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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. Ok... to be honest I'm not feeling 100% confident and that workflow scares me a bit. 🥵
  2. Ok I had a good look at the group promotion feature but I'm not sure how to go about this? I can create a new group named "Newly Registered", and set up a promotion rule to promote that group to "Members" after 1 post. However how do I set it up so that people who've just registered are in the group "Newly Registered" and not "Members"?
  3. There are also more intuitive ways to style a theme. See:
  4. Is there a way to watch video recording of older Invision Community zoom events?
  5. Great, thanks Daniel. Is there a way for me to unarchive all the archived topics? I didn't realize that moving to the Cloud would archive all those topics and I surely still want them showing up in search results. The user guide states that archiving "is a power-user option designed for communities with millions of posts and a long history" — my community is only 140k topics and 850k posts.
  6. Never mind, it ended up working! I suppose it takes about a minute.
  7. Hello, I am trying to unarchive a topic. I clicked the Moderation Actions drop down and chose "Unarchive". The topic still shows as archived. Now "Unarchive" is no longer displayed in the drop down.
  8. I love the design of the nice big green "Go to solution" button. Very easy to locate, obvious: I wish the design of the "Go to this post" link in a Recommended post pane was consistent with that design, easy to locate and obvious. Right now I feel this pane is confusing.: How about something more similar to the "Go to solution" with a nice big green "Go to this post" button at the bottom left instead? I'm no designer but I'm thinking something more like this:
  9. I'm not sure how you were doing this in XenForo but in Invision you can add custom CSS for individual elements in the file custom.css:
  10. I'm still hoping for an easy, elegant and native (no plug-ins) way to toggle dark/light mode on my Invision Community. Here's a toggle switch that is very elegant that hopefully will inspire the Invision Community designers:
  11. Thank you however that's not really what I was suggesting. That is still a list of titles. I wish there was a way to display a list of messages/comments without have to click a title before ou can read a message:
  12. For a long time I thought: "no wonder people prefer a Facebook group over my forum, the Facebook group is so much more active!" Now I realize it's not. It's just that Facebook doesn't show you the same boring list of topic titles with every visit. Instead, each time you go back to the page, it shows you something new, even if it's old content. So on the first visit you may see a question from 5mn ago, then if you go back in 5mn and there's no new activity, it will show you a question from 40mn ago, then if you go back one from 1 day ago etc. The fact that you see the (beginning of the) question right away, perhaps with a couple of answers already, makes it quick and easy to read and entice you to answer. I wonder if something similar could be implemented for the Invision Community forum?
  13. Ok thanks. It's very difficult to get information from members like that (I've just asked if the 403 were now resolved but he hasn't responded), but I'm going to assume that that was most likely the issue.
  14. All I've been able to gather is that that member is using a VPN. Maybe that's the issue?
  15. I'm not even sure what it is exactly to be honnest? I mean I do need a new member's first post to require approval to weed out the spammers, but then once they're approve I don't want the posters to require being moderated anymore. in phpBB this was handled by members being part of a moderated group named "Newly registered members" and once you had been approved one post you were automatically no longer part of that group and into the regular "Members" group that didn't require moderation, so that's the workflow I'm used to.
  16. When a new member posts a new topic or post, it requires approval. So far what I've been doing is approve the new post, then I have to go to their profile and remove them from the moderation queue. Is there a way to only have to approve their first post, then new members are automatically removed from the moderation queue?
  17. Hold on, I see that moderators do see that except for one (des99) who is part of the Moderator group but is also listed on his own in the moderator panel: If I click the little X on the right of des99, does that just remove his personal moderator settings? Because he's also part of the "Moderator" group (the one at the top), and I would like for him to have the same rights as every moderator in the "Moderator" group. I guess that "X" that just says "Delete" scares me because I wouldn't want to delete the user himself, obviously.
  18. They are moderators for all forums, however they are restricted because I don't want to give them all the moderation permissions.
  19. How do I allow moderators to approve new posts by newly registered members? Right now my moderators do not see this:
  20. Wow! Good to know, thanks, and I'm glad I asked this question. 🙂 Great, good to know. Thanks a lot.
  21. I see that renaming a forum topic handles redirects from the original topic to the new one under the hood. I'm wondering how the redirect is done exactly, what happens if I rename a topic multiple times, and if it can hurt SEO, or if I shouldn't worry about it?
  22. One of my members just reported getting 403 errors when accessing the site. How can I resolve this? Thanks!
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