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Posts posted by HappyNewUser

  1. 20 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You can order them within the admin CP to whatever order you choose, using drag/drop

    Yes, I know that as an Admin I can arrange the order myself.
    However, if users can add places / venues themselves, I would have to check the list several times every day and set it up from the beginning.
    It is impossible.
    I thought that maybe it is enough to change the options for displaying the list on the page, e.g. in alphabetical order. This solves the problem with manually arranging and sorting the list.

  2. I am considering choosing this plugin.

    I would like to see working pages (or demo) and not just photos.

    Please include links to sites that use this plugin?


    Thank you.

  3. I think you are writing about this supplement

    There is also the Maps option and there are also venues

    Yes, places = venues.

    Too bad you can't choose venues.

    City, state / region.

    Probably not only we have many cities in a given region, but each one has a party or venues.


    But it still helps.

    Thank you

  4. Thank you for your response.

    There is actually an option to browse by places;) I didn't notice it.

    There is still the question of option 2 and adding additional information options to the places you own.

    Can only admin add places?

    Can users add new places by adding an event to the calendar themselves?

  5. The calendar is a very useful thing.

    However, we are missing a few simple elements.

    1. Since you can add venues/places where a given event takes place, can you find a list of these venues somewhere?
    Today, the user can enter the calendar and view events, e.g. for a given day.
    Where can I see events at a given location/venues?
    I choose a city and there should be a list of events in that city.
    How to do it?

    2. How to spread the present description of venues?
    There is only an address.
    How can this be extended to e.g. additional data?
    Phone number, e-mail, location (ex: on google maps), logo, link to their website?

    I know the add-on to

    @Adriano Faria

    however, these options are not there? Maybe an idea for new options;)?

  6. Can anyone link to live sites that use this plugin?

    Description and photos are one thing, but I would also like to see working examples

    (because you can't get demo access here, which would help a lot)

    Thank you.

  7. Hello

    I would like to sell courses and mini-guides (not books).

    Is there any idea or method to prevent copying eg DRM (Digital Rights Management) or Watermark build an ecommerce app in IPS?


    Even if such an item is shared, you can easily track which user did it.

  8. 1 hour ago, stoo2000 said:

    It wasn't popular enough for me to keep supporting it though.

    What a pity ;(
    How much did the plug cost?


    I know I can buy a new disk or server space cheaply, but heavier images aren't a good thing.

    I would prefer to optimize it so that the website loads faster.



    @stoo2000 take a look at the links, pages are down 😞 

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  9. 14 hours ago, opentype said:

    Just to be sure this doesn’t get overlooked: The software does control size and compression already, just not in a highly optimized way. 

    Thanks for the answers.

    Found such an old thread



    How was your experience, did you manage to implement anything?


    There are several tools and solutions but I can't code 😞

    API: https://tinypng.com/developers




    I don't want to restrict the user, he needs to have a simple and quick way to add photos and not edit, reduce size or weight before adding them.

    This should be done by the forum after adding acc. some administrator settings.

    I have to find a solution.

  10. Hello

    It's a fact that the average web page keeps getting heavier.

    Users have more and more new phones with new features and their photos and files are getting bigger and heavier.

    Is there any option to set image optimization?
    User adds a picture to the post, but before the picture is displayed, there is automatic optimization and image compression?
    Are there plugins for any services that optimize on the fly or on-line?

    Thank you for your help.

  11. Hello

    On our forum, I would like users to be able to post ads and auctions as well as buy and sell their stuff.
    I am looking for a solution.
    I only searched for Classifieds System but there aren't a few options that I am looking for.


    For example, I am looking for the possibility of searching in the current advertisements, adding a group of filters that I can set myself.

    I would also like to be able to choose whether the completed ads can be archived or disappear from the list.

    I am also looking for a possibility for the user to be able to buy additional marking of his auctions that will make them stand out from the crowd.

    I would like partners to be able to add a lot of advertisements in bulk (e.g. shops) and not one at a time.


    Can you recommend another plugin or plugin extensions?

    Thank you for your help.

  12. Thank you for your answer.

    1. Is it possible to limit the access to the displayed data?
    Standard account, guest - sees the advertisement but without the address and data of the issuer. He can't buy, but he sees.
    Paid account or selected groups - sees everything together with the issuer's data and has the option of contact and purchase

    2. Is it possible to import more products at once?
    Offer for partner stores that have e.g. 100 ads for sale and do not want to add 100 ads separately.
    Can I import from a user or administrator position?


    Is a demo available somewhere (Admin / user)?

  13. 5 minutes ago, leonovich_J said:

    Yes, used tags

    Thank you for your answer.
    However, the defined fields must be filled in by the user and tags may or may not be added. So tags are not a good way to filter and find your ad.

    Is a demo available somewhere (Admin / user)?

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