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Everything posted by Adlago

  1. 95% of your base CSS is not used effectively - and every online test shows it. Especially when a site uses external ads. Also, there are enough ways to combine effectively used css into one css - and notice, without changing the structure of your development - just a small change in loading. Etc. Any such change, even a small one, involves direct css editing... And a lot of testing and analysis... But it's worth the effort... This can't be done in designer mode, only in direct editing... It's individual for each site, each site uses different resources and requires different tweaks to improve... Etc. With these restrictions you are now "scoring an own goal"... PS. See your site All this slows down the loading of the site, especially on mobile. With direct editing CSS and ...one more thing, a solution to this delay is found...
  2. Restore direct CSS edit and everything will be OK
  3. Apparently there is no point in explanations. I will easily go back to 4.6. And I will leave the community here. Unfortunately... PS. I know how everything can change with a designer mode, but this is not a solution for the optimization of an active site, but only for a new development. Sorry
  4. Anyone who doesn't know what they are doing should find an acquaintance and pay themselves, or create an additional paid job for you. You can mention it in your product's terms of use. Which will justify additional maintenance payments on your support through no fault of your own. But depriving the entire community because of units that give you headaches - that's complete stupidity...
  5. Why did you remove direct CSS editing??? The entire suite is full of CSS errors anyway - and now you're complicating any improvement.... This version is absolute bullfaeces... No performance improvement, but some absolute crap you've done... I am so disappointed that I don't know if I will continue to be client...
  6. After move PHP 8.0 -> PHP 8.1 - redis stop work Reports of this are emerging in the ACP. Also redis setting doesn't work - missing fields Redis server address Redis port number Redis server password I restored the PHP 8.0 and all is well for me again
  7. If you share a link to your community, you can get more tips.
  8. You are very right. But it is also true that you are lagging behind. Unfortunately.🙂
  9. Adlago

    Preload font

    Using a preload font in an includeMeta template is a mistake - it increases TBT. Please remove this from the includeMeta template.
  10. Certain image areas appear on the side of the screen in mobile view
  11. And this is achievable, but with more effort...
  12. Adlago

    Cache sync

    The cache status of a site depends on the options created by IPS. But it also depends on the tasks of the cache server. In many cases, an nginx server is used as a cache server, and the usual caching time for that server is 15 minutes. Question - you from IPS development - do you have an idea to synchronize the cache - so that the presentation of the cache is in the rhythm of time ... ie. when the server makes a recache, automatically follow with a recache header, footer, sidebar, etc. thanks🙂
  13. I have set APP Calendar in the menu manager. The default layout is Current Day. This is the only calendar I have. It has always been such a setting and until recently (I'm not sure until when) everything works correctly ...
  14. I'm using, but I also have a similar issue with a calendar. I have created (since version 4.0.x) a work calendar day for my business, with a link in the main menu - Until recently (I have no idea when) when clicking on the link Work day, the calendar for the day is loaded correctly, but the Events happening today is missing - is not displayed. If I specify a calendar yesterday, everything is OK there, and if I go back to today, the content is already OK. But loading from the menu only creates an empty day with a date and title, no Events happening today. Any idea why the Events happening today is not displayed in the calendar day?
  15. ... and he's usually right ... ha ha🙂
  16. Use the ACP tool and clear the cache. Your JS is currently being loaded with outdated cache and is therefore not working.
  17. I will supplement the topic with these examples (in both examples - CSS preload is added in IncludeCSS , and the prefetch is added in IncludeJS) 1. CSS and JS are loaded from the main domain 2. CSS and JS are loaded from a cookie-free domain. Conclusion - for optimal loading of CSS and JS for mobile it should be possible to separate the storage settings so that CSS is loaded from the main domain and JS from the cookie-free domain (of course for sites that don't use CDN - I have not studied CDN yet and I have no information). These changes in CSS and JS loading do not affect desktop results in similar tests.
  18. These settings are combined into one setting field. Theme Resource: File sytem...... CSS files, JavaScript files and images used by Themes. After a lot of research, I have a conclusion - if the CSS storage setting is in the main domain, and the JS storage setting is in the cookie free domain, then in this case the TBT time below 100 ms for mobile loaging is easily reduced. Now this reduction is also possible, but sending CSS and JS to a cookie free domain increases the FCP time by more than 700 ms, which naturally worsens Web Vitals parameters. Please consider the possibility of an additional field for separating CSS and JS in Storage settings. Thanks.
  19. I find nothing unfortunately .... Maybe this happens with my installation because: - I use Pages as my homepage - I also use a template with 3 columns for this page I see differences - when I compare this widget on a two-column site and with my site. An empty class "p" before the text of the guest message appears in my source code, as well as an empty "p" class after this message. These empty "p" classes are missing from the editor's source code for this widget, but they do exist on the source page. But even if these empty "p" classes exist, they are self-contained - and should not create a validation error. This is an empty "p" class after the class title h2 <p class="ipsType_richText ipsType_contained"> </p> and after the end of the guest text message is this ... <p> &nbsp;</p> I'm also doing an experiment - an empty guest widget with only one letter for the title. The same issue thing happens ...
  20. Now with version 4.6.11 I have created a new theme, with copies of the default IPS theme - this error exists again. You're doing a new installation - but you're only using one language pack, this error can be caused by using multiple language packs ... I'm using two language packs. Please check. Thanks.
  21. When you use this widget, and if you do a html5 validation test, you will notice this test report issue . The solution that I implemented in my live site and works correctly is - in a template core_front_widgets / guestSignUp find: <p class="ipsType_richText ipsType_contained"> {$text|raw} </p> and remove </p> For me - this widget works correctly and test validation html5 does not take into account the issue.
  22. Are you planning for the next release?
  23. For PWA: "A maskable icon ensures that the image fills the entire shape without being letterboxed when installing the app on a device" Would you add that, please😇
  24. Thanks @Jim M, I saw that you managed to apply a patch, but I see the same error recorded in the system log, after your work. DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero (0) #0 /home/database/public_html/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(93): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_upgrade->IPS\core\modules\admin\system\{closure}(Array) #1 /home/database/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/system/upgrade.php(1048): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), Object(Closure), Object(Closure)) #2 /home/database/public_html/system/Helpers/Wizard/Wizard.php(181): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_upgrade->_upgrade(Array) #3 /home/database/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/system/upgrade.php(109): IPS\Helpers\_Wizard->__toString() #4 /home/database/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_upgrade->manage() #5 /home/database/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/system/upgrade.php(54): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/database/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_upgrade->execute() #7 /home/database/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
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