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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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  1. Jim M's post in Bug Here on Viewing was marked as the answer   
    I've taken care of that. Appears to be some old, badly formatted HTML from a copy/paste.
  2. Jim M's post in upgrade Failed IPS Hosting was marked as the answer   
    Looks like the files did not get applied. AWS is having some issues right now outside our control so some things are a little slower than normal in communication. I would recommend waiting a little while then trying again.
  3. Jim M's post in Pages: block for recent replies on a specific forum thread? was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, the granularity of the block only goes down to forums, not topics so this would require a customization.
  4. Jim M's post in Can you provide standard achievements for download? was marked as the answer   
    Please find Rules, Ranks, and Badges exported attached 🙂 . You'll need to unzip them locally to your community then import each individual .xml file to the appropriate screen.
  5. Jim M's post in Just Upgrade...White Page was marked as the answer   
    Looks like you had a blank index.html file in your root directory which was being read here. I re-named that file (in case you need it) to oldindex.html. That seems to have resolved your issue.
  6. Jim M's post in Folder Permissions? was marked as the answer   
    The following directories would need to be writable per your server's configuration (typically, this is 777 but may be 755 if you have suPHP or suexec or some other odd configuration), the rest can be normal:
    applications datastore plugins uploads and all sub-directories of uploads Of course, your installation may have different custom attachment directories which may also require to be writable.
  7. Jim M's post in Reoccurring system log entries may be indicative ... was marked as the answer   
    It is simply a warning that there are repeated log entries in your system log and you would want to review them as it is an indication that something may be wrong. The warning itself is not an indication that something is currently wrong. That warning will stay there till those log entries get pruned.
  8. Jim M's post in Category description text color was marked as the answer   
    You would want to enable "Use a Feature Color?" in the forum settings.

  9. Jim M's post in Reaction blank was marked as the answer   
    This is a part of the theme as you can see here with ours:

    You would need to modify your theme if you do not wish for this to happen which, I'm afraid, is outside our scope of support. I will move this ticket to our peer to peer forum for further assistance.
  10. Jim M's post in Missing Profile Complete on Registration was marked as the answer   
    After completing registration, I am hitting your Profile Completion rules in ACP -> Members -> Profiles -> Profile Completion:

  11. Jim M's post in Registration through link was marked as the answer   
    There are no means for a user to join a club or variable member groups during registration at this time. This would require a customization at this point.
  12. Jim M's post in problems with "Remove content moderation" was marked as the answer   
    You would want to go to the member's profile (or any members profile in the ACP if you want do all) in the ACP then click the down arrow on the content count and should see the option there.
  13. Jim M's post in Black Bar was marked as the answer   
    As Nathan mentioned, this is not something which is in our software but is the add-on mentioned (or something else). I would advise disabling all third party add-ons and switching to a non-modified theme to test. 
  14. Jim M's post in support form doesn't seem to be working properly was marked as the answer   
    I have replied to the ticket with your new email address but please find our reply to your issues below:
    The table below has crashed and will need to be repaired by your hosting provider or server administrator. Please contact them for further assistance. Please note that a table crash is always due to a server issue and not a software issue so working with your provider/administrator here is important to identify and resolve the issue.
    Table './lesbotro_board/core_pfields_content' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed (144)

    Regarding the Error myisam_sort_buffer_size is too small you will need to contact your hosting provider for assistance here. We would recommend switching to InnoDB if your server supports it (which most do these days) as not only will this help resolve the issue but InnoDB is faster than MyISAM.
  15. Jim M's post in Plugins for members with paid membership? was marked as the answer   
    I would recommend purchasing our Commerce application as it fulfills this purpose: https://invisioncommunity.com/solutions/subscriptions/
  16. Jim M's post in Landing page / Sales funnel was marked as the answer   
    I would recommend looking into our Pages application. You can create various pages to fit any need. 
  17. Jim M's post in Cloud Backup ? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, we would provide you with a backup of your data and attachments. A self-hosted license would be required to restore the software though on your server. 
  18. Jim M's post in Moving to another server was marked as the answer   
    Sorry about that, the guide is slightly out of date. You’ll want to go to the Support dashboard in the ACP and then click Clear System Caches on the right-hand side. 
  19. Jim M's post in Timestamps - time format was marked as the answer   
    ACP -> System -> General Configuration -> disable "Use relative dates"
    Please let us know if there is anything else 🙂 
  20. Jim M's post in Legacy Downloads was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, we do not offer downloads for version 3 as it has no longer been supported for some time now. Additionally, we only provide downloads for the latest release and that is it. We do not offer downloads for any other release. The latest release is the most stable and secure so we do not offer or recommend running any other version.
  21. Jim M's post in Contact and info - upgrade? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there!
    We have responded to each of your requests, however, it does not appear that you have received our replies.  Please check the email address in your Client Area and ensure it is correct. If it is, please check your spam folder for our replies or contact your email provider to see why our replies from our support@invisionpower.com account are making it to your mailbox. Alternatively, you can change your email address to something else.
    Getting to your issue, however, to check your server's compatibility with the latest release of our software, please see the following file. You can upload this to your server and then browse to it in your browser. Please have your hosting provider correct any issues in red. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
  22. Jim M's post in My site iframe url was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned in the message, this would allow other individuals to also embed your community in an iframe so could be used in social engineering strategies and open you up to other potential security issues. It is recommended to direct individuals to your community directly instead of embedding it in an iframe. Not only is this a better user experience but you eliminate any potential security issues.
  23. Jim M's post in Reaction button to database comments was marked as the answer   
    Reactions are a global-level item for member groups on all content types. I would recommend switching to an unmodified template if you're seeing issues.
  24. Jim M's post in Download Application was marked as the answer   
    I would suggest starting with our Guides, here is the brief overview of Downloads guide, which covers permissions: 
    Additionally, this guide covers Paid Files: 
    Further details about Categories, can be found here: 
  25. Jim M's post in Move Subscriptions to Products ( Subscription ) was marked as the answer   
    users would see the purchase price still, they would just have a download button available to them.
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