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All Astronauts

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Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. Could always get the plugin? I'll show myself out...
  2. Submitted. Actually lost power for a while yesterday which delayed this fix 😞
  3. Would you want the view selector removed as well? Also you know the above is in KS already right 🙂
  4. Doing some more poking on and off over the last few weeks. Got some new display options in-bound for the search results page. Mostly just to put the focus on results, and less on the extraneous information. Nothing massively transformative (tempted but that means new templates and more hooks all around...) but you'll probably like them. Also took another, deeper, look into the IPS truncating results with 4.5, specifically the search JS, and that 600 character max-trim on the PHP side ends up mostly being 300 characters and change on the display side after the marking function works it over, in case any one was wondering why all the results end up being two lines of text usually. So... blah. It means a JS mixin that overrides one of the search results JS functions to get around this and bring more flex back into play. Maybe, but not sure this will be the next release or not. As mentioned much, much, earlier, the reason for missing marks on the results page is that initial 600 character truncate as they only take the first 600 characters of the content item whether the search result is in it or not. SSSR took care of most of that by pre-finding the matching bit but there were still some misses being pushed out. Found the (obvious) hitch and I'll try and get that patched up for next release and voila - should have marks on every result going forward.
  5. Crazy. Just seeing this now. Didn't think I was that checked out this weekend...
  6. Version 5 submitted. Changelog more or less the same as the above. EDIT: Approved 3/1/2021 FYI, set the mark.js to 'complimentary' in settings. Start there, and I suspect that's where you will leave it.
  7. Just a heads up there is another update coming through in a few days. The CURRENT changelog is this: NEW! When a search is NOT a termed (quoted) search, Searchlight will still attempt to mark the entire query out as a single entity, in addition to each word individually. NEW! In addition to the above, when a not-termed (quoted) full query match is found, Searchlight will jump to the first occurrence of that match, instead of the first word match. NEW! Selecta-a-Search links now formattable for background and text colors to differentiate them from the quote link. NEW! Active marks now have scaling option. Increase the size of the active mark for better vis! NEW! You now have a choice of previous/next icons for the Searchlight side-page navigator NEW! Searchlight side-page navigator on desktop view is heavily faded until hovered-over/interacted with. Tablet and mobile views remain full opacity. UPDATE! Remove duplicate terms provided by IPS search functions so there are fewer duplicated marking iterations on content items. UPDATE! Various CSS tweaks, single mark Searchlight side-page navigator now pulse animated, etc... I'm still poking it. On some super large content pages - either a page that has 25 posts and they are all massive blocks of text, or maybe a Pages DB entry that is basically book-length text, if you have a single mark on the page, on initial page load the mark doesn't quite scroll into view and I *think* its either due to the JavaScript outstripping the browser load speed (but this is running on Document.ready so...) or there is something else quite not right. I'm not sure I'll be tracking this down anytime soon, and of course one just hits that target button to jump there anyways so... Always something. The first two bullets, I can see an ask there. When you have a full match to a query, either due to the new change I just made to catch it when not a termed search, or when it actually is a termed (quoted) search, if on the page there is more than one match for that, the marking routine will still hit the first occurrence, even if by chance the result you clicked on the results page was an instance of it in another post further down the page. I can see a path forward for that, at least for commenting instances which is the main hitch, but it will probably be awhile before I swing around and try dealing with it. I think I'll also option in the debug bottom page rail for those of you who want to see what's going on and to see what is and isn't being marked out when you change options. I call it the debug line but it's more like the initial push for the "more details" flyout I have sketched out for the navigator. Either way I'll have it set for no, admins only, or everyone, so your call. (Screenshots just planted wherever in post fyi)
  8. 3.0.0 was released and it does solve the problem but someone brought an edge case to me so there is a 3.1.0 coming down the pipe. Submitted, approved and available when it's available. Seems there is a tiny hitch when people would create a field but ignore the 'Searchable' tab completely and just hit save. Didn't feel like tracking it down the rabbit hole so just moved the searchable field to the bottom of the first tab and removed my searchable tab completely. Also added a burn-it-all-down option, a few language tweaks, etc. FIX! Moved the form field for PSTF to resolve hitch when people just save the form without visiting the previous 'Searchable' tab in the form CHANGE! Database titles used instead of keys in plugin rebuild search indexes options. NEW! Option to wipe out all settings for searchable fields and start over, or not.
  9. Submitted, verified working on my own sites. Sorry bout that.
  10. Oh Searchable Text Fields, not Category Images. My bad. Looking.
  11. You don't show in the list of downloaders at all, and it's not flagged 4.5 compatible so it doesn't appear in the ACP MP. @Daniel F am I missing something here? Weird MP quirk?
  12. It's missing the pci column in the table. Not sure where you got your copy from... (cough) Anyways, it's been a been awhile, I'll poke this today to see if I can find a way to get this up to true 4.5 compatibility. It's fine if you got this from the MP but with the IPS MP rule to not allow cols on their own tables anymore, as mentioned further above, there are some hitches with Pages to get around that.
  13. Wild. What would this be actually for beyond novelty? FYI, I'll be pushing the next release out probably today, will have the auto-gen title, artists, album bits on it - works for MP3 and FLACS that have tags of some sort. Also did some preliminary work on popups from those above mentioned details. Just pushing out more of the tags available is weak sauce. This won't happen immediately but I'm thinking no one will complain if this gets integrated with the Discogs API. You can probably imagine what the pop-ups will look like now.
  14. Think this will be it, with classes for you to over-ride in your custom css to format the block as you see fit if this doesn't do it for you. Also am swapping out the default paperclip for music note for the attachment icon.
  15. 👆 I had sites where users were using Grammarly locally via browser extension and were somehow inserting the entire Grammarly JavaScript chunks into the content of their Articles posts they were creating. Absolute hell to deal with. I told them to stop and maybe attend a local grammar rodeo to learn moar better grammars.
  16. Already moving onward... Ignore the mis-match between file and metadata, testing formatting. Thinking when you hit that new area maybe popup the full whatever-is-there metadata? Thoughts? Area will be formattable of course. Also, was not kidding about some browsers being very picky about file integrity. Chrome, on the right, played that fine. Firefox, on the left, did nothing. I threw the file at MP3Val (open source desktop MP3 file checker) and there was a single CRC error somewhere in the audio stream. Chrome did not care. Firefox did. That tool allows you to patch and save the file automatically, done and done, re-uploaded and both browsers played the file just fine.
  17. Any update on this? I don't think the over all problem with losing interface was with files that can be run through resources with little problem (single html, gif, even js), but more with including full 3rd party PHP libraries into our projects. We can brute force them into the source directory but that is an awful lot of hell modifying all the individual files to work within that structure, if it is even permissible per library license restrictions. Could you also better explain what you mean regarding HTTP access to the files in this new system you have cooking, and what no access to the framework means?
  18. Yeah, totes magoats awful on my part. I've had it running on my sites for the better part of a month+ now with zero hitches. It's ready, but there have been so many squirrels I've been chasing lately (and those are just the ones that are public). If I don't get too distracted I'll grind out the submission tonight (whole new description - blah)
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