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  1. The theme stuff I believe is set by a few lines of javascript before the reCaptcha is initiated. You could, technically, but this javascript in the wrapper. That way any page with a reCaptcha would have the new theme settings.
  2. I think vBulletin simply uses a forum category for reports, or maybe that was another forum software? At any rate, a forum doesn't cut it. Why? Because the Report Center has a variety of status's that weights the reports by how many reports a particular post has got, and how old the report is (all customizable). It also separates the actual reports from the comments. I've done the research and field testing to prove it. To be quite honest, all moderator discussions should either be comments in a report, or comments under the user account through the warning panel. If an extensive discussion needs to take place regarding a particular member, then a topic could be created in the moderator forum (although I would suggest linking that topic to the user in the warning panel). The idea behind the report center is to allow moderators to work together more efficiently. Downgrading to a forum would be going backwards. I do agree that improvements should be made. For instance a search would be very useful. Keeping track of read/unread reports would be nice as well, although the status are really what's important - if something isn't marked completed, it should be. But for comments or new reports, I see how that can be needed. You can already customize what status's are considered "new" to be in the number. Adding the ability to rep moderators... Don't see the use in it myself. One thing I think would be useful: Show reports in line with the comments in the warning center. That way you could see what comments were made by a moderator about a particular member, and see topics/posts of theirs that was reported with the current status. Would give a moderator a more clearer "history" of a member. Perhaps when a moderator creates a topic regarding a particular member there could be a box to type in a member name to link that topic of discussion to the warning panel. I *think* you can also make comments in the warning panel without adjusting the warning level as well, but I'm not sure.
  3. Currently you have the ability to ignore someone's posts and ignore someone's personal conversations. I believe if you ignore someone in personal conversations, they can't send you one. What I would like to see is a couple options to expand the ignore posting part. 1) An option to forbid a user from posting in your topics. 2) An option to either completely hide a post from view (as in no "This user has posted. Do you want to see it anyway?"), or make it much more condensed. The purpose of ignoring a particular user is that you get annoyed by their posts. But that annoyance still remains even if you can't see what they posted but know they posted in line with the rest of the posts. I know there has been some comments about this like "What if someone else was replying to this person and it caused confusion". Well in this case how about something near the top of the topic out of the line of posts that says "X posts hidden". I can see it, skip past it, and half-way forget about it when I start reading. Essentially don't give me a reason to click on "read it anyway" because if it's in line with the posts, I'm more likely to do so, thus making the ignore feature useless.The whole point of this is -- please make this not inline. It defeats the purpose of ignoring posts.
  4. *cough* do it for 3.1 *cough*
  5. What happens when the customer replies to the ticket? Does the weight of sorting change at all?
  6. Given that there is an option to prevent tags from being parsed within a set of tags, wouldn't that mean that tags are processed in the order of nesting, meaning that they wouldn't be parsed yet?
  7. Fair enough. I do believe the "MEMORY" engine is different than the "HEAP" engine which is what you would have used back then. The "MEMORY" table is supposed to have everything loaded in ram, so I don't know why there would be any table locks as nothing is actually written to disk. The only thing I can think of is perhaps there were too many rows that were inactive and it wrote to disk temporarily... but fixing that may be a simple matter of configuring the table differently than the engine defaults (I think that's correct?).
  8. Isn't the quote tag run through a plugin? I'm pretty sure that it is given that there is an option to strip out sub-quoted items. Assuming that it is, couldn't you do something along the lines of this to the content inside the quote tag that's passed to the plugin: $content = str_ireplace(array('[media]', '[/media]', '[img]', '[/img]'), '', $content); That way when the quote plugin returns the contents there are no media and img tags to parse further. And the only thing left behind are the links between media and img.
  9. You know what else would be neat: 1) Have the media tag show a link within a quote. 2) Have img tags and uploaded images show a link or icon that you click to show the image (image doesn't load by default, but loads when clicked). That way images that get quoted don't get in the way.
  10. After you choose which PHP version you want to compile you need to scroll to the bottom and click "Exhaustive Options List". From there un-check suPHP and then check "Mod FCGID" and "Fastcgi" (first is under Apache, second is under PHP). Then at the end of the build choose fasgcgi as the way PHP connects to Apache. cPanel automatically uses suExec to set each account to use their user, so there is no need for suPHP. If you do not have it make sure that cPanel is up to date. I'm using v11.24.5. There are several options like "Update Server Software", "Update System Software", and "Upgrade to Latest Version" (you'd run the latest version update last).
  11. Wouldn't you want your sessions table to be using the MEMORY instead? InnoDB may be a better option in some regard, but for all of the above MEMORY is the way to go when the information is temporary (info stored doesn't survive a reboot). I would also recommend FastCGI + suExec vs. mod_php + suPHP as I believe suExec is more secure, and FastCGI is more resource friendly. On shared enviroments you have to use a wrapper script for PHP because of the tight restrictions with suExec.... but if you're running a single site it's not that big of a deal. I've also heard great things about lightHTTP (also supports fastcgi) vs Apache, although I've had no experience with it. I've seen some benchmarks where lightHTTP outperformed Apache at a fairly high margin. But because of the experience I have with Apache, I'm sticking with it unless I really have the need or there is a feature that trumps Apache in a huge way.
  12. The year on the date of birth became optional in IPB 3. So it'll show someone's birthday without showing their age now (finally).
  13. How are you importing the database? Sounds like a timeout.
  14. I compile everything from source. The only thing I don't compile is MySQL only because the repositories are close enough to what everyone else uses, and it's easy to update when I need to. But Apache, PHP, etc.... Easy enough for me to download the latest sources and compile. I do like cPanel and EasyApache as I can grab the latest of what I need (usually) and compile it all with a few clicks. But sometimes having the raw power of compiling your own stuff is just very helpful.
  15. As in the other topic I would recommend fcgi over mod_php, which uses Apache's suExec, which does pretty much the same job as suPHP.
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