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Everything posted by Adlago

  1. Judging by your photos, you have activated designer mode. Turn off this mode and remove site cache
  2. It seems some action by you has restored it to work. Now on test everything looks good.
  3. On the contrary, the English text is " Posted by %" I.e. when you enter a translation,you will understand why this is there.
  4. topic_posted_in_groups is is a language key that you probably haven't translated. Open your language and translate this key.
  5. Open Search Engine Optimization - Meta tags Click on Launch Live Meta tag editor. You will see clearly on your page this editor and title change field. You should change it here.
  6. Only one simple rule in code is missing. Or - now a code that defines this blue bar is @media screen and (max-width: 979px) ( #elMobileNav { background: rgb( var(--theme-main_nav) ); color: rgb( var(--theme-main_nav_font) ); position: relative; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: center; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;} } and as it is changed by adding height, it should be @media screen and (max-width: 979px){ #elMobileNav { background: rgb( var(--theme-main_nav) ); color: rgb( var(--theme-main_nav_font) ); position: relative; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: center; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 50px;} } Or just add in Custom css @media screen and (max-width: 979px){ #elMobileNav {height: 50px;} }
  7. However, you also look at this - you have too many 404 errors on this page
  8. Go to Staff - Moderators - your admin group should exist here. It should also be unrestricted.
  9. Open Search Engine Optimization in your ACP. In the Meta tag section, click "Launch Live Meta Tag Editor" Your home page site will open and on the right you will see this editor. On the site, select the APP you want, including a blog, and on the right you'll be able to change anything you want, including the title of the APP. Of course, don't forget to save changes before closing the editor
  10. Restore this. But the lack of many pages in your site, is some kind of lack in the database, in my opinion. Look for a backup option
  11. Quite strange - looks like database loss to me. In my opinion, if you have a backup, go back to yesterday before the update (or contact your host to make a return to the previous state of the database and files)
  12. Have you tried removing cache on your site? Click Support, and right click "Clear System caches"
  13. Is your test site publicly available, if so please provide a link
  14. Try logging with a different browser, or clear the cookies and cache of the browser you are using.
  15. If you are using the default theme, your photo should also have ..." ul id="elUserNav" ...etc." This is probably missing in your html and that's why you get different sizes of your logo block because there are css rules that describe the missing block in your case but affect that area.
  16. A really interesting issue happened on this site after an update, as described by the author. On my check - I have a commitment to this site, I disable the 3rd party plug-in, and the issues were fixed. With the exception of course of used added functions from this plugin. Today the author of this topic has re-enabled lazy loading and also this plugin (he didn't find a plugin update, but it is important for his site). And now everything works OK. I.e. maybe it's a good idea for a new update to make a requirement - Please, before updating, disable 3rd party plug-ins and add-ons. After completing an update, enable your 3rd party plug-ins and add-ons if they have available updates or at your own risk.
  17. I think 1, 2 and 3 are fixed - outdated plugin.
  18. Now this service worker cache refresh is associated with "Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks". This is probably the easiest solution for you, but think and find another service worker cache solution. Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks is important for many sites with little cache time, as well as this site of yours, which uses 15 minutes. For blocks, this is fine, but every 15 minutes, a cache refresh service worker causes a site loading delay of more than 20 times the usual time. Why, you might ask. Well here is the principle of loading a site. This is how your site loads normally - I show the first byte time with a cache service worker Usual time between 25-30 milliseconds which is very good... But here's what happens when the cache is refreshed - every 15 minutes. Over 20x delay on first byte. Please consider and bind cache refresh for service worker to another task... Still a web application is not as important as loading directly to a site...
  19. I noticed that you use only one div class for different areas where you use ads. This creates contradictions and delays… Use for different blocks, for example: div class=" google-auto-placed1"... div class=" google-auto-placed2"... div class=" google-auto-placed3"... etc. This will allow you to easily determine the required height of block ads depending on the place of use. And this will speed up the rendering of your site
  20. Try this, add in your Custom CSS @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .google-auto-placed{height:340px !important} } When an ad block is height :auto, as created in your ad code, a browser slows down while it recalculates your page. So try this code.
  21. A database backup size may also be added if your hosting account creates one
  22. As the picture from my first post in this topic, this issue again concerns a single function from line 2 column 40996, see pictures below. If I'm raising this topic, it's because with the new changes to the Lighthouse test, this issue has been moved to the Good Practices section, and its existence drops 8 points for that section. Isn't there a developer here in the community to review this feature and why should it actually be there after being reported for bad practice?
  23. Of course, loading=" lazy" provides a delay, but within an rendering site time, ie. such images are loaded after other resources but before site rendering, i.e. influence of lazy load used for loading image is small. But when data-src is added to the link as I have indicated, of course also with lazy load, then images are loaded after the site is rendered - and this creates site acceleration.
  24. I had a period of previous versions where I used a custom JS. But since a few versions ago, I found that your original JS processes data-src. I.e. no custom JS required. As for Reaction images, there are many sites that are overloaded with too many of these images - ie. using the mechanism I mentioned above, these images are loaded after page rendering, which even slightly speeds up site loading.
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