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  1. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to rbiss in 3.0.4 speed vs 3.0.3   
    Given most issues are upgrade problems and possibly mods I suppose the logical step would be stop upgrading or making any changes and thus not renewing.
  2. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from NiftyWolfie in 3.0.4 speed vs 3.0.3   
    We do not expect our volunteers (like Andy) to go through a rigorous performance testing routine for each modification submitted. To put it bluntly - it's not his responsibility. Andy does a good job just looking through the modifications to try to spot any obviously "bad code" (like he said).

    At the end of the day we don't endorse or support modifications, so any time you use one it's at your own risk.
  3. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from AndyF in 3.0.4 speed vs 3.0.3   
    We do not expect our volunteers (like Andy) to go through a rigorous performance testing routine for each modification submitted. To put it bluntly - it's not his responsibility. Andy does a good job just looking through the modifications to try to spot any obviously "bad code" (like he said).

    At the end of the day we don't endorse or support modifications, so any time you use one it's at your own risk.
  4. Like
    bfarber reacted to Mark in Recently Added Posts   
    It's not that simple though, is it?

    When we get tickets from people saying "my board is slow" - if our response is something along the lines of "Well you're using a resource intensive feature on a huge site on a shared server - turn it off and you'll be fine", it rarely goes down well ;)
    "But my board depends on it!", "You shouldn't advertise a feature that doesn't work!", etc...
  5. Like
    bfarber reacted to austinreefclub in Application Link Order   
    Under "Manage Applications & Modules" I think it should be possible to order the links regardless of their category. Please consider adding the ability to reorder like this for a future release. My desired order would be:

    CCS | Forums | Blog | Gallery | Members | Calendar | Subscriptions

    Kindest Regards,

  6. Like
    bfarber reacted to KT Walrus in referring to attachments in other posts   
    I'd like to be able to choose to attach to a new post an attachment I had made to a previous post (rather than having to re-upload the attachment).

    This would be useful if I wanted to attach a bunch of photos in a "gallery post" and then include one of the photos in a blog post just by using the attachment BBcode.

    I suggest you would have an "attach previously uploaded files" section in the post form that when clicked on pops up (or opens a hidden div) that shows a list of the previously uploaded attachments by the user ordered by most recent first and paginated with an "Add to Post" link next to each attachment in the list.

    This "Add to Post" link would simply paste the bbcode into the post. Then, the bbcode parser would process the attachment by looking up it's id and verifying that the id belonged to an attachment made by the same user and would display the attachment just like it would one directly attached to the post.

    This is a small enhancement, but it would encourage users to upload more attachments into a single "library" post and then show them off in their various posts where they can give the attachment a better context.
  7. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Marcher Technologies in Invision's biggest MISTAKE up to date?   
    If the biggest mistake we've made was neglecting the post icons, I think we're doing pretty good myself. :)
  8. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Ryan H. in Invision's biggest MISTAKE up to date?   
    If the biggest mistake we've made was neglecting the post icons, I think we're doing pretty good myself. :)
  9. Like
    bfarber reacted to Matt in classPost.php has some serious shortcomings   
    Ok, that's done. From 3.0.4 you can use:

    $postClass->setBypassPermissionCheck( true );

    And it will not bother you with user based permission errors. It still ensures you sent across a proper user and that the forum is capable of receiving a topic/reply/edit.
  10. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from rct2·com in [REQ] Expose some of the output class protected functions   
    No real reason. I've made them public.
  11. Like
    bfarber reacted to mikenmike11 in [Suggestion] - Mod Preview for one topic   
    Apologize if this has been suggested,

    I think it would be a nice feature if, instead of having to close a "troubled" topic, we could instead require moderator preview of all new posts made to that topic. People could still post, but everybody's posts would require approval before they would show up. This would allow a good-intentioned topic which attracted flaming to stay open, but still prevent it from remaining an issue.
  12. Downvote
    bfarber got a reaction from envonge in Suggestion to Prevent Reputation Abuse   
    When you view a member in the ACP you can view all rep they have given and all rep they have received.
  13. Like
    bfarber reacted to stoo2000 in Documentation?   
    Can I make a feature request?

    Can we have the ability to ban Bold bbcode for certain users?

    And for the record, Articles are a fantastic way for other users to help users, I have re-written a couple of articles myself in the developer section, adding more useful information as I come across it.
  14. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Tom Christian in Documentation?   
    Developers are not left to themselves. In fact, we have more developer documentation at this time than anything else. :blink:

  15. Downvote
    bfarber got a reaction from pisaldi in Documentation?   
    Developers are not left to themselves. In fact, we have more developer documentation at this time than anything else. :blink:

  16. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Tom T in Documentation?   
    Developers are not left to themselves. In fact, we have more developer documentation at this time than anything else. :blink:

  17. Downvote
    bfarber got a reaction from Tom Whiting in Documentation?   
    Developers are not left to themselves. In fact, we have more developer documentation at this time than anything else. :blink:

  18. Like
    bfarber reacted to acfan_merged in Kudos on 3.0.x   
    I just wanted to give kudos to the staff for all of their work on the new board.

    We have a forum which carries a visual theme which we have kept with since the version 1.x days. Despite the skin changes that came with 3.0, we have found that skin development time was cut in half to bring our look into line with the previous layout while still keeping the improvements that were made to the software.

    Our migration strategy ended up being especially fun, as we migrated to a new domain at the same time as we were applying the upgrade. The only real issues that we had in our first test run were related to not uninstalling mods in the old structure before upgrading. As long as you turn off all mods installed with the Universal Mod Installer and ensure all forums and members