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Posts posted by Fosters

  1. That’s a great idea . I guess it shouldn’t be too hard to strip out the quotes before this app counts the content but I can’t promise it yet and we’re really really busy with other stuff so we’ll not be able to test this idea before October . But it’s really really an amazing idea and I’ve put it high priority on my list..

    Remove quotes, emojis, attachments and count only the remaining chars 

  2. Why couldn't you just set up 3 rules:

    1. rule after 30 days: Hey, we miss you

    2. rule after 60 days: Hey, not sure if you missed the first email which we sent you 30 days ago,.. get back to us.. If you don't get back in the next 30 days we'll delete your account.

    3. rule after 90 days: account deletion.


    And to avoid any issues, I would probably create rule 1 today, rule 2 in 29 days and rule 3 ( deletion ) in 90 days.

  3. 3 minutes ago, gavpedz said:

    So If you can only really have one email rule then would my 30 day rule run every 30 days a member is inactive? 

    No. If the rule is 30 days, they'll get an email if they weren't online for 30 or more days but not again after another 30 days timeframe.

    Just to clarify how this application works:
    Each rule initializes a background task which iterates over all members which haven't logged in for X days (based on the rule), then it checks if the email was sent already, if not, it sends the email and logs that the email was sent, so they'll never get the same email more then once.


  4. 12 minutes ago, gavpedz said:

    For example i also want a rule to send members that have been inactive for 3 years an email saying they might loose their account etc. The problem is that users will also get the 30 day inactivity email and it just leads to confusion and frustration for the users which is not what i am trying to acheive here. 


    Yea, that's the problem;) Somebody who was inactive for 3 year, was also inactive for 30 days, so all rules would apply here and all emails would be sent out and I can't think of any solution how this could be changed.

    I guess I could add some further logic here, where one would have to setup rules dependencies.. Something like:

    Rule 1: 7 days

    Rule2: 30 days

    Rule4: 3 years.


    Then you could configure rule 1  to ONLY be triggered if rule2 or rule 4 doesn't apply to this member.
    Rule 2 should only be triggered if Rule 1 was run and rule 4 NOT.


    Any better idea?:)

  5. 18 minutes ago, gavpedz said:

    Ok so i have had to revert to just one email rule now. The next issue is that the background process is tacking for ever to send emails to about 5000 members. I manualy run the process and it has been running now for about 4 hours with the percent in the acp dashboard just going up, currently at 11946023.75% 


    Is there any support for this application?

    What rule/criteria are you using at the moment to send the email?

  6. On 9/1/2018 at 10:34 PM, DamonT said:

    Hi, on this screenshoot:


    There is "..." on the end of truncated content in email. But in my case there is no "...". There is just truncated content. How can I add this "..." on the end of message?

    @Fosters, can you give me some advice?

    Sorry, the screenshots are outdate, this was replaced with the button  containing "Continue reading.."  ( language string limitedemailcontenta_continue_reading ) 

  7. 7 hours ago, Caesio said:

    I know, I'm just thinking since a lot of WoW players seem to not wanting to create account these days, that if this system could allow Guests to make applications, so it creates a thread where I decide, it would notify our Discord WoW Officers group, with the info they put into the application.

    I see.

    This scenario hasn't come up till yet:D , yea this "should" work. Guests can submit the form if you want, but we really hadn't this in mind, so some features could be buggy.... If you purchase the app and use it this way, I'll ensure this weekend that it works without any issues with guest submitted applications 🙂

  8. 15 minutes ago, Caesio said:


    Quick question before I decide. But is Guests able to apply with this?

    Well, they could, but they wouldn't have any benefits of it... A guest member couldn't be moved to another group, a guest member couldn't get a PM or email.

  9. On 9/3/2018 at 5:12 PM, Tripp★ said:

    This doesn't seem to work on the latest IPS release (4.3.5). I click on the oddly coloured report button, and fill in the information. I submit the report. It says "Thanks for submitting the report", however no report is filed to the report centre. Please advise. 


    the reports are in an own section in the ModCP and not under the default reported content section.
    Please review your Moderator permissions, if you don't see it.

  10. On 8/24/2018 at 11:37 AM, Unlucky said:

    Can you explain it sounds bad?

    I just can't think of another way at the moment


    Because you'll be created a new IP. Pages record for all your new content which you're going to import from your own community into pages.
    This sounds really like a very bad idea and it should be much easier to include support for the other stuff into Super Blocks 

  11. 16 hours ago, Alismora said:

    @Fosters  Hey there, I just updated to 3.0.0 and I've run into some issues.

    First Issue:  It no longer renders the topic title placeholders.  Here is a screenshot showing 1 application before we updated, and 2 applications we received after the update to 3.0


    Second Issue:  The poll options sometimes don't show up.  We have it set to show the generic "yes" and "no" options. 


    Thanks, the first issue is fixed for the next release (I'll release a bugfix release this weekend) . Could I please get ACP access to take a look at the second issue?


    On 8/21/2018 at 8:16 PM, Unlucky said:

    Ive just bought super blocks which supports the standard IPS apps including IPpages but none of my other applications

    These other applications have rss feeds configured

    I wondered if I could use this to pull back in those feeds to a  IPpages database and then use the super block application to present them on my homepage

    Does this sound achieveable?

    This sounds like a horrible idea IMO, but yes, it should work.

  13. 4 hours ago, Andy_M said:

    Hi - I've been optimising my site load times (using reports from gtmetrix) and have found that the code that this plugin is adding at the bottom of the global template is causing the site to slow as it's after the instructions to load javascript and therefore prevents defer parsing.

    Are you able to move the code somewhere else in the template to prevent this? I haven't been able to find a way to do this myself. I understand that the javascript needs to be after all other html content for this to work properly.

    A related discussion about defer parsing is in this thread: 



    Thanks, I have posted this in our internal tracker, we'll see if we can improve this.

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