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Posts posted by 2TonWaffle

  1. That is the thing, I converted the license over to the new Classic plan back in Oct 2023 and was paying the $20 per month special deal that was offered then until canceling it Feb 2024. 

    So, for a license that I had been paying for less than a year later, I have to purchase a brand new license at full price? 

  2. I was looking to restart a renewal that was stopped back in March 2024. Been informed that the previous $20 monthly charge is no more, which is okay but the response from sales is making me a little confused.


    Yes, this is correct, after the initial purchase. You would however need to purchase this first, as previously you were on a monthly purchase, which would require catchup to renew (this was discontinued), but there was no initial purchase

    My understanding is that I would need to purchase IC at the new customer pricing ($400) and then would be going forward on the typical renewal pricing ($200) As this particular license was just recently active not more than a few months ago, I never paid for it on the onset? Just wanting to clarify things.

  3. Probably one way to think of using Clubs is to bring in some kind of experimentation of content. Instead of adding a new category to your forums, use the Club feature. We have to start thinking of different ways of siloing content, changing things as a way to (not sure if the best phrase) imitate social media to sway members to return to forums.

  4. Sorry for bringing up an older topic but a lot has changed since. Threads is potentially going to integrate with ActivityPub sometime in the near future, hopefully. Wordpress has opened its integration with it and I really hope that Invision will take a more active look into bringing this into v5 soon.

  5. Working with a fresh install of the latest IPB and running into a visual bug. The Overall rating from this review is not being collected and showing the overall score. Have made sure to turn off the reviews and ratings options and it only shows the five gray stars.

  6. Currently running a Wordpress site for our podcast that creates the rss feed for iTunes to pick up. The actual mp3's are hosting through a podcasting host so I won't be changing that. What I would like to find out if IPB can be capable to take over for the rss feed creation for podcasts? If not I would just keep the Wordpress and have IPB be the community aspect. Eventually I'm wanting to have everything under IPB and have different podcast shows set up as clubs within IPB.

  7. Trying to get this to work without much success. Installed everything fine and set the permissions up as I would like them to be, the issue is when trying to link an account the page reloads but nothing has changed. The account hasn't been linked and nothing has changed. Using the latest IPS 4.2.6 and Linked Accounts 3.0.7

  8. On 10/22/2015, 10:19:29, Kevin Carwile said:

    Not seeing any problems over here. What version of IPS4 are you running?

    Try a different browser and see if you get a different result. I am reusing the standard ips uploader widget, so there may be a conflict on your page or with your browser that is specific to your site.

    No other problems with the other groups that I had created, was only that one.Current IPS and tried Firefox and Chrome.


    Another question is in how to change the fa icons in the index for collabs?

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