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Community Answers
Jim M's post in quick registration is allowed when user is logged in was marked as the answer
Correct, this is currently working as intended. Through normal flow of the software, one would not end up here unless they purposely tried to get there.
Jim M's post in Commerce Subscription Convert to Renewable Product? was marked as the answer
Existing Subscriptions would not be able to be converted to a Product (only Products can be converted to a Subscription).
The other half of your question with a coupon with renewal-able products is true. If the first invoice is 0 then they would bypass payment. Then when the next renewal comes up they would need to pay the renewal price to keep their product active.
Jim M's post in IPS ACP > Admin Notifications > Errroneous Notifications was marked as the answer
That would indicate that the functions may be disabled in your installation's root directory but are not disabled in sub-directories or serer-wide. This is not in error as described as we are merely reading directly from PHP.
Jim M's post in Page View Javascript option in Advanced Configuration/ Page Output setting was marked as the answer
If you enabled AJAX pagination in your theme and a user clicks to the next page of a topic (or other areas), the posts are loaded dynamically without doing a full load of the page through the browser. This would mean that most typical analytics platforms would not register that as a pageview because of that. If you use Google Analytics, you would want to utilize our Google Analytics integration which will automatically track these. If you do not, you would need to insert the specific Javascript code in that spot for your analytics provider.
Jim M's post in "A configuration or server error has occurred" was marked as the answer
Your database is missing the following table and/or that table is corrupt. You will want to reach out to your hosting provider to investigate what happened to the table and try to fix the issue.
Table 'bzpower_databasenew.ibf_core_members_known_ip_addresses' doesn't exist
Jim M's post in Why can't I get support? was marked as the answer
You have several active licenses which have been renewed but I do not see a newly purchased license under this account. Was it under a different account? Newly purchased self-hosted licenses receive 30 day ticket support. Otherwise, there is forum support here on our community which is completely staffed by ourselves and we would answer the same like a ticket. If the ticket requires escalation, we can still convert the topic to a ticket if need be. However, we have found an extremely high percentage of support tickets are basic "how-to" functionality which can be collectively shared or even in the case of a technical issue, can be collaboratively resolved on our community. It let's our customers search for common questions and us to better review what is happening, as after-all, we're a community software provider 🙂 .
Jim M's post in Error -200 when uploading files was marked as the answer
A -200 error here would be an error processing the upload on your server. You would want to check your server error logs to find out what this is.
Common examples are below but, of course, not an exhaustive list of what could be impacting you:
You're uploading an image which is larger than your PHP/server configuration allows. Your PHP/server memory limit is being hit when processing the image. -
Jim M's post in Custom Advertisement was marked as the answer
Please keep in mind that the location where you place the custom advertisement location will need to be able to execute template code. A normal editor (WYSIWYG block) cannot execute template code. You will need a PHP block, theme template, etc... in order to do that. Hope that helps 🙂 .
Jim M's post in Home Page - "The page you requested does not exist" was marked as the answer
Your base URL is http://vpuniverse.com/forums/ so going to the root domain will not show anything. Looks like you have an old, unsupported file in your root which will no longer work to place a Pages page at your root when our software is in another folder. You will need to move the software to the root directory of your domain and then set Pages as the default application and the page you want to show as the default page.
Jim M's post in Prior to renewing of service, can a domain be changed on a package? was marked as the answer
Sorry, only active self-hosted licenses can change their license URL on file.
Jim M's post in Images disappearing or not loading was marked as the answer
Thank you for providing an example. Unfortunately, I am not seeing that the attachment was uploaded to the article there. It looks like the image URL was copy/pasted in and then now the original content item which the image was uploaded to has been deleted. When the original content item that an attachment was uploaded to is deleted, the attachment is also deleted. You will want to upload the image or file to your article to ensure that it stays with the article for the lifetime of it.
Jim M's post in Name and Last Name in profile was marked as the answer
Sure can! Please read the following guide around Custom Profile fields here:Â
If you use the quick registration form, you will also want to take a look at using the full registration form to have custom profile fields show up there or look into profile completion:Â https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/member-functions/profile-completion-r312/
Jim M's post in Link was marked as the answer
This message is actually coming from your server rather than the software. Please contact your hosting provider and have them disable mod_security. Most likely this is mod_security or another security module on your server which is preventing that software from sending data to the backend code.
Jim M's post in Migrating Forums was marked as the answer
Sure thing, I have created this for you. Someone will reach out to you as soon as they can 🙂 .
Jim M's post in Calendar Guest Permissions not honored was marked as the answer
In order for this permission to work, Guests would need access to your community. Currently, your third party plugin, WordPress SSO plugin is redirecting them away from your community so you will need to work with the author to get that resolved. (Sorry, third party plugins are outside our scope of support)
It may be that you also do not allow Guests to view your community in ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit your guest group ->Â ensure "Can access site?" is enabled.
Jim M's post in Editor doesn't works was marked as the answer
If you are running suexec or suPHP, this would be writable permissions. If so, you would need to make sure all folders are 755. You can ask your hosting provider to perform this.
Jim M's post in Repeated Log Entry was marked as the answer
You will want to go to the System Log and review the log entry mentioned there. You will want to test the URL which it was encountered on and see if the error still exists. If it doesn't, this likely was resolved by upgrading the core or third party application/plugin, an issue you resolved in your custom theme, etc... If it still exists, you will want to check the aforementioned items for upgrades, if they are available, you will want to upgrade. If that doesn't resolve your problem, you will want to disable third party applications/plugins and switch to an unmodified theme. If that still doesn't resolve the problem, please let us know.
Jim M's post in Signup problems was marked as the answer
Can always manually register them or temporarily disable the spam defense system.
Jim M's post in Extend Session Time when "Signed In As" was marked as the answer
This would be controlled by typical session so if you are active with the user, you would stay logged in as them. Once the session expires though, you would be logged out. We utilize normal PHP session configuration for this so it is a timing of around 20 min. I believe. I'm afraid, there is no way to change this on our Cloud. (Nor would we recommend changing it if were on self-hosted.)
Jim M's post in Error entering a topic on the forum was marked as the answer
Please contact the author of the plugin for further assistance. Third party plugins are outside our scope of support.
Jim M's post in How could a member become Grand Master with no posts? was marked as the answer
When did you disabling messaging on your community? The messages from this user look to be from July of last year and earlier. As these messages are still in your database, the rebuild of Achievements would count these and this is how the user has this much reputation (they sent a TON of messages).
Jim M's post in 2 licenses was marked as the answer
I'm afraid, we would not move applications from one license to another. If you want Downloads on your other license, you would need to purchase it there too. Sorry I do not have better news for you.
Jim M's post in Can I restrict certain user groups from sending Private Messages? was marked as the answer
You can disable complete access to the Messaging system by going to ACP -> System -> Applications -> expand "System" -> on "Messages" click permissions and uncheck groups you do not want access to this module.
You can also manage Message settings from ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> Social tab -> Messages.
Jim M's post in Delete member reputation? was marked as the answer
ACP -> Members -> edit user -> Posts -> Hide/Delete all content.
ACP -> Members -> edit user -> Reputation -> Remove reputation given OR Remove reputation received.