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Posts posted by Fosters

  1. 18 hours ago, DaveAzoicer said:


    I'm trying the Application Form for Guests, and it gives me an error, I've allowed Guests to view and apply. But where I wanted to application post to be made, it creates one.

    This is the error: Sorry, there is a problem 
    Something went wrong. Please try again. 
    Error code: EX1048 

    Do you see any errors in the system log?

  2. Sorry for the confusion. "Delete Award" will indeed only remove it from the member. This is only a bad wording, I have change it for the next release.

    Moderators don't need access to the ACP, they can award a medal on the members profile! Please ensure that the setting is enabled and review the moderator permissions

    Also thanks for the PM, this was indeed a bug which I have fixed too.

    I'll test it further and release the bugfix version tomorrow. In the meanwhile just remove applications/trophies/extensions/trophies/TrophyCriteria/EventsHandler.php 


  3. On 10/13/2018 at 1:45 PM, Millipede said:

    Hello @Fosters Is anyone at home?

    I can't get Feed2DB to work, as described above. Some help would be appreciated. If you can't answer my queries above, perhaps a full guide or documentation on how to use Feed2DB might help. Failing that, I'd have to ask for a refund if it continues to not work.

    I'm really sorry, for missing your questions. Since the contributors here have to submit a ticket for the refund, I've done this now, but I'm also interested into resolving your issues so that you're still able to use the app 🙂.




    How do you get an entry to show a link to the actual article on the site the RSS feed comes from, same as it does when importing RSS/Atom feeds into a forum??

    This should already happen automatically if the "Show more Link" setting is enabled.


    How do you get it to show the date of the article, not the date Pages grabbed it, also the same as it does when importing RSS/Atom feeds into a forum?

    This should also already be the case. We're using $article['date'] and not the current date. Could I get the URL of the feed which you're trying to import?


    Which template is one supposed to use? List or Like Articles? In either case, why do images that show as thumbnails in the article list also show as thumbnails in the record article, as well as showing the full image? Where and how does one set how images show?

    That's not part of this application, everything is handled by the pages app.


    If used as a List, what’s the difference to importing RSS into a forum? It looks identical to me, but with a thumbnail copy of the full image and minus a link to the actual article.

    Nothing, there's  no difference, it's just a different target application.


    Can one remove the author/user/member name? I’d only have one, so it doesn't need to show on each page (record).

    You can remove whatever you want from the template. Again, this app only imports the data from RSS feeds into the pages database.Further information can be found in the IPS documentation

    Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

  4. On 10/13/2018 at 6:44 AM, Ronald Curtis said:

    After installing this I can not use any thing that it say it comes whit can I get some help 



    Did you create a form or did you just install it? If you only installed it, you'll have to create the form in your ACP => Community => Application Forms

  5. 16 hours ago, supernal said:

    Great, thanks! 

    Just to give you more detail the issue I detailed above continues even after an uninstall and reinstall of the plugin 

    Could you clarify what it sends even if it's uninstalled? You mean it's sending the notifications from this app even if you uninstall it?

  6. On 10/11/2018 at 5:16 PM, Skippy J said:

    Is there a plan to add support for Arabic content moderation?  90% of our spam postings have Arabic characters.  Thanks!

    That's a great idea:) I've added this to our internal tracker.

    On 10/5/2018 at 3:42 AM, Gabriel Torres said:

    Hi @Fosters

    I found a bug with this plugin.

    When the setting "Ban the member if his content contains any characters from the above settings" is enabled and a moderator/administrator creates a post with the banned characters (e.g. Chinese), the moderador is banned and set as spammer. However, moderators/administrators cannot be set as spammers. So what happens is that we can unban them from the ACP when this happens, but when I try to remove their spammer status, I get an error message:

    Therefore, this setting "Ban the member if his content contains any characters from the above settings" should ignore the user if he is a moderator/administrator.

