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Custom Advertisement

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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After a few hours of searching, I can't find an exact answer - but I have seen it asked several times... 

For a custom advertisement, the help guide and posts that just quote the help guide aren't clear.  

What should go in the custom key location if the key is  test   as an example?

Then on a page, or block, where and in what context do I add {advertisement="test"}?  I've tried a number of things and cannot get anything to display other than that text.  Is there anyone that can provide a simple explanation?  I am not an coder, but it sounds like the guide doesn't expect us to be... I'm just not doing something right.  



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Please keep in mind that the location where you place the custom advertisement location will need to be able to execute template code. A normal editor (WYSIWYG block) cannot execute template code. You will need a PHP block, theme template, etc... in order to do that. Hope that helps 🙂 .

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