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My Sharona

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by My Sharona

  1. I do not know what version of PHP I am on currently, as within the 'Get Support' it is not listed. I would guess though that being 4.7.1, I am PHP 7.4. That aside, if I am understanding you correctly here... If the compatibility checker disables certain plugins, I can reenable them and they will work? Running they will work as presently on 4.7.1?
  2. This isn't much of a starter. In order to utilize the utility, I would have to upgrade to Then, if the utility decides that the plugin isn't compatible, I'm stuck with a broken website. Not something I am willing to do at present. Of course, come a date in November, being a CiC customer, I will certainly have no choice. I'm not blaming IPS at all here. I understand that things are evolving and that PHP 7.x is end of life, so the pain will come at some point. I guess what I am hoping for before that drop dead date arrives, is that there will be some way to gauge whether or not a plugin is compatible without breaking my website by upgrading at which point I would be stuck, regardless.
  3. Utilizing a file share image works well for when no image is selected/uploaded to social media. It would be nice if there was a hook to utilize the file share image within 'Our Picks' block. Currently, if no image is uploaded or selected, the block displays a blank space where an image would be. TYIA for your consideration.
  4. So.. subsequent questions arise. How do I know if a Marketplace file is compatible with PHP 8.0? Example: If I go directly to the file, and it states: Compatibility 4.6,4.7 Yet we see reports in support threads that it is not compatible. How are we supposed to know whether or not it works correctly and is actually compatible? Should it state that it is "compatible with" or possibly "compatible with PHP 8.0?" Additionally, we see that the authors of some mods have submitted an update that was accepted but is throwing errors? What is one to think, know and/or do with all the confusion that abounds?
  5. Oye. So... I guess the wording of the OP should probably be changed slightly as, I am a CiC customer and I do have something to worry about. I suspect the upset we have seen to this point is nothing compared to what will be seen when it is forced.
  6. Okay, so I'm slightly confused here. You indicated that as Matt said, I have nothing to worry about. Now, from the wording of your latest reply, it would seem that that is not entirely the case. Again, I will ask... Will CiC customers be forced to PHP 8.x come November and thusly breaking these mods that currently do not work well with PHP 8.x?
  7. Thank you. I know Matt said not to worry but I didn't see the specific query addressed. My concern are mods that don't seem to be working well with PHP8.x and/or the newer 4.7.2.x.
  8. Noobish question here... For those of us on the CiC, does this mean we will automatically be upgraded to PHP8.0? What about the software version, will we be required to upgrade to a minimum of
  9. Publish and Unlock time should act independent from one another. Otherwise, there is no sense to having two different settings. Unfortunately, they do not. Adjust either one and the other is synced.
  10. Thanks Randy, much appreciated. So, if I am understanding what you are saying here is that... even though the advert is only taking a quarter of a second to load (and continually loading it would seem), it stops all (most?) other aspects of the site from loading while this is going on, correct?
  11. Thank you. There are instances where it is desirable to be able to edit the thread post. If you want it synced, you would then merely edit the record.
  12. At what point (software upgrade) was the ability to edit the forum thread of a 'record' eliminated? I used to be able to edit the thread independent of the record (thread edits would not affect the record), but have just discovered that this is no longer possible. Why was this ability removed?
  13. Greetings. I hope I'm in the right sub here... I often analyze my site's speed with either, Lighthouse or GT Metrix. Since adding a new form of advertisement, I have noticed that, according to either of the previously mentioned analytic tools, complete page load times are ridiculously long. They are still interactive well before complete page load but it is concerning that, according to those metric tools, the page isn't completely loaded for an extreme period of time. If I remove the advertisement, the page loads considerably fast for the IPS product that it is. I mentioned this to the advertisement provider and they said they would have their devs look into it. They responded with a HAR file that stated the Advertisement loaded in 258ms. I don't have any experience with the HAR tool and I'm not sure what to make of it so I thought to ask here and hopefully someone will be able to lend insight. As such I guess, if i am understanding things correctly here, I am wondering why the discrepancy between the two/three different metric tools? Any insight given will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Yes, thank you. @Andy Millne, thank you as well sir! Again, thank you and I do apologize for my saltiness. You have to understand though that I witnessed the demise of vBulletin. It was tragic to be a part of and witness the decline of what was once preeminent. Please don't ever let that happen to you guys. You have the best product out there, keep it that way.
  15. I don't know if related or not but two days ago a user reported that when signing into the site, they are getting a 403 page 'Generated by Cloudfront.' User additionally states that if they pause their VPN, they can get past the login and if unpausing it, they can function on site as normal. They also stated that this has been going on for about a week maybe longer. FYI, I upgraded to 4.7.1 on August 31st.
  16. Thank you sir, much appreciated. I am OOO during the day so no availability here but will check the email regularly.
  17. Yes I'm frustrated. I am mad at myself because I don't ever upgrade until I am confidently satisfied that issues with a release, that has gone through betas and should be safe to upgrade upon release but never is, have been addressed and it is safe to upgrade. Shame on me for being fooled. There is a lesson in all of this though... and that is that after I get the next stable version, it will be a looooong time before I upgrade again. I read that other thread and your solution is akin to a non-starter is it not? Your solution is to allow for the plugins to be activated by the end user but if they are still breaking the site, what good does activating them do? I have to admit that I am laughing a bit here because of the incredulity of the offered solution. Am I misunderstanding the solution IPS has offered? Honestly, there is no need to respond. Nothing is going to change. My broken site won't be fixed unless I upgrade and by upgrading, other aspects will break. WOW, what options I have! The site is slightly broken and the offered solution is to break it in other places to fix what is currently broken. :facepalm:
  18. @opentype Again, I hate to ask but is this compatible with 4.7.2?
  19. @opentype I hate to ask but... is this being made compatible with 4.7.2? TYIA
  20. Much appreciated, sorry for the unnecessary headache.
  21. WHAT? Are you -deleted what I really wanted to say here- kidding me? This borders on unacceptable. I can't upgrade because your latest greatest will break other aspects and my site is currently broken because of a bad design in 4.7.1 and all you have to offer is, "we will need to pause then till you are willing to upgrade? I mean... really? Can you roll my site back to 4.7.0 with out losing any existing content? Oye! What is happening to IPS?
  22. No. Your latest, greatest will break my site. I never, ever upgrade until all issues are ironed out. Upgrading is simply out of the question at this point. Where is the topic I started then? It looks like it was merged here: Why was it merged? I couldn't find it [color me mystified].
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