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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. If you are looking to change the string it shows only, you can do this by editing the relevant language string. This would be the string 'node_error_no_perm' See the following on how to edit language strings
  2. It looks there like you have the language pack they were set on, disabled
  3. No problem, and good luck with getting that resolved
  4. A ticket has been created to resolve this for you. Please update all details on file and respond to that, and we can get this looked into for you
  5. I see that has already been moved to sales for you, so someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  6. You did, however what I dont understand is the statement there that users with and without a purchase will end up in the members group. If their purchase has expired, they don't then have a purchase. There isnt really any way to do what you want to here if you are looking for members registering through different methods being added to different groups. That isnt a function of the software at present. Users can be 'moved' to groups on a scenario, such as purchasing, but if you have it set to move back on expiry, it will indeed move back to the initial group (members or whatever group they were in). If you have it not move back, they would alway then be in the group the purchase put them in.
  7. As mentioned above by opentype, if you wish to change the usergropu that is set after registration that is a config item that can be set in your conf_global.php file, by changing the assigned group. For most however its simpler just to rename the members group to whatever you want it to be called.
  8. As I mentioned in your other ticket, really you would need to contact the author of that item. Unless of course its happening with any product you try to uninstall, as mentioned above
  9. We would not provide the testing for a 3rd party authors products. While we have guidelines that must be followed for submission, we simply would be unable to do what you are suggesting there. If we were to do something like that, it would be quicker to write every item into the core, which of course we also wouldnt do. While I understand its time consuming, it is a 3rd party item unfortunately. Our advice would be to use only what you absolutely need. If you are running quite a lot, then you will indeed get times where one conflicts with another for some reason. With the uninstall issue, you would also need to contact that author
  10. Just to let you know, I have taken a look on your site, and Im not actually seeing where it is you see this added either
  11. I would need more information on what you are seeing there. I do however need to make it very clear, this is not something that has been done by IPS or by your invision product.
  12. Please post all responses in English. Am I correct in saying you have resolved this? If not, it looks like you have language strings showing using the language tools there
  13. Thank you for coming back to let us know, and glad you resolved the problem
  14. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  15. That would not be the correct way in which to do this. You need to change the location and move the files first. Have you completely deleted the AWS keys themselves? The key is stored in core_file_storage if you wanted to try and update them. You would need to be very careful doing so and I would encourage backing up before you begin
  16. The first thing I would check there is if it is happening without any of those 3rd party items mentioned at the bottom enabled
  17. No, there is no problem with moving data to an existing site. Of course, perform all the usual precautions (backing up) 🙂
  18. I have flagged this for a developers attention, so they can review this. It may well have been an intentional change
  19. If you take a look under the system log, it will actually tell you what hooks are included in the run up to that error, so it will give you an idea of what is causing the problem
  20. Please could you confirm that has resolved the issue for you?
  21. You would need to check that with the provider of that plugin
  22. I would suggest disabling those first of all, if its only started to happen after installing those
  23. No problem at all. If you wish to change that, you can contact your hosting provider to see if they can amend that
  24. There is nowhere you can see a list that is sent out, but if your users are receiving too many emails of notifications, the answer would be to adjust their email notifications accordingly. They can do this by selecting their name>account setting>notification settings, and adjusting accordingly. If they want to stop them altogether, there is a button on the bottom right of that page to stop all email notifications.
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