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Posts posted by balazsp

  1. I have renewed my license last week, it is marked as active in the client portal.

    Since last night, I received 9300 notifications about my expired license (roughly one every 6 seconds).

    Login to the forum frontend takes minutes for an admin, and when trying to log in to acp, it simply times out.

    Already deleted the excessive logs from the table "ibf_core_acp_notifications", how can I force a cache reset (or a lic.key reset) via cli? 


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  2. Hello, 

    We have a nonprod IPS installation with a testinstall license in a closed environment. It has access to internet, but it is behind firewall, not accessible from the internet (I think that is the requirement for the -testinstall licenses anyway.)

    I can upgrade IPS without any issues, but when I try to login to Marketplace to download my purchased addons, I get this error:

    "There was an error authenticating with the Marketplace. Please try again later or contact technical support for assistance.
    Our Marketplace server received an unexpected response from your community. Please ensure your community is up to date and web accessible (localhost installations are not supported) and contact technical support if the issue persists. (server_error)"

    The test instance is a like-for-like with the production environment, same config + domain (we run the upgrades/rebuilds/etc on the nonprod site, and if it successful, we just copy the db + files to the prod one.)

    What is the current best practice to run an internal nonprod IPS and to be able to download my purchases from Marketplace? 

    Thanks in advance. 

  3. Hello,

    I'd like to remove member to member messages (profile comments? profile wall messages? not sure what the exact name is) from the Status Update block. 

    I like reading the users own status messages, but most of the messages posted on someone else's profiles are regarding classified ads (do you still have XYZ?) and they don't belong to the front page. 

    How can these be removed from the block? 

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