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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. I have resolved this via your accounts ticket 🙂 .
  2. You can see what our converters can do with XF here: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/convert/ There are quite a few customers who have converted so they can speak out on their personal experiences. We're here for any issues which you may encounter 🙂 . If you are looking to go with our Cloud platform, you can reach out to our sales team for information on how we process conversions for you. If you are going self-hosted, you can see some basic instructions in our guides: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/migrating-from-another-platform/installing-the-converters-r209/ Themes have a great deal of customization available. From simply uploading an image for a logo or customizing it all to your liking via CSS or PHTML. For more info, you can read here: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/getting-started-with-themes_324/introduction-to-themes-r108/ A completely custom footer (like ours here) would require theme customization. However, basic customization like adding copyright and some other small settings is configured in the core software.
  3. Pending what Randy mentioned with clearing cache, is this a new test instance (or, not to sound demeaning, at least one you haven't double checked the storage configuration of)? In my haste before setting up a new test instance, my storage configurations have been set to the same as my production and it cause conflicts so ensuring the two are separate are a good troubleshooting step.
  4. Doing significant upgrades like 4.4 to latest, I would advise doing so as you can learn and know what may be an issue before doing your live instance. PHP 8 would be required for upgrading to the latest release. You will want to ensure you run the compatibility checker after you upgrade to PHP 8 and before you run the upgrader. This way you catch anything on your server before running the upgrader.
  5. Thanks for the credentials. Unfortunately, checking a lot of settings, they seem to revert just after doing so. I would suggest contacting your hosting provider to see if they have any server caching in place. Often this is the case here when you change something but it appears to be unchanged going back. Unfortunately though, I am not encountering an issue with my IP address so this may be something local to yourself. If you are on a VPN or proxy, I would recommend disconnecting to see if that helps.
  6. If you are on a mobile hotspot, WIFI, or similar, these may change IP addresses. Only your hosting provider would be able to answer if your server is behind a proxy. If you would like to provide access, I can take a look to see why this isn't saving or if it too is related to you getting logged out: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  7. Are you on a network which would cause your IP address to occasionally change or has your server recently started using a (reverse) proxy?
  8. You would need to give your administrator group the ability to post HTML in the editor by going to ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> Can post HTML? You Then will see a Source button in the top left of the editor. Please note: do not give this permission to anyone other than your staff which you absolutely trust as malicious things can be done with this.
  9. You can certainly paste in HTML there if your group has the ability to do so, there is nothing stopping you. Just keep in mind that it won't interact with Commerce so you would still need to manually manage it.
  10. Depending on the version you're on, you may be encountering an error in the upgrade process and a manual upgrade may be required.
  11. Glad to hear that you resolved it. Unfortunately, the steps you took, it sounds like either a single file's permission may have been off or owned by another user/group thus causing you issues. Alternatively, the server simply was having an issue with a corrupted file potentially. Unknown but any rate, glad it's resolved.
  12. Correct but it is ran by Achievement Rules, not posts.
  13. This is a developer doc for coding something like this. From what you described, it sounds like you’re looking for Recommendations. A moderator, who has permission to do this, would go to a post, click the three dots in the top right of the post and click “Recommend.” That would then pin the post to the top of the topic.
  14. Likely an error happened during extraction on your server. I would suggest performing a manual upgrade.
  15. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  16. I'm afraid, the old rank system is no longer. When Achievements were introduced, the old ranking system went away. You were able to keep your rank names but the Achievements Rules control those now.
  17. Now were Priuses ever "cool"? C'mon, Brian... 😄
  18. Source button should still be there if your group has the ability to post HTML. I am running the beta on a test and have it 🙂 .
  19. I have tagged a developer on this to see if there is anything more we can do to assist or any recommendations. Someone will be with you as soon as they can.
  20. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this. I am seeing the image you sent and the image I sent back: Please clear your browser's cache and try again.
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