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Sovereign Grace Singles

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Sovereign Grace Singles

  1. Yes, 08/15/2014. I am able to FTP and make changes to the conf_global.php file. My site was created in 2014 however we migrated to IPS last April.
  2. Running into an error. The reason I need to change the join date is because an old account was merged into the new account after my board's creation. Seems the plugin doesn't like the fact that I'm trying to create a join date before the board's creation. I need the join date to be 08/15/2014.
  3. Indeed it is fixed. Thank you very much!
  4. I'm having a compatibility issue with the NewsLetter application. Seems a language string is missing from Videos. UnderflowException: lang_not_exists__videos_comments (0) #0 /home/religio9/public_html/applications/newsletters/extensions/newsletters/NewsletterContent/Comment.php(71): IPS\_Lang->get('videos_comments') #1 /home/religio9/public_html/applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Content.php(141): IPS\newsletters\extensions\newsletters\NewsletterContent\_Comment::getClasses() #2 /home/religio9/public_html/applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Content.php(168): IPS\newsletters\Newsletter\_Content->extension() #3 /home/religio9/public_html/applications/newsletters/modules/admin/newsletters/content.php(209): IPS\newsletters\Newsletter\_Content->formElements(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form)) #4 /home/religio9/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\newsletters\modules\admin\newsletters\_content->edit() #5 /home/religio9/public_html/applications/newsletters/modules/admin/newsletters/content.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/religio9/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\newsletters\modules\admin\newsletters\_content->execute() #7 /home/religio9/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
  5. No I do not. With the video application enabled I cannot even preview the newsletter now. Unless I disable the Video application the following errors display. I've wrote the developer for the video application and await his support. Just thought I'd run this by you too: UnderflowException: lang_not_exists__videos_comments (0)
  6. Note, I receive the error: 4C124/6 lang_not_exists__videos_comments When I disable the Video application the News Letter distributions runs in tasks successfully. Odd, this wasn't a problem until last update.
  7. After the latest update I noticed this morning that the scheduled News Letter was not distributed. The Admincp had a warning about News Letters being "tasked locked". Obviously an issue?
  8. When a cookie notification to guest is displayed >> admincp >> Terms and Privacy Policy >>> Show terms of service confirmation bar to Guests? The cookie warning window which has the button to "accept" doesn't fit on mobile. Is there a temporary way through custom css to fix this or an update that can be made? The window is much wider than the display screen and partially hidden so that it cannot be read:
  9. Note: I edited the XML (then reuploaded it) and just replaced the two instances for medium with mini regarding the avatar sizes. Now it looks like it is a matter of CSS. to get rid of some of the wasted spacing. .EFV_avatar { height: 0 !important; } You can see here the results: https://www.christforums.com/forum/58-bible-inspiration-and-translations/
  10. I'd like an option for smaller avatars so the spacing issue isn't so apparent.
  11. I noticed in the latest update that a single slide does not repeat sliding. Just like to compliment you Taman on this as I use a single slide for signed in members and multiple slides for guests. Great job, I love this theme!
  12. Hi Opentype, Do you have a demo? I think if I understand your product that you have implemented what I had on my homepage forums: https://www.christforums.com/ The avatars were removed and the last column that displayed last post information etc? If what you made will make my Behemouth template look the same but way of plugin rather than stripping code etc from forum templates I'll purchase your product. Thanks in advance for answering my questions. CF Note: I purchased it for the big avatars in topic listing. I already modded my home page but in the future I think this may be a time saver if I run multiple templates.
  13. Why is it that my current version shows 2.0.8 but newest download is 2.0.7? Am I special?
  14. Impressive knowledge of your product and Invision! It worked. Thanks!
  15. Any way I could also get the patch to full size the videos?
  16. Same error: 1S111/1 Class IPS\links\setup\upg_500032\Upgrade could not be loaded. Ensure it has been properly prefixed with an underscore and is in the correct namespace.
  17. I have the same issue with Screenshotmachine.
  18. @TheJackal84 resolved the issue for me and quickly. You may want to private message him to be sure he sees your support issue. If memory serves correctly he ran a mysql query which resolved the problem.
  19. From admincp when I edit my or anyone else profile/account preferences etc I get the following error with Stickynotes enabled. When disable the error ceases:
  20. Ah, that explains it. Since I have a non existent issue there is no need for hired services or even recommendation for an added feature to better the product. No problem (no pun intended), I yield to your logic.
  21. I have a question on an issue I am facing since a couple of Behemoth updates ago. The then available header image was removed but one can steer around the lack of by creating a slide in the slider. Here's my issue. I have slide 1,2,4 for example displayed to groups A. Once signed in only slide 3 is seen to groups B. The problem is that slide 3 slides or rotates to itself. So all signed in members of groups B are reading it is distracting by sliding to nothing more than another view of itself. Is there a way or modifications that can be performed that since there is only one slide 3 appearing to groups B that it will remain static and not distract by sliding? And at the same time allow for the sliding action of the slider for slides 1, 2, 4 of groups A? I'd like to have the option that if one slide exists than the slide should not rotate in front of group B.
  22. Don't know what's going on but I updated to latest and the application still shows there is an update available. I tried clearing the site cache but it still shows this:
  23. Seems this plugin doesn't work with the OP. I was able to create a thread with just one character when the minimum words were set at 10. However, the warning does show up in responses which require 10 words in "responses" to the OP. Recommendation: It would be also nice if one could set a global forum requirement instead of having to set each forum and sub forum independently. This was excruciating on a forum with lots of forums and sub-forums.
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