help of the Invision team this issue was resolved and sign in with Apple ID is now functional on my site. 😄
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