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Posts posted by All Astronauts

  1. Probably, yeah, I could do it. The reverse order stuff does have some annoyances that I don't real feel like tackling though - like when you make a response it appends it to the last page, it only pops up to the first response position after a page change/refresh. That's all in the javascript controllers; I mean, it *might* be an easy js mixin to change that but ugh... don't really wanna look to be honest. 

  2. On 1/26/2018 at 9:22 PM, hjmaier said:

    I just miss one thing: I would like to click on the post counter of a topic and get a list of the members and their posts counts in that topic. 

    Signed back in under the right acount...

    Nice idea, I'll add it to this other thing cooking...

  3. I'll take as look in the morning. I may need acp from you though.  Let you know after I check things on this end. 

    EDIT: And now it's morning. Something is off on yours, might be a edge-case I'm not accounting for so I'll need to take a look.

  4. News update for the Searchlight feature. The next builds of Searchlight and KS (which has Searchlight natively) will include the newest mark.js. Dev on that library is ongoing after some downtime and instead of keeping progress limited to a 9.0 dev line they've now just moved back to incrementing the mainline. This matters as the next big push on that library is serious diacritics support: that means those of you using non-English languages will start to see this work when your flagged search terms include characters not-standard to the English loadout. 

    Even though new versions of mark.js are being included in Searchlight and KS don't expect full diacritics support until I announce it's available. 

  5. The logo in the corner thing is doable. It would be up to end users to craft the image correctly though as it would have to be proportionally square.

    Not sure I follow on the second part.

    No Custom Text:


    Some custom text:


    Note Spacious ditches the Invision Community text entirely in favor of the IPS logomark.

    Am I missing something? Not sure what white space you are talking about.

  6. This is solved in that the problem is "fixed". As iacas mentions, I made a tweak to one tiny thing that already works for everyone everywhere else, but on this server, when KS is ingested on install/upgrade, it was breaking on who-knows-what. My working hypothesis is an ancient cURL library; possibly old xml library/s too. Enough to just break the install/upgrade parse along the lines of a character swap/escape/un-escape. 

    Anyhoo, no new version of KS until 4.3 drops but this "fix" is accounted for and will be included in the next KS, even though most (everyone minus 1) aren't affected by the problem (though I should take a look at the template involved to make sure I'm not overlooking new code...)

    The ancient cURL = 7.19.7 (no idea if it is a perked up version but the core version is still nearly a decade old). IPS recommends 7.3something.something as a minimum. Didn't look at the xml libraries but I'd be sure to get eyes on those too. My primary server cURL is 7.56.1 for comparison. 

    The above is just a general note to everyone on this stuff. Problems like this come from the strangest of places...

  7. Just a note to all seeing the "updated" file notices: KS hasn't been updated.

    For reasons beyond mortal comprehension, when iacas downloads and install KS, it breaks. When *I* download and install it for him, it's perfectly fine. Double confirmed by uploading a new copy of the same KS file to the Marketplace and both of us downloading it from there and testing.

    The plugin is fine, the IPS Marketplace is download is fine. Best guess is there is some character set madness someplace or somewhere but how/why it would *just* mess, barely, with the search term like that... <insert various extremely puzzled emoji characters here>

  8. Well something is conflicting but lets make sure you have everything up to date. I ask this as on a stock, barebones 4.2.6 install, all patches, KS 20, its fine. Enter the search term up top on the forums front page, or anywhere else and you get this:


    All good, no plus signs.

    Please check and make sure that you have KS 20 (latest) installed and more importantly, all the IPS silent patches have been applied to 4.2.6. One of the patches was search related (and that cost me an hour of my life on one persons install believing it was my stuff breaking things..).

    Hit the support tool, somethings not working. Patches will list there. Outside of that I'll need ACP access again to lend a hand. But this is confirmed fine on the latest stock install. I'm betting its the IPS patch that needs applying (even if it doesn't list fixing a search thing as the problem - it might just say something about Redis - the patch notes sometimes come through incomplete)

    Check that stuff and get back to me.

    Side note that Spacious ACP has a task that adds these silent IPS patches to the dashboard so you can actually see them, along with 3rd party plugins/app upgrades too. See the Spacious ACP Marketplace topic, last two pages or so, somewhere around there I discuss the whys/hows of this stuff. Don;t ask me why IPS stopped doing,, etc releases and have buried the patches - I would only be guessing they are trying to streamline things such that if it's fine for you, no need for the patches, so no need to tell you. And if something isn't working, then you would of course hit the something isn't working support tool button, and then see the patches...

  9. PM me a site link and I can take a look. I don't think I'm adding any new css so it may just be changes the theme has made being incompatible with moving things around. Will know after a quick look.

  10. Spacious ACP 13 Released!

    • S3 storage methods now display endpoint and directory structure information

    If you use S3 and have multiple service providers, buckets, and sub-directories you can now actually see what you are doing when you assign file storage methods in the Storage Settings area of the ACP.


    No endpoint set (using a default)? No problem, it will still append any directory structure you have.

    The above is a simple example showing endpoint (obj.space - an S3 compatible service), the bucket name, and the directory path. Trust me, even if you use just standard Amazon S3 but have various methods set up on sub-directories this is something you've wanted forever...

    So, 4.3 on the way... Looking like IPS has hit the mark and then some on this release. A lot of long standing requests have been addressed. I'm stoked!

    Alas, this does mean I'm off the dev-wagon for any new Spacious ACP work (and Kitchen Sink to some extent) for the next month plus. Consider Spacious ACP 13 the last 4.2x release barring any horrible bug. I'll still be sketching out future stuff for Spacious ACP but nothing really committed to code until after I get my hands on the 4.3 alpha/betas.

  11. Heading this one off at the pass. The new patch/app upgrade feature? Confirmed fine on 4.2.6, confirmed broke on 4.2.7 betas. 

    EDIT: I have no idea why it worked before, and yet it did. Arrays, multidimensional, objects, and lack of coffee/bourbon are probably to blame for, I dunno, something?

    Spacious ACP 12.2 released!

    • Fixes or better doing of or ??? of the Patch / 3rd Party Updates Dashboard thingy.


  12. Yep, it used to be just a theme (xml) file, then it was a theme and app (the widgets) and now it is all merged into a single app as IPS will be removing ACP themeing in 4.3 (???).

    I'll update the description. Thanks!

  13. Nothing changed. Lindy shot me a message that screenshots were borked so I just uploaded new ones. This seems to happen every few months probably related to backend changes they make to the Marketplace and the CIC hosting stuff. As for "updated" files, this is a Downloads problem as technically just updating the description means the "file" is updated as the file is the Downloads entry, not the actual download itself. The ACP update notifications are coming for my stuff so that will hopefully mitigate this in the future.

    You're stuck with the added $2 on renewal fees. Won't be going any higher though (honest). Those changes were a few months back. Grandfathering might be an interesting Commerce mod though. 

    No new dev on this until the new year. I'm currently out and about in El Paso, TX through the 29th and get in dev time when I can as "my time is not my own" and so on and so forth...

    Searchlight users (including of course KS folks) I've got a tweak inbound. I totally spaced that Pages blocks are also "widgets" . So, if I try to not inadvertantly highlight junk in sidebar widgets I could also be removing highlights from Pages DBs, etc. It depends on how the end Content pages are created whether this is broken. Still testing here and there to be sure I get it mostly right before releasing.

  14. It's some guy from Bulgaria that takes stuff already stolen and posted on other pirate sites, then uploads them a new site of his own that runs a hacked copy of the the official IPS site on some random domain name, and then puts a price tag on it.

    Good times.


  15. There is an IPS bug that is being researched right now by IPS staff. For some apps and plugins, settings are randomly being reset. So you are probably in a holding pattern right now. Currently proctoring an exam so no time to confirm all is good but I'll double check when I get a chance later

  16. Spacious ACP 12.1 Released!

    • Improvements/Fixes for new Dashboard Updates feature.

    This was way more of a pain in the posterior than it should have been. Never expected IPS patches to not increment the Core long version but here we are. Anyways, these should all be "fine" now. Tested by and large. Only hitch might be my running my task: a) separately from the IPS update checker and b) running it every 12 hours. There's a small possibility of an update popping up again but I think this is fine. If it happens I'll just hook onto the official updatechecker task and call it a day.

    That said, this update will reset my stored update vars so once again you'll need to either wait awhile or run first the IPS updatecheck task, and then the Spacious patchcheck task or whatever I called it.

    Also the update links (if present) in the popup for 3rd Party apps/plugins are now target="_blank" so as to not hijack your ACP browser window.

  17. I will need to do something after you apply the patch or upgrade the apps. For patches at least, none of the avail patch stuff resets - I'll have to do that somehow... Otherwise the button stays, and curiously (not my end) the patch is still there for applying. If you hit the IPS updatecheck task, and then my updatecheck task everything resets fine. These are not full on methods though so how I tackle this will depend on which way I want the wind to blow. 

    Update: I've got this sketched out and as long as the end of the various update routines do what they should I'll have this patched tonight sometime.

    Update 2: Well this got weird in a hurry. Barring a D20 sanity check failing I think the core long version number isn't updated after patches are applied. That makes removing the patch button slightly more annoying. Mostly a curiosity in the end as I can just wipe my setting that tracks this post-update. Just... really unexpected.

  18. Spacious ACP 12 Released!

    • That thing I did up a post or two.

    Long story short is that IPS patches are checked for every 12 hours (as determined by your task running/cron). 3rd Party Apps and Plugins I'm just pulling what the default IPS update checker has already brought through - that task runs once a day.

    In order for this stuff to fire away you'll need to wait 12 hours or so for my task to fire off or just run the spacious_patchCheck task manually.

    I'll get themes included in the update checks for the next Spacious version. 

    Oh, yeah, naturally, the third party stuff requires the authors to provide an update url that gets read by the system to flag out updates. Something I have yet to do... I really should do that (or one of a few already released for devs 3rd party tools to do this)

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