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All Astronauts

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. Yeah, totes magoats awful on my part. I've had it running on my sites for the better part of a month+ now with zero hitches. It's ready, but there have been so many squirrels I've been chasing lately (and those are just the ones that are public). If I don't get too distracted I'll grind out the submission tonight (whole new description - blah)
  2. 7.0.0 submitted February 10th, 2020 10pm central USA time NEW! Option to append HTML5 audio player to ALL file attachments in commenting areas that are of MP3, FLAC, OGG, or WAV formats! Naturally, approved when it's approved. Audio player feature is solid and has been needed forever and ever which means of course it will probably be a native function in 4.6 or something. Anyways, I'm having a blast with it and so are my users. There are a lot of possibilities here as well down the line; the more I add, the more the price creeps up. If you are on the side lines, get in while you can. That's a guest view on Firefox when guests CANNOT download attachments in the forum. They can PLAY the file, but since they are guests and do not have the forum permissions to dl attachments, it's listed as unavailable and will give an error redirect when they try to dl it. I note this as enterprising users could just pull up the page code and find the link to the file which the HTML5 audio player uses to play. I doubt this is all that big of a deal to most people but worth noting.
  3. As far as I know it's just two staff on review/approval duties. Sometimes they poke around on weekends, but otherwise it's a during the week sort of thing. Considering it was submitted mid-day Sunday, I'd say earlier afternoon Monday is pretty alright.
  4. 1.3.0 submitted 2/7/2021 - available when you see it in the ACP, should be a day or two from now NEW! Core - Lazy-load option for userphotos NEW! Forums - Index - Option to hide the circle-dot unread marker on sub-forums (sub-forum titles remain bolded when unread) NEW! Forums - Topics - append topic author's user group after author's name. Plain or formatted. ADD! A few new language strings to replace hard-coded text in settings. The lazy load is the newer browser-based lazy flag. That's all. IPS will eventually be removing all their own javascript lazy load stuff in a later version of Invision Community in favor of the new browser standards - this just jumps ahead of the line for userphotos - mainly due to all the noise from that topic a week or two ago. This is like a two second hook to make so figured I'd throw it in. This will, naturally, get yanked when IPS eventually flips stuff over... The rest should be self-explanatory
  5. FYI your account confirmation emails are going directly to my spam folder. You may wish to check your DNS settings for your email server or run your address through some email service examiners that look for what's wrong if anything, etc.
  6. That's an IPS built in feature I'm piggy backing on - and also, I'm not getting it to fire on my end on your site right now. Are you sure you are seeing this when you select text in a topic: EDIT: Oh yeah, since I'm not logged in I can't comment so that feature won't work for me. I'll have to mention that in the description
  7. I'd also adjust the MarkJS setting you see there to complimentary so when you search something like the word 'very', 'the 'very' part of 'every' won't get flagged
  8. Plugin settings... 😀 As for the second ask, select text in a comment area, that's in a topic basically. Where you normally would see just a quote popup when you release your mouse button after selecting the text, SSSR adds on search options. Make sure you have that enabled, again, plugin settings, looks like it isn't turned on.
  9. If you mean the Searchlight functionality coming from clicking those autocomplete links, then no, as the terms for Searchlight marking are pulled from the search results form, and this plugin is giving you results you click directly to right there. So Searchlight would have nothing to mark out. If you ignored those auto-complete suggestions and went on through to the usual search results, then the marking would work. Other than that, nothing there interferes with anything I'm doing.
  10. It's live now. I've got more in the hopper and have already made some enhancements/options locally so it won't be too too long before 5 drops. I've got another search thing that hasn't seen the light of day here that I might finish out and add on - if that occurs it'll be another 5 or 10 to the buy and a bump in renews - just fyi for the window shoppers (if it happens, won;t be v5) Enjoy.
