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  1. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from AlexWright in Swiper Slider [ support topic ]   
    Ok, let me know if it happens again, simply disable the slider so no one can see it and send me a message so i can check. you do not need to reinstall it 🙂 
  2. Like
    TAMAN reacted to ChrisTERiS in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Never mind. I found it in Settings-> Entertainment-> Christmas mode
  3. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Guitar Gathering in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Perfect!  Works like a charm.  Thanks TAMAN!
  4. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Steph40 in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Go in my purchase in marketplace, find behemoth I the list, there should be a renewal invoice there.
  5. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Noble~ in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Re-download and update 🙂 
    Thank you.
  6. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Sovereign Grace Singles in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Re-download and update 🙂 
    Thank you.
  7. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Loren in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
  8. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Daniel F in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Version 1.0.7
    -1.0.7: Fixed an issue where expanding Footer Rows in ACP throws error if the row contains feed-blocks from app categories that are deleted.
  9. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Daniel F in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Yep, I never thought about that to be honest, and i will definitely update the app to prevent this error. 🙂 
    Thank you for pointing it out. 
    Totally noted, Thank you!
    Merry Christmas! 🙂 
  10. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Daniel F in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    @TAMAN My merry Christmas weekend suggestion:
    Either update/delete such data when a forum is deleted, or wrap your code always into a try-catch block:) 
    To make it easier for the admin to see what's going on, you could e.g. use IPS\Log::log() to log an error inside the catch block, or with 4.4 you could also use our new admin notification system ( 
     ) to send a notification to the admin to notify him about the deleted node which is used in the footer..
  11. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to JTHastings in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Merry Christmas!!!
  12. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Steph40 in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thank you. I did not mean hover but when I select a menu item. Anyway, I had made the change but it was a matter of cache, it is all good now. 
    I do appreciate your help.
  13. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Sovereign Grace Singles in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    You have settings to change navigation colors in Header & Menus tab 🙂 but you cant change the mobile and desktop navigation colors separately.
    so, if you want to change the mobile navigation font color without effecting the desktop navigation font colors 
    Add this in custom.css and change the value
    .ipsDrawer_itemParent > h4 > a, .ipsDrawer_itemParent > h4, .ipsDrawer_list > li > a:not( .ipsButton ), .ipsDrawer_list > li:not( .ipsDrawer_itemParent ) > a:not( .ipsButton ){ color: #8896a1; } There is no hover color on mobile.
  14. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from slushpuppeh in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    I dont think its an issue with your theme, try to disable all apps/plugins to check.
    If still no hope then try to test on default theme if it happens there, If it happens same on default IPS theme you need to contact IPS.
    Otherwise if it is only in my theme, then i recommend you to do a fresh install and without any modifications.
  15. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to pilotguy in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thanks @TAMAN for the ALWAYS quick replies and work (when required!)
  16. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from pilotguy in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    @pilotguy You can now download the theme and update 🙂 
    sorry for the delay and thank you again. 
  17. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to dunefreak in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Love the Christmas & snowfall mode! Great job, @TAMAN
  18. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Noble~ in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Unfortunately not. it is not possible to remove the gap. because where and how would you show all these profile fields?
    the only option would be removing some of your profile fields from showing under the user names 🙂 
  19. Like
    TAMAN reacted to SerialNoob in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thanks for quick fix 
  20. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to P2E Gaming in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Great little add on mate looks quality 
  21. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Kai Levinov in Pages Clan Wars [ support topic ]   
    I bought it it is my friend he is installing the mod for me but that is what it shows. We don't get what is the problem can you help please?
  22. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from SerialNoob in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Yep, thanks for reporting 
    I just fixed it and update the theme files in marketplace, you can redownload and update 🙂 
  23. Like
    TAMAN reacted to SerialNoob in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Maybe because the navigation type on your demo site is "fixed"... it doesn't happen if I choose "fixed", it does happen with the "default" type.

  24. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from pilotguy in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Yep, thanks for pointing it out, it is only css issue, i will fix it tomorrow and update the files in marketplace 🙂
    Thanks again.
  25. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to pilotguy in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Hello Mr. @TAMAN
    Wanted to bring something to your attention and/or have you point out where I may be having an issue.
    I have your latest Dreadnought theme and when the christmas feature is turned on it seems to mess with the clickable region for some menu items in clubs.  
    This shot below is with the Xmas light effect.  Note how it pushes the club name down into the clickable menu items as well as the club logo.

    This next shot is with the effects turned off.  All menu items work as they should.

    Not sure what needs to be tweaked here but after disabling all applications/plugins the problem still is present.  It isn't until I turn off the effects that the problem goes away.
    It's truly not a huge deal to be perfectly honest but I wanted to point it out if no one else has.  I'm willing to troubleshoot and try different things if you need.  I'll be back at work tomorrow in about 14 hours so I'll look then for replies here.
    Cheers Taman and keep up the great work!
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