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Posts posted by Meris4x4

  1. I meant everywhere not just in posts. I know of that setting you have mentioned but I believe I'm experiencing the lazy-ness when browsing forum index page and forum grid images show up just as I scroll just enough to see them appear. that's annoying.

  2. Thanks @Matt, I appreciate the link. nice features, next level-like.

    I plan to stay on self hosted version though and these small changes I've suggested would benefit all of us greatly I believe. It would be kind of you to include what's suggested here since nothing directly is related to what I suggested in the blog entry where self-hosted features were mentioned. 

    These suggestions would sort of bridge the gap a bit between advanced features of IC5 and current all-or-nothing- IPS4.

  3. There is this application but in IC5 something like that must become a part of the Core. 

    Bots that sneak thru the registration process is so annoying. What's more annoying - making all members links to be moderated. This is a no-go.

    IPS should allow to setup some rules where a member who has yet to have X no. of posts and be a member for Y amount of days to get his posts held up for moderation if they include links. Even EDITED posts for that matter. I see a common practice when bots or smartass spammers write a generally okay comment, wait until topic gets more replies then edits that post to something else and includes backlinks. Even when editing if link is present the post should be held for moderation.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage



    By default, IPS moderates links posted but it's all or nothing: all links from all members will be moderated (except those who can bypass word and link filters).

    This resource will add 3 new options when moderating links:

       - Number of content items
       - Number of days as member
       - Groups

    Use case: you can moderate all links from MEMBERS (user group) that has less than 30 days as a registered user in your board and a minimum of 5 posts.



  4. Make a latest event widget include the picture of the event. Now all widgets that I can find do not show event images... which is suitable when community is not build around events.. or at least events is not a big part of it.

    It would be great to have widget looking just like now the Events of the month are shown in Events index page on Browse By Month widget.

  5. I noticed a bug where month names are not translated on front-end even though phrases are set to translate them. I even changed browser language and that did not change anything (though its not a solution by any means).

    My community has only one language and it's not English. I care not for any other languages.

    I need a solution to display it the language that is set by translation locale permanently. 


    Could contain: Page, Text, File

  6. Hello, when creating a gallery category there is no way to set a category cover for it. It is only possible from what I discovered by creating said category. Then creating an album, uploading the cover image as a picture and set it as a category cover then HIDE the album. Way too complicated.

    A picture that should be a category cover does not mean it should be a part of an album inside it.

    Just like you allow to set covers for Forums - do the same for Gallery categories. Thank you.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


      Please try again, details updated.

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