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Everything posted by BankFodder

  1. Thanks. That's what I'm trying to do at the moment. The only one which changes anything as far as I can tell you're one which requires a certain number of posts in order to send a message. I've tried disabling but I'm still getting the same error
  2. The error message which is being generated is still continuing This is an error message which was generated after I logged in as an ordinary user and tried to send a single message
  3. Hi, does anyone have this problem before I put it in for a support ticket. We've had a couple of instances now of people trying to send messages using the PM system but in fact it generates multiple messages – may be as many as 10 – including an error message saying that you can only send one message per minute.
  4. Is this legitimate? When I bought sticky notes for our forum over a year ago, it turned out that the site that I bought it from was in fact selling pirate copies. So how do we know this is legitimate? @TheJackal84
  5. Flag it up to the developer - he will understand it better than me
  6. Sorry, I should have come back some time ago. The developer very kindly came up with this solution In the meta data
  7. Error message when editing keyword tooltips. The keywords application is working very well – except that we have just discovered this problem, when you go to an existing keyword and want to edit it, you get the message below this means that you can create the new keyword – but you can't then go in later on and change anything or add further keywords.
  8. I'm sure I'm going to fall in love with it and want to marry it
  9. Sorry but I don't really understand what you're saying. We have FAQs in various places in our sub- forums, but they don't work as accordions. Your accordion function is what is very attractive and what I would like to incorporate into our FAQs
  10. I really don't know I don't know anything about this kind of thing. I imagined that underlying the question-and-answer accordion they would be underlying code – a bit like HTML which could be pasted into a post and that would produce a working accordion which could be accessed by all who were entitled to visit that particular sub- forum.
  11. That's great news. Do you have any timescale for this? Is it not possible to prepare a question and answer accordion, and then to take the code for it and place it directly into a post?
  12. Also I agree with @Unlucky that HTML would be very useful - and images as well (I'll bet you wish you had never started it!!!)
  13. Hi, thanks for your very quick response. I'm afraid group permissions don't do it because it still means that the accordion will be visible on pretty well every page. Apart from the fact that this gets in the way of other information, so means that the information doesn't appear in its proper context. Also, we have lots of FAQs on lots of different topics. You can probably imagine at least 20. These different FAQs appear in different places on the forum according to the context. What you are suggesting would mean that all 20 FAQs would be visible at any one time on any particular page. This will become so cluttered and so confusing as to be unmanageable. They would displace all sorts of other things – including advertising, Twitter feeds – and other information We absolutely need to be able to place each FAQ in its proper place so that it is in its context and not part of a huge encyclopaedia of FAQs. Also, as I've suggested, what will be really ideal would be to open up a new post and then to be able to paste an accordion into it by means of some code. I don't know if the Invision structure will allow this – and maybe this would be a much more difficult result to achieve – but this would certainly make your FAQs perfect. Anyway, at the very least be able to allocate one particular viewing area for each FAQ.
  14. Also, I need some specific help. I thought I understood it completely – but I don't. I'm trying to put a set of questions and answers in one particular place in a sub- forum – not in the margin – but on the page itself – and it seems to be appearing everywhere. I want it specifically just in a sub- forum and not visible anywhere else. Is that possible? I'm a bit worried because if it's not possible then we're going to find it very difficult to use this. Most of our FAQs are in particular places in subject specific sub- forums I think this means that not only have we got be able to decide which groups have access to it but also in which sub- forums the FAQs should be placed
  15. Hi, first of all thanks for this. Frankly I think it's long overdue – I'm amazed that there hasn't been any question answer type of provision on the basic forum platform and it's great that you have come along and started to address this problem. I'm finding it a little bit complicated to work my way round – but I will get to understand it as we go along. One thing which would be extremely useful would be to have a space at the top where one could put an introduction. At the moment, you simply launch into questions and answers – and it doesn't seem possible in the normal format of the forum to have an area above the questions and answers where there is an introduction. Would it be possible to include an area – below the title – where one could introduce and explain what the questions and answers for. What I have in mind for instance is this introduction: And then followed by the questions and answers: Sorry to start being picky and choosy just as soon as you've uploaded it – but it really looks as if it's got great potential.
  16. I don't know where anyone gets this from. It would be ridiculous and quite childish to imagine that Invision is simply trying to alienate people. I'd love to know where this has been said. Maybe somebody can give us a source link please
  17. Sorry Matt, but I've seen quite a few instances now where you have tended simply to pronounce that you don't think that something is useful or that it has an undesirable effect and that seems to be the justification removing certain features to the extent of depriving your customers of – Choice We've been down this road before and you know what I'm talking about. I don't see what is wrong with providing – Choice – and allowing your customers to decide how they want to run their own forums.
  18. Well it is an excellent plug-in and I hope that the problem, whatever it is, get sorted out for the sake of other forum administrators
  19. Okay, it sorted. There is a setting in the admin CP – profiles
  20. I was two or three people about this – everyone seems to think it's a good idea but they are too busy to deal with it. Anyone else?
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