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  1. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from CiberBob in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    What's New in Version 1.0.1
    New Features
    Add background color for slides Add logo for dark and light themes Compatible with PHP8 Fixed :
    CTA Enable / Disable 
  2. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from CiberBob in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Please use this topic for support request or suggest new ideas.
  3. Thanks
    ReyDev reacted to DawPi in PAID : Box to search forum   
    there is something like this already:
  4. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from Madal in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    it'll appear when you scroll down 
    I will check it out
    i'll fix it in the next version. for now use the top|center position plz
  5. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from Madal in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Hi @Madal
    did you try this option ?
    (RD) Slideshow -> Mobile - Height (px) 

    In general, in the standard design of a template, we have to have different images for desktop and mobile (due to their different size and orientation), so in the next version, I will add an option for this.
  6. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from Madal in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    I'll definitely add this in the next version as i said.

    thanks for reporting it
  7. Agree
    ReyDev got a reaction from Hisashi in Story [Support Topic]   
    What's New in Version 1.1.3  
    Allow groups to edit stories Ability to Enable/Disable multiple files uploading  Specify Maximum number of files that can be uploaded Ability to edit Title and link of stories Optimize style of the `Add story` button in widget header (mobile devices)
  8. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from Greek76 in Forum Collection [Support Topic]   
    Regarding this error, I can say that it can have various causes. Considering that we have not had such an error about this app so far, it seemed to me that the problem should be solved by reinstalling. Of course, I came across with this error when updating IPS to 4.6.8, and my problem was solved by reinstalling, and for this reason, I suggested this as the first solution (#S1). so reporting the error was best way that you did. thanks
  9. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from Greek76 in Forum Collection [Support Topic]   
    thanks for your reply. 
    sometimes it happens because the files don't extract well.
  10. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from Greek76 in Forum Collection [Support Topic]   
    Hi @Greek76
    don't you have the issue when the app is disabled?
    Did you disable the Forum app by the chance?
    #S1-> uninstall and remove the app then download and install again and let me know.
  11. Thanks
    ReyDev reacted to HDiddy in Story [Support Topic]   
    For #2 I was thinking around the use case of you published a story and made a spelling mistake or forgot to add a link.  So a small edit Window.  I've seen some sites do edit windows on comments for maybe 3 minutes, which is the time users have to make changes before it is final.  Just a thought though.  In the end it is not some earth shattering feature. LOL
    Also I managed to fix the "bug" myself.  To give you some detail in case it happens to anyone else...
    This is what we were getting when accessing a members stories from their member profile.  Works fine everywhere else but here is where it blanks out.

    The fix in our case was changing the storage location in files for Stories to our 3rd Party S3 provider, Vultr.  It was set to the default Amazon storage container.  My assumption is that Stories by default will upload images to whatever is the default location for post.  However the url for the button on the profile might be set to pull the storage location as set in the Files menu in ACP.  You will need to confirm if my assumption is correct.  But as is well now.
  12. Thanks
    ReyDev reacted to HDiddy in Story [Support Topic]   
    Great app,
    Was waiting for a few versions to clear out the initial bugs before we purchased but very nicely done. That said a few things.
    I am really only experiencing one bug.  That is when I view a member's story from their profile, the images seem to be broken. Not sure why but it only occurs when viewing from their profile.
    Feature Suggestions:
    Ability to resize the icon on the widget and have the option to just use the members avatar or the picture from the story. Ability to edit a story within a specific period of time after it has been published.  Maybe 20 Minutes or so in case you make a mistake Ability to add more than one image to a story at once.  Maybe add up to a max of 5 images that can be ACP configurable Is there a way to show on the Activity Feed that someone has posted a story?
  13. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from zelgadis in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Add this code in MISC -> Custom css for now:
    .ipsDataItem_subList li.ipsDataItem_unread > a > span > i.fa-circle { display:none; }  
    I'll fix it in the next version. 

    @zelgadis Thanks for all things that you mentioned.
  14. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from zelgadis in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Sure, i've added an option to manage this feature.
    BTW, please tell me what is your website URL so i can check it out and maybe find a solution and fix it before the new version because in LAXERI theme we have an option to fix issues like this and some custom changes for you. so i guess i can manage it before the next version.
  15. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from zelgadis in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    I'll add this ability in the next version
    but for now use this structure :
    html.dark-theme [your-element-selector] { /* CSS properties for DARK theme */ } html.light-theme [your-element-selector] { /* CSS properties for LIGHT theme */ }  
  16. Thanks
    ReyDev got a reaction from zelgadis in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    i've fixed this and we'll have in the next version. but for now you can add this code in the MISC -> Custom CSS 
    ol[data-role="forums"] ul.ipsDataItem_subList { justify-content: start!important; }

    I'll check it out and get back to you.
  17. Like
    ReyDev reacted to OctoDev in Product Reviews [Support Topic]   
    Awesome product, sponsored it so he could make it. So much better than the other alternatives.
  18. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from OctoDev in Product Reviews [Support Topic]   
    This app allows you to add product reviews everywhere you want as a widget and show product reviews by Random or Specific Product(s) as a Slideshow(carousel), using tons of customization options. let's take a look at the options.
    Please use this topic for support request or suggest new ideas.
  19. Thanks
    ReyDev reacted to IveLeft... in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Check your PM's
  20. Like
    ReyDev reacted to kmk in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Another idea about slider of the header... 
    1. If it show on front all time when open a page or reload website, is nightmare for user experience. 
    2. But at the sametime the content creation or website traffic after all need ads exposure to brind income. 
    I would like have a sliders feature works as well with below descriptions:
    A. When open home page, it is fine like current state. As first time into a website, will be fine to see the sliders on front view. 

    B. When open the content, the content will be shown from the middle of the screen, leaving the top middle screen to show sliders as ads.
    This use of the screen size will be fine, because it not blocking the content by the sliders, when user scroll the screen to read more content, the sliders block should be hided completely. 

  21. Thanks
    ReyDev reacted to kmk in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    1. Is possible give option to move the plus icon to the same bar level? I would like leave the center space for reading purpose than just show an icon out of the normal style. 
    2. Is possible hide the "Start Topic" button from the original design? The theme is so cool, so many modern elements added, but some traditional ips design I would like have options to change it with this cool theme. 
    3. So we have 2 places where show menus, buttom and top. Is possible in the top only show site logo (then as slider shows others banner ads too), all menu moving to buttom, where will result just with one hand and one finger sufficient to handle the navigation. 
  22. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from kmk in LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]   
    Hi @kmk

    All those ideas are very good. I may not be able to put them all in the next version, but they will definitely be added in later versions. In the meantime, good updates are on the way. Any ideas you have please share. thank you

    Thanks for your ideas. It is practical as always🙂
  23. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from Roboko in Localhost developer installation   
    you should add  -TESTINSTALL at the end of license key !
  24. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from kmk in Menu PLUS [Support Topic]   
    Rest assured, if the problem was on my side, I would solve it. I said the solution, but you wrote about the author of your theme that he does not accept.
    Please take a look at the previous posts of the other clients in this thread and see see how I handled the problems. I have solved them all.
    I have published a theme in this market and I have considered this issue and I can share it with others to solve the problem.
    I just want to solve your problem.

  25. Like
    ReyDev got a reaction from kmk in Menu PLUS [Support Topic]   
    I just talked about the problem and the solution, and almost all of my clients can confirm that I'm always ready to solve the problem. I'm ready to talk about implementation problems with other devs . I can assure you that money is not my first priority. If was, I would not be working in this market.
    If you encounter a problem, I welcome it and do my best to solve it asap. 

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