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All Astronauts

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Posts posted by All Astronauts

  1. BTW, nothing mean intended here, support was asked of me first before contacting the themer and after I told him it was a theme problem curiosity got the better of me so I just did it.

    The div is somewhat of a clue as to the problem, but the div itself is perfectly correct. That's also a clue. I might close this giveaway early with no action...

    Notably this theme was "fine" as long as you didn't have a hook into the navBar (or any templates called within it). The moment an app/plugin did though (namely KS) the site broke.

    And let me also say I "knew" the problem as I'm coming from the coding side. I can easily see an end-user caught between a themer saying the theme is fine without the plugin, must be the plugin, ask them for help and the mod author saying the same (works on default, your problem).

    For the most part, the correct answer is if an app/plugin works on the default IPS theme, the problem is with theme. That's an always correct answer with one tiny quibble but that would take a while to explain well.


  2. Just a general reminder to everyone that just like IPS will not do support requests when a custom theme has broken something, most/all Marketplace devs have the same policy. If whatever app/plugin is working with the IPS default theme, the problem lies with whatever changes the theme maker has done.

    I'll give a hand where I can, time permitting, or if I'm curious, but there is really nothing I can do unless you want to pay me my hourly rate.

    You can trouble shoot theme problems yourself you know.

    Suppose your site crashes with a generic 500 code error. If you are told there is a problem with the theme as whatever app/plugin works fine with the IPS default theme, now what?  Is the themer going to track down the error for you? They should... But lets assume they won't.

    1) Go to your ACP and make a copy of the theme that is breaking things. Edit the theme settings so your member group has access to this copy on the front end.

    2) Naturally, on the front end, change your theme to this new copy. Refresh. Of course, if the app/plugin that conflicts with the theme is running, on refresh you get that 500 error page. Good.

    3) Back in the ACP, on the theme pages, for our newly copied theme click the </> button for the theme to bring up the template editors.

    4) Its opens up already in Core - Front - Global where all the global front end templates are. Now it's just a slow game of Whack-a-Mole.

    5) As you scroll up and down the templates in this area, you'll see some of them are flagged with an "m". That means they are modified away from the IPS default theme. What you are going to do is load up these, one at a time, and then click the REVERT button in the upper right of the page. That will reset the entire template back to the IPS default version. One at a time, revert, then go back to the front end (you probably have this open in another browser tab), refresh the page. Did the site start working again? Congratulations! You found the theme template that has broken everything. Still throwing the 500 error? Back to the ACP revert another modified template, back to the front, refresh the page, and so on.

    If the problem only flares up in a certain application, then open up the templates in that area and do the same.

    AP in the post above has the Nerva theme for 4.2. KS works just fine with with 4.2 but not with this theme. Throws a site crashing 500 error and the error logs that result are just random not working correctly things with no evidence that KS is involved at all - no hooks, no ks code, nothing.

    I was curious so I looked (and yes, if you want me to do this for you in the future you'll need to pay me - problems like these are on the themer, not the app/plugin author)

    Reverted the global template, still 500 errored. Well there is navBar, and KS does some stuff there and that's been modified, let's revert that one.

    And there we go, everything starts working again.

    So whats the problem? Conveniently the user above had the 4.1.19 version of the theme still present. I just needed to "diff" the file (compare side by side the changes between the two versions of the navBar template)

    Can you spot the problem? (this is the 4.2 navBar template with the first couple of lines)


    AP doesn't get to answer as I already gave it to him. First *correct as deemed by me* answer gets a free copy (renewals are on you) of Sound Board!


  3. With Sound Board you can:

    • Set a new default notification sound for your community.
    • Allow members to customize their notification sound.
    • Administrators can limit this ability to specific member groups.
    • Choosing only the guest user group will force everyone on to your new default customization sound.
    • Allow members' custom notification sounds to be playable on member profile pages.
    • Disable the public display for your more naughty members and their naughty notification sounds...

    The playing of the notification sound flows as follows:
    1) If a member has a custom sound, and has group permissions for a custom sound, that sound will play.
    2) If not (no sound and/or no group permissions), and you have set a new default notification sound in the Sound Board ACP settings, that will play instead.
    3) Otherwise, it will fall back to the IPS default notification sound.

    Members with group permissions to have a custom notification sound have a menu option right in the usermenu drop down. Drag and drop MP3 and WAV files and that's all that's needed.

    If you choose, you can toggle on the public display of a member's notification sound on the member's profile page. An HTML5 audio player holds the sound letting any visitor to the page the ability to hear it. This is a simple social feature, nothing more; a conversation starter or something along those lines. Naturally nothing will display unless the member is in a group that has permissions to have these custom sounds, and they actually have set one.