  11. Just ran an upgrade on a site of mine from 20.0.0 to 20.1.1 and it ran fine. Check your system logs (under the support area in the ACP) and see what/any error messages there are or PM me a username/pw to the ACP and I can pop in and take a look
  12. 4.0.0 submitted. Description in the MP will be updated post-approval. For now though, you can get all the new info here. It was a nice squirrel I think you will agree. UPDATE! Searchlight marking code enhanced; should prevent most double-marks which break formatting and navigation. NEW! Searchlight option to apply Searchlight highlights to content titles in addition to content areas. NEW! MORE Searchlight settings for altering appearance of Searchlight highlights and the side page mark navigator. NEW! Setting for jump speed between Searchlight marks when using the navigator. UPDATE! Searchlight side page mark navigator now larger. Easier for navigation on mobile. NEW FEATURE! Select-a-Search! Piggy-backs on the highlight-to-quote popup to instead run a search on the selected text! As individual terms or complete phrase! REMOVED! Navigation on the Searchlight marks themselves; neat but too much noise. Does what it sez. As for the rest, Searchlight double-marks which break navigation and so on should be mostly a thing of the past now. The Searchlight nav has been embiggened and you can customize the color and icon/text colors. Jump speed between marks is whatever you would like it to be instead of the leisurely default you had before. Yep. That about covers it.
  13. Also I saw a squirrel so you know what that means...
  14. Not a lot of feedback (any...) for Social Search so looks like that might be dead-ended. I might throw a few things at it and maybe release sometime but with nary a word from purchasers hard to move forward on it. Anyhoo, this thing. I've spotted on my sites a few tiny hitches. There are certain cases where a double mark gets applied which messes things up a little. That might take a bit to track down though, but it is on my radar. What is being addressed right now are cases where matches are not occurring when the word has a punctuation bit directly afterwards when you have things set to "exactly" for matches. And that is happening because I forgot to pull over that option in settings from the old Searchlight plugin - its there in SSSR but someone forgots to add it into the settings form. Wonder who... More specifically, with "exactly" set I need to add in additional filters for these ending punctuation marks. Exactly does mean that precisely. "Thing, " is not the same thing as "Thing " so you can see the problem here. I also am leaning towards REMOVING the on-mark navigation (the arrows that appear when hovering over the mark) as in hindsight its a bit much. With that though, some improvements to the side-page mark navigator, borrowing from the Honey draggable popup thing many of you probably have installed. Fridays I tend to poke low-key things so this is being worked over now.
  15. 20.1.1 Submitted. FIX! Call to IPS user counts method that can err under certain unknown conditions.
  16. AMH 10 submitted. Available when approved. Contains the following: NEW! Added template and custom language string for yearbook quote edit form. FIX! Modified permissions on AMH popup so the gear menu containing mod actions does not appear when the AMH card belongs to a moderator or admin NEW! Added option to insert current browsing location into card. Members logged in anonymously excluded of course. FIX! Wiping out your yearbook quote now resets things correctly.
  17. Add moderator or admin to the AllAstronauts account so I can see the gear menu (its for mods only)
  18. AMH has never done this, I can add it in if wanted though. You've exposed an IPS language bug. When I dev'd this I just grabbed something in a nearby template that was the word "posts". "ignore_topics" is strangely enough "posts" in the default IPS English language pack. No idea why. I'll change this to something more reasonable. Can you re-enable this on your site so I can take a look. I think you've got something conflicting somewhere. This is fine locally and on my own live sites.
  19. We (@iacas and myself) tracked it down, there is a small hitch with the underlying IPS method for getting these counts. As for why only some sites only get this, and then only occasionally, remains a mystery... I'll push out a "patched" version of Spacious which *should* mitigate this but any subsequent errors would be on the IPS side of things. I doubt you'll see any errors post-patch though as for the most part the IPS task which calls the same method I'm using usually runs error-free so I would assume...
  20. He's right you know, I totally forgot that widget even existed
  21. If you want to FILTER the records when viewing them with table view, toggling that on will add it to the "sort by" drop down on the table. This thing: If you want to SEARCH on the field, you need to get those fields into the search engine, and for that you'll need my plugin.
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