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  1. Like
    Marc reacted to ExoTech in Invision Community 5: Page Builder   
    It would be great if we could use a minimum content for all areas. We use Invision Community as a Knowledge Base for our customers and we need our customers to focus on the relevant content, nothing more. For example, they don't need to see or know who started article or when.
  2. Like
    Marc reacted to Ehren in Invision Community 5: Page Builder   
    Introducing new Page Builder tools in Invision Community 5
    Widgets are an incredibly powerful tool for displaying curated content of your choice on any page of your community - and despite the extensive array of settings for customizing their data, they've often been limited in terms of their design options. But this changes thanks to the new Page Builder tools in Invision Community 5!
    Widget Designs
    Previously in version 4, widgets would often have 2 designs: one for the main content area and a more minimal version for the sidebar. This worked well, but it meant your page was very limited in terms of design as you'd typically need to use the same table-like layout for most widgets. Anything beyond that would typically require a custom block to be coded, often with additional HTML or CSS.
    Version 5 offers much more customization by allowing you to change the design of each widget with the click of your mouse - no coding necessary! When dragging a widget onto your page, a new toolbar at the bottom of the page appears, holding all of the widget design options. Lets take a look at some below!
    A familiar a very layout used elsewhere in the suite, the Grid design neatly aligns entries in a grid with a large cover photo sitting up top. A great combination of visual imagery alongside meta data such as entry descriptions.

    A spacious list and a great way to feature content, pardon the pun.

    Perfect for content which includes uploaded cover photos or thumbnails! The Wallpaper design stretches each image to make it occupy the entire background, overlaid by a minimal amount of content. A subtle gradient sits behind the text to ensure it's easy to read, even on detailed images.

    Rows (table)
    The Rows design is a very familiar one, used very often throughout other areas of the suite. Content is displayed in a neat table, that collapses into a more compact design on small screens.

    Great for displaying a lot of content in a compact area! Minimal only shows primary information and hides meta data such as entry descriptions and stats. Great for sidebars, or areas with limited width.

    Minimal Grid
    The Minimal Grid design removes large meta information and displays content in a nice, compact grid. A nice option for displaying a lot of content while being cautious of vertical space.

    The Carousel option is quite unique because it can be applied in tandem with other widget designs, and is a perfect way to make the existing layouts even more compact. For example, by default, the Wallpaper design is aligned as a grid, but with the Carousel option enabled, the layout is converted into a carousel instead:
    Here's another example, using the Featured and Carousel options:
    Blog - featured carousel.mp4
    Fun fact for developers: All of these designs use the exact same HTML structure; the only thing that differs is the class name on the parent element. This makes it incredibly easy to adjust the design of your own widgets without needing to manually code multiple layouts.
    Widget Areas
    Version 4 was often quite limiting when it came to aligning widgets in pages. Widgets could be dragged into a stacked, vertical list but that was typically as far as you could go in terms of design. Version 5 introduces a new concept called Widget Areas, which allow you to align multiple widgets in a variety of ways. Lets take a look!
    To create an area, you simply need to drag one widget on top of another.
    Blog - areas.mp4
    By default, they'll align themselves into a grid, but can be realigned with ease by using the toolbar at the bottom of the page. The toolbar also holds controls for adjusting the width of widgets, and the gap between them:
    Blog - alignments.mp4
    Widget Designs and Widget Areas in Version 5 make it incredibly easy to create a completely custom page in a matter of seconds. We're really excited for you to get your hands on these new tools in Invision Community 5, and are looking forward to seeing all of these new page designs in the wild, in the very near future!

    View full blog entry
  3. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Como in Seeking Help & Guidance with Email Setup (Cloud)   
    Its not something we would be able to isolate easily for your specific site unfortunately
  4. Like
    Marc got a reaction from media in [4.7.15] DATE form helper bug with timezones when checking min/max date   
    Added a note on this to the bug report
  5. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from JohnCourt in Guest Cannot Check Out When Donating   
    They could, however in the same way guests could spam your site and so could members. You can simply ban a member. Guests will just keep coming
  6. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from Randy Calvert in Guest Cannot Check Out When Donating   
    This is because it was being used as a target for spammers to test stolen credit card details. 
  7. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from dmaidon1 in Guest Cannot Check Out When Donating   
    This is because it was being used as a target for spammers to test stolen credit card details. 
  8. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from teraßyte in Guest Cannot Check Out When Donating   
    This is because it was being used as a target for spammers to test stolen credit card details. 
  9. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from teraßyte in [4.7.15] DATE form helper bug with timezones when checking min/max date   
    Added a note on this to the bug report
  10. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Matt Finger in Filter out emojis by category   
    As mentioned by my colleague, this is a pretty universal thing, which we won't be changing.
    I have to be honest here too, and say you should really ask yourself how much of an impact on the success of your site changing around a few emojis is going to make. We do see people overthink quite often, and it can be helpful to sit back at times and ask yourself if these things are really worth it. 
    Take this one thing as an example. We wont be implementing it ourselves. Evaluate if the below is worthwhile, or if it would be better spent on the sites content
    Time spent here figuring out if it's possible Time to write the relevant changes to do what you wish to do Time fixing issues with what you just changed Time updating these items on-site upgrades which break your changes Time chasing what you think may be bugs due to those changes Of course you may read the above and think "Yes!". If that's the case, then great! But it would be remiss of me not to share my thoughts.
  11. Like
    Marc got a reaction from G17 Media in Task Cronjob Suddenly Triggering Excessive Resource Usage after 4.7.14 Upgrade   
    We really could do with getting a slow query log running, as mentioned a couple of times above
  12. Like
    Marc reacted to Gary in Invision Community 5: Editor Permissions and Custom Embeds   
    Hi @Fernando Mercês,
    I know I may be stating the obvious, but there is a donation feature built into Invision Community.
    AdminCP -> Commerce -> Payments -> Donations
    You could always obtain the donation button from PayPal, add it to your topic/post as an image and simply add a link to it. That's how I have done it for many of my communities in the past and never had an issue. A community I recently launched uses the default donation feature and despite it not being used yet, it does look seamless.
  13. Like
    Marc reacted to aia in Filter for Language Strings Used in the Frontend   
    For my case, I only need a flag indicating 'Used in Frontend'. To accommodate all scenarios, you can consider marking strings with one or both of the following flags: 'Used In Frontend' and 'Used in ACP'. This allows flexibility depending on where the string is used.
  14. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Randy Calvert in Live Chat module for Cloud clients   
    We do not publish roadmaps for the product. Posting in here is the correct thing to do, and if things like this are to be added, you would see them appear in blogs
  15. Like
    Marc reacted to Allen Bradford in Member email blocked   
    Never mind sorta….I had this happen some time ago and apparently started a Topic then which explains it.
    Here for anyone interested:
    Blocked emails Topic
  16. Like
    Marc got a reaction from DawPi in Live Chat module for Cloud clients   
    We do not publish roadmaps for the product. Posting in here is the correct thing to do, and if things like this are to be added, you would see them appear in blogs
  17. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Upgrade gets stuck on Application: gallery   
    I'm helping with the upgrade, and I figured it out. I'm posting the cause in case someone else hits the same issue.
    The Gallery application was not updated to the latest version (5.0.5) for IP.Board 3.4.6.
    Some required tables/columns added in newer versions were missing, which caused the errors.
  18. Like
    Marc reacted to Nathan Explosion in Need Help Solving A "List" Problem   
    Recommend the post that is considered to be the currently correct one?
    Result - it's at the top of each page..

  19. Like
    Marc reacted to Matt Finger in Invision Community 5: Editor Permissions and Custom Embeds   
    We recently announced the new Invision Community 5 editor which adds many new exciting features such as semantically correct header tags, custom boxes and more. As the new editor is a leap forward in technology, some legacy features had to be left behind. We received a lot of messages about these changes, and have created new tools based on that feedback to ensure you still have the tools you need.
    The new features are based around restricting some high level editor functionality for specific member groups and enabling an easy way to add custom embeds.
    Permission Levels
    Invision Community 5 puts a lot of new tools in the editor, including header tags, boxes and positioning tools. These are useful features, but perhaps you do not want your members changing the semantic structure of the page by adding H1 tags. Or maybe you don't want them being able to add custom boxes with colors. Based on this feedback, we have introduced a permission levels system.
    At the heart of the system lies three editor permission levels: Minimal, Standard and Advanced.
    Specific editor features are assigned to one or more levels. For example, you may only want header tags and content boxes to be for the 'advanced' permission level which only administrators can use.
    These permission levels are configurable via the Admin Control Panel.

    When is Each Restriction Level Used?
    Now that we have set up the permission levels, we need to apply them to member groups.
    We do this by simplying heading over to the Member Groups section of the Admin Control Panel. In the "Content" section of that form, there are two new options:
    Default Editor Restriction Level: This is the restriction level the group uses by default, for example in Forum Topics and Blog Posts. Editor Restriction Level for Comments: This is the level used for Comments (including Topic Replies) throughout the Community.
    When a member has multiple groups, they will use the most permissible editor setting out of all groups.
    Custom Embeds
    In response to news that the ability to toggle into 'source mode' and directly edit the underlying structure of the editor document was not implemented because editor technology has moved on, many people told us they used that feature to add custom iframes from specific services they use.
    We understood the need for custom embeds, and we've added the option to create iframe elements with any whitelisted URL from a link.
    CleanShot 2024-06-20 at 15.49.43.mp4
    Additionally, iframes created this way have configurable height and width so you can resize to your liking

    This feature has two editor permissions: "Can Embed External Content," and "Can Convert Links to iframes".
    Adding iframes into a post can potentially be a security issue, so strong controls are needed to ensure there isn't abuse of this system. The editor will only allow links to be converted to iframes if the domain has been whitelisted. The whitelist exists in the new tab, Admin Control Panel > System > Posting & Editor > Embeds. The feature can also be entirely disabled from here.

    That wraps up this round of changes based on your comments. We hope that you enjoy this update to our Invision Community 5 editor and we always appreciate your feedback.

    View full blog entry
  20. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Installing Pages   
    Seems like you had the Pages application installed before and it wasn't removed correctly. 🤔
    I think you'll need to delete manually any tables with the cms_ prefix in your database. Then try installing again the application.
    Always make a backup before deleting any tables, though.
  21. Like
    Marc reacted to Charles in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    We will be inviting another batch of testers in next week. Keep an eye on your notifications for the invite!
  22. Like
    Marc reacted to DawPi in Custom reputation for reactions   
    There were a mod named "(MIX) Advanced Reaction Settings" with this option:
    More info - https://forum.invisionize.pl/topic/51693-ips-marketplace-mix-advanced-reaction-settings/
  23. Like
    Marc reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Little update: bugs are being squashed slightly faster than they are being reported, which is a good sign.
    We've got two blogs queued up, one for tomorrow and one for next week. I've just seen the video Ehren has put together and it's his best yet. It's fitting that he opened the v5 video blogs, and has created the last. That should be out next week. We will have a bunch of other blogs after, but this is the last major feature reveal.

    As for alpha testing v5, don't worry because...

    (After we've got things a little more stable or the bug report forum will be like Harry Potter's living room but instead of trying to stop Harry opening an invitation to Hogwarts, I'll be trying to stop our devs from having a breakdown).
  24. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Group Promotions Not Working   
    Promotion rules are only checked when a member logs in. If a member is inactive and doesn't visit the forum anymore, the rule to move them will never be triggered.
    I assume the mod to member 2 group is a similar rule. Inactive moderators are downgraded to normal members. Again, if the member doesn't visit the site the rule isn't triggered.
  25. Like
    Marc reacted to Nathan Explosion in Upgrade path from a very old version?   
    Ensure site working as-is on 7.4 Disable any non-IPS plugins/applications that you may have installed Turn site offline via ACP Switch PHP version to 8.0 or 8.1 - site will stop working Run this https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/ and fix any issues Download update from client area, upload it to your site via FTP Go to /admin/upgrade manually
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