    Does a member have a notification sound that is not quite up to your community standards but you still want people to have their notification sound on their profile pages? Go to the problem member's entry in the ACP and toggle this feature off for this member. They still get to use their custom notification sound, but your community won't be exposed to it.

    Audio Formats/Limits:
    MP3, WAV. More can be supported in no time at all but the initial release will be just these two. I have a 5 meg limit on file size as well - no real reason other than it seems reasonable. Can be removed if needed.

    Install app, config under the customization tab in the ACP, enjoy.

    This only changes the notification sounds that are sent out. It does nothing with the where/why/how of how notifications are generated. CIC users may need to be patient post install and after members add a custom notification sound as the CIC system takes a few minutes to duplicate/cache/CDN the sound file.

    $5 to get, $5/6 months.  If you don't need support or a newer version feel free to skip one, renews are mainly a tip jar and to protect myself if IPS changes force me to work this over again.

    Support available for the time being in the IPS Marketplace topic. PMs are ok but the topic is far better. Keep in mind most devs here have other lives - we often will read a PM but we may not actually reply for quite sometime; please be patient. You are allowed to use this, after purchasing a license and downloading this from the IPS Marketplace, on one live site and any test/dev sites you have. Additional live sites require additional license purchases. Renewals (per purchase) entitle you to updated versions and ongoing support. Skip a renew if you don't need a new version or support. Support is limited to the default IPS theme and is for IPS license holders current on the application/plugin renewals (with a generous grace period). I'll give a hand, time permitting, to help you figure out what is wrong with your custom theme if there is a conflict but fixes in those cases will need to be made by your theme provider. All rights reserved.


  4. FYI I've just ghost-patched KS to tackle a few odds and ends. No version bump though. For 4.2 users just download KS 13 again and upload a new version over top your already installed KS as usual.

    I'd love to be able to change the file associated with KS 12 in the versions area but alas, I cannot. So, when you click the download file button now for KS 13 along for the ride is a patched version of KS 12 for legacy and lower users. Same deal for you guys; just upload a new version over top your existing install.

    And of course, remember: KS 13 = 4.2 onward. KS 12 = and lower.

  5. Who Viewed the Topic

    Track and display members that have viewed topics!
    Pop-up modal and widget options!



    This is the long-delayed enhanced update to Topic Viewed by Users. New stuff includes...

    • Configurable number-per-page in the pop-up modal. Somewhat limited for now as this is going to get some upgrades in the near-term.
    • Option to not display the pop-up modal button if you are using widgets instead.
    • New widget display!
    • Widget can display avatars, names, or group-formatted names!
    • IPS style widgets (as formatted by your theme) or a "Spartan" option which is just a simple gray box.
    • Avatars configurable to display at three standard IPS sizes: tiny, mini, and small.
    • Configurable limit to the number of members that will display in the widgets. Viewers over the limit get summed up and appended as a count i.e. "and 29 more..."
    • This is a standard IPS widget - stick it on the top, bottom or sidebar.





    This is a re-write of the original plugin. The database tables are different so that data will not be read or written to. Consider this an entirely separate plugin and you are starting from scratch. You should probably uninstall the other plugin as well.

    This is a vanilla cached widget. That means it respects the cache time you have set in the ACP under System - Settings - Advanced Configuration and will only change the display of who viewed based on that. Default is 5 minutes.

    On installation there will be no data for the widget to read until you get people viewing the topics from that point forward. Also, the initial addition of a widget to a page probably kicks off the cache timer on the widget. Give it a few minutes before the widgets begin to display data.

    When you move a widget around on the page, the data in the widget gets "lost". Once you save the widget position, just refresh the page afterwards and you'll be good to go again.

    All Astronauts is Flitterkill. I'm just moving my IPS stuff away from my active community accounts.



    $5 to buy, $5 a year but really you can skip the renews in general. Punch the renew ticket after a year if there are IPS changes that require this to be updated, or I add new features, or you feel like buying me a beer.

    Large modal:

    Tighter modal:

    Works with 4.2 onward. 


  6. You had the the quote button hidden


    I turned it off (its off in the screenshot above) and you're all good. I'll set option toggles to display/not display the quote button fields if that is toggled on/off soon. Not sure what is happening with your reactions though - not KS related, something else is breaking that.


    As for the mark site read, unread content links in the breadcrumb - they are not there at all in the theme. With KS on, and the default theme on your site, it works fine. KS will stick those links into the member dropdown with the Subway theme if that helps.


  7. Best part of the day? Being ranted at for not responding to multiple PMs within 24 hours even though I read them.

    Just a friendly, smiling reminder to all that most devs do other things, go places, have appointments, and so on. We'll check/read PMs but often will not reply immediately...because we're doing other stuff.