    BTW: this happened here with two moderators that were just editing a post that had Chinese characters and hit save. So what I am saying is happening when a moderator/admin edits a post as well.


    thanks again for this. A new version was released, which fixes this issue:)

  7. On 10/15/2018 at 1:27 PM, A.S.R. said:

    Hi! Thanks for the nice tool! 

    Is it possible to connect the feed to a Google alert? I have added the url and the user/psw, but when I try to map the fields I get the error below? 

    Also, how often do feeds refresh/fetch new content?

    Many thanks!


    Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 13.08.16.png

    Sorry for the delay, I've replied via PM 🙂

  8. On 10/1/2018 at 2:45 PM, supernal said:

    Will this work with 4.3.6? Currently when I send a notification it sends the same one over and over 

    We're not sure yet. A client reported some issues which we resolved, but obviously another issue appeared , which is strange because no other client reported this, so we're still investigating this. I would expect a new release by end of this week with the first issue resolved if we don't find anything else.

  9. On 10/5/2018 at 3:42 AM, Gabriel Torres said:

    Hi @Fosters

    I found a bug with this plugin.

    When the setting "Ban the member if his content contains any characters from the above settings" is enabled and a moderator/administrator creates a post with the banned characters (e.g. Chinese), the moderador is banned and set as spammer. However, moderators/administrators cannot be set as spammers. So what happens is that we can unban them from the ACP when this happens, but when I try to remove their spammer status, I get an error message:

    Therefore, this setting "Ban the member if his content contains any characters from the above settings" should ignore the user if he is a moderator/administrator.

    BTW: this happened here with two moderators that were just editing a post that had Chinese characters and hit save. So what I am saying is happening when a moderator/admin edits a post as well.


    Thanks, will look into this tomorrow.

  10. On 9/9/2018 at 4:55 PM, Millipede said:

    How do you get an entry to show a link to the actual article on the site the RSS feed comes from, same as it does when importing RSS/Atom feeds into a forum??


    On 9/9/2018 at 4:55 PM, Millipede said:

    How do you get it to show the date of the article, not the date Pages grabbed it, also the same as it does when importing RSS/Atom feeds into a forum?

    Yes same as with forums.

    The application works very identical to the feature in the forums app, but it's for pages records and it allows you to set the image as record image.

    Regarding the list and item templates, that's handled by pages and not related to this app, you can customize them as you want and need

  11. 19 hours ago, matthew220000 said:

    I am getting errors. Here is the screenshot can anyone help me with this or if @Fosters could assist me that would be awesome.



    Strange, somehow the upgrade code got lost. I've sent you a PM with a new version. Could you please upgrade and tell me if it fixes the issue?

  12. On 8/5/2018 at 6:31 AM, AnonymousDev said:


    Does this only work on the forum menu or can I use it for my store categories? I'm trying to get this menu to popout in my Store menu item.

    Only Forum Menu

    1 hour ago, beats23 said:

    Hi, I bought this one plugin from your listing.

     Today I did a monitoring scan. I see my IPS install is sending data to your server or website.

    Can you tell me what data is being sent from my IPS?


    IP Address

    Reverse DNS Name www456.your-server.de


    Also, this plugin behaves erratically. when mousing over the forum menu, the drop-down menu vanishes. very unusual. 


    We're absolutely not sending any data from clients boards to us, I've just double and tripple checked the code and couldn't find anything. Is there a way to see the full URL which is being called? I guess that's our old version check to fosters.tech/projects/project/23-menu/?do=recentVersion  which is a default IPS feature, allowing IPS and 3rd party applications, plugins and themes to compare the last available version data with the currently installed one.

    If you're worried about this, you could just remove it

  13. Hi,

    I'm still investigating and trying to improve this, the whole "simple mode / private bookmarks" stuff got quite out of control and was implemented too fast without planing it further, so we need to find a better, more stable solution for this, instead of just releasing a new quick and dirty release

  14. Thanks, I see the issue with the button, a new version will be released later today.


    Unfortunately member reports can't be placed into the IPS Report center because they're not content item and it would be really really very tricky and hacky to try to make them appear as content item just to be able to place them into the default center.

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