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Everything posted by AlexWebsites

  1. I imported a dump of the database into a new database to test. I removed the constants.php. The site came up. I added redis and downloaded a fresh copy of constants.php. I connected and the site went haywire again. I deleted everything in datastore and it came back up. I now connected the old database with the new constants file (redis on) and the site is up and running. We'll see how it goes. I manually moved from S3. I must have done something by running the cron to fast...
  2. What's the best way to disable redis in contstants.php? Is it just set to false? This is what I have now: <?php \define( 'LONG_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 60 ); \define( 'REDIS_ENABLED', true ); \define( 'STORE_METHOD', 'Redis' ); \define( 'STORE_CONFIG', '[]' ); \define( 'CACHE_METHOD', 'Redis' ); \define( 'REDIS_CONFIG', '{"server":"","port":6379,"password":""}' ); \define( 'SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY', '########' ); \define( 'IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION', '0777' ); \define( 'FOLDER_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE', '0755' ); \define( 'IPS_FILE_PERMISSION', '0666' ); \define( 'FILE_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE', '0644' );
  3. Yes had access and no CSS issues. I was moving from S3 back to /uploads and felt like it was taking too long. I hit the task and then got these errors/theme issues.
  4. I restored everything from S3 to the uploads folder, the rest was there. I suppose I could from a backup but is there something in that folder that would cause this? I think this is a path/cache issue that hasn’t completed. Probably something in the database. I'm looking at the database and the core_cache table has (not sure if normal):
  5. I can't even get into the ACP anymore. Files are there on the server and S3. Maybe something in the database not synching?
  6. I just downloaded all from S3 and uploaded to /uploads. This is the only thing that was moving: Is there a way to flush cache or change constants.php? admin panel showing me: [[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  7. I can't seem to figure this out and the entire site is offline. I was in the middle of an S3 move of theme resources back to to the server and its been hanging on a move in progress for two days. I checked the cron job and ran the task manually twice, then this error. I tried to set into recovery mode and also permission set via constants.php file. I use redis and my datastore folder is empty. I've checked the database and no issues. Access updated
  8. I agree, as well as some sort of direction or prompt to install PWA on the device.
  9. Disregard, I figured it out. Was a permission issue on the apps folder after a move.
  10. This ended up being non-recoverable. I ended up moving my sites to a new setup and trying out plesk over cpanel, so far so good.
  11. Do you recall what resolved it? Trying out plesk and installed redis through docker.
  12. I have backups and would do that but my issue is that I’m not sure which database is causing the issue. I’ve got 13 or so and none of them come up in the error log. I think something happened at the data center overnight and then something got corrupted.
  13. Not related to IPS and just throwing this out there to see if anyone has suggestions on how to troubleshoot. My server went down last night and I only found my sites were all offline in the morning. Fast forward and I can't get mysql server to restart. I can get it to restart if I add to /etc/my.cnf innodb_force_recovery = 2 Error log gives a couple of warnings but only one error 2024-03-30T21:08:57.164248Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-013183] [InnoDB] Assertion failure: trx0types.h:541:m_rsegs_n < 2 thread 139670608385792 Ideas on troubleshooting? Error log doesn't give me any corrupt database or files.. I was going to start dropping tables but thinking maybe this is a sign I need to upgrade from Centos 7 to AlmaLinux (running cpanle/whm) and move to a new box.
  14. That would be cool to have an app like that for IPS 🤩
  15. I was going to start a new topic but see this one exists. When you have it checked off for Moderate, it removes the insert link icon from the editor. I checked multiple sites and at first though it was a group setting. Is this by design becuase I don't understand why that would be so. If you have it on Allow: You get it back:
  16. I mostly just use responsive tags. If you’ve set specific sizes. You’ll probably not get the best fill/rates. Just a heads up.
  17. Understood. I was thinking maybe attribute to an author you add in ACP rather than have those unattributed to anyone. Not a big deal I guess.
  18. I use auto ads and they can sometimes be all over the place, so I would agree. You don’t need GTM for Adsense as you can just put the Adsense tags into the default ad placements.
  19. Not a bug, just a suggestion to have a default “guest” author in the mark up.
  20. Oh that’s right, I recently moved my theme resources to S3. I thought maybe there was some AWS integration script/API being called.
  21. I shut this setting off and it seems to have helped solve the issue. Captcha gets loaded after, on the registration page for post before register.
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