    Temptation to disable PMs on this site: rising...

    Otherwise there are still a few tweaks for KS and 4.2. For example, if you turn the edit link into an icon? For reasons of some sort the editor won't fire - at least for editing the first post, maybe all. Edit link works as a link or stuck in the options menu though. So, that needs patching. Also Bill Edwards problem has been patched so if any of you have problems reading reports that fix is incoming in the next version.

    @Pedro Ibáñez Mark site read and default stream is probably, again, a theme problem. Nothing I'll be able to do about it but I'll look to be sure it's not KS.

    Moving quote link should be working, let me check.


  8. Yep. Only thing that changes is you need to turn a setting on in the Spacious ACP settings to indicate you are a CICuser (I'll probably just test for that automatically in the future)

    There, you enter your CIC quota amount in GBs for storage and I use that to base the low storage and storage critical alerts for the system widget. It also disables the server load stuff as the way IPS does CIC makes that stat either hillariously low or hillariously high - both incorrect :)

    Outside of that, last time I did a test it was fine.


  9. 11 minutes ago, Pedro Ibáñez said:

    Yes it's the theme, but somethings the custom theme it's doing the same.

    The problem is @ehren. has created a separate structure for the user icon. That means in some cases depending upon what you choose you can end up with two icons. You would need to choose only to display the member name with the KS setting. That should solve that problem.

    For the second one, again, ehren has hard-coded some css in the global template that is over-riding anything I add.

    You'll have to do this:

    .fce.focus-post-buttons .cTopic .ipsItemControls .ipsComment_controls .ipsButton, .fce.focus-post-buttons .cTopic .ipsItemControls .ipsComment_controls a {
    	background-color: green !important;

    Its probably tied into some javascript color picker thing somewhere he has going on.

  10. PM me your site address pls. The first one might be your theme but I'll take a look.

    The second one I might have changed something, let me check.

    As usual, with the brand new 4.2 there are some parts that are having problems that I either missed or are edge cases I'd never test for.

    KS 14 will be out in a day or less.

  11. Kitchen sink has to be at the top of the plugin list in order to allow it to move the edit and quote buttons into the dropdown menu there (if so desired). In order for me to do that I have to grab the entire postbit area. This is fine as long as kitchen sink is at the top of the plugin list, but if it is lower in the list, any plugin above it that sticks things into the postbit menu will be over written.

    Drag ks to the top, that should fix things

  12. Spacious ACP 7 released!

    4.2 compatible, not compatible with 4.1.19.x or lower.

    See the revamped Marketplace description for details.

    This is now just a single application, there is no theme file any more. Upgraders please delete that Spacious ACP theme from your installed themes. It's just dead weight with 4.2 and will probably conflict like hell if you leave it in place.

    If you have the Spacious Widgets app installed for the extra widgets, you *CAN* upgrade that application directly. Just go to applications in the acp, and choose the upload new version button for Spacious Widgets and then install the spacious_acp_7.tar you download from the Marketplace. You will likely need to hit the support area and run something is not working to clear all the caches and such to clear out any relic spacious theme css and the like. I did when I was testing this app on test sites (otherwise you'l get some theme stuff working, other stuff not working, until the caches clear out on their own)

    All the former theme settings (those that made it over into the new version) are there in the application. Customization - Spacious ACP : Settings.

  13. Decided to turn the entire thing into an application now instead of waiting. No more theme to adjust; everything that was in the theme to change the look/feel of the ACP is now a tab in the app settings. I would have to do this in the near future anyways as IPS is removing ACP themes entirely soon enough.

    Anyways, 4.2 version out sometime today (Friday)

  14. Kitchen Sink 13 Released!

    • 4.2 compatible. Do not use with 4.19.x or lower!
    • New feature to adjust the suite-wide animation speeds.
    • New less-noisy stream view option (applies to club view too).
    • Toggle off Clubs pseudo-sidebar to reclaim a ton of space on a Club index page.
    • Option to allow forum index categories to display the category description as well (this was added in KS 12)
    • Option to remove the forum name from the topic author line in topics.
    • Forum post controls now consistently formatted like the multi-quote button.
    • Follow button formatting has been removed in this version while this undergoes revision for 4.2.
    • Add the last post datetime to the section title on topic view has been removed for now.

    In mostly-reverse order:

    Add the last post datetime to the section title on topic view is out for now as IPS has removed the section title on topic view entirely. They said they were just hiding section titles with css. They lied. This change also removed the built-in responses count for the topic (i.e. 10 responses in this topic, etc.). Your guess is as good as mine. So either I add both those back in with KS (which of course I can) or think about doing something else.

    The Follow button KS feature needs work. Even the IPS 4.2 follow button itself needs work (the follower count is not vertically centered the same as the other text). Giving this a re-think.

    Post Controls

    Just in case you have no idea where you are because you can't read the forum name in the breadcrumb a few pixels above the topic title IPS has now added the forum name right there after the author/date. KS allows you to send it back where it came from...

    Category/forum descriptions can have images and other junk in them. This KS feature does not care what you do so if you so desire you can make your forums look like a clown car if you aren't being careful. I recommend you stick to text-only for description if you enable this option but I can't stop you...

    Ditches all that junk on the side in favor of a simple stack view. This is just a one-off to get things a little cleaner. Toying with the idea of blowing up the stream look with another mod entirely but it would be some substantial work. Bars are colored with your theme settings for time streams or whatever that var is called. When enabled this also applies to club indexes as those are primarily streams as well.

    The club pseudo-sidebar contains primarily a list of new members and that's about it. In return for that tiny block you get 1/4 less screen width. Now enable the actual sidebar. How much screen width for actual content do you have now? Right. There is a mod in the Marketplace that sticks a bunch of stuff in this pseudo-sidebar so obviously enabling this in KS makes that mod useless. Just FYI. Hoping IPS moves this club stuff to the actual sidebar eventually. Screen shot above is with the cleaner streams option enabled.

    IPS default and fast animation speeds are slow. Really. Perk up the way hovercards, menus, etc. pop in and out of your site by adjusting these speeds. I would set default and fast at the same speed, somewhere between .10 and .20. Slow at .50, very slow at .80. Those are just recommendations of course; do whatchalike.

  15. And KS works perfectly fine with IPS but when you install Tapatalk, which is not an application *for* the IPS suite, but an entirely separate application that is doing its own thing to harvest and use your IPS site information, TT doesn't work.

    It's not that surprising - TT is really, truly, off the rails of the IPS suite - which is fine, really, no law or rules say that it can't be - but there are consequences when that happens - namely there can/will be/are collisions between things that normally work.

    What I'm trying to say is that TT isn't an apples-to-apples comparison with the other apps/plugins here in the Marketplace and you shouldn't assume that it is the Marketplace app/plugin that is at "fault". There is *nothing* I am doing that is out of the ordinary; what TT does is very much out of the ordinary. Maybe when it creates it's own "dispatcher" it doesn't take into account other hooks being possibly there - I don't know, I'm just guessing - but this is the low level conflict stuff that can/will happen when you do what TT does.

    Like I said, perfectly willing to poke this once 4.2 is official and TT is updated to 4.2 compatibility. I'm genuinely curious but not enough to eat up my time when 4.2 is about to drop and TT is not compatible with it yet (as far as I know)

    BTW, TT isn't that TT plugin. All that plugin does is set up some settings and gives you the plugin form to enter/change those settings and that's pretty much it. TT is 95% or more the stuff in the folder you drag into your IPS directory - again, it's not an IPS app - its a very different thing.

  16. @Philip Carson

    I've taken a few minutes to look over things and I'm hard pressed to see exactly what KS is doing that would break Tapatalk; or rather, what Tapatalk is doing that breaks itself. This is going to be on the Tapatalk side of things wanting to do what it does. 

    None of the theme hooks should have anything to do with Tapatalk throwing that unread error. I do see they reworked the get unread stuff to use the IPS search system earlier this year; maybe that's part of it? But again, I don't touch that with KS.

    The only system (not theme) hooks I have are on posts, topics (for allowing authors to edit first posts), one on dispatcher/standard to jack in some js files (should move that to front), and one on content/comment but that one is just to let you change the dateline on top of posts from "Posted December 12, 2016" to just the date alone.

    Tapatalk is a way funky thing, its like a totally separate application embedded within the IPS system (absolutely not an app developed for the IPS system like you could get and install from the Marketplace) - hell, they even have their own "dispatcher" stuck in their own namespace, but extending IPS\Dispatcher\Standard, and all it really contains are harvested functions taken from other IPS dispatcher files.

    I could probably help you once 4.2 is officially released and Tapatalk releases something compatible with that. I would give you versions of KS that have disabled/removed system hooks and see which of them is "interfering" with whatever Tap is doing - and then maybe I could adjust something or they could. I can't (won't...) help on this now as KS is already cooking on 4.2 and I'm not really set up to do much on the earlier versions at this point (that and way too busy to do so)

  17. @Chris027 Its fine on with KS 12, even moved edit bits around into and out of the the dropdown, hidden/not hidden.

    PM me ACP access and I can pop in and see if there is something else breaking stuff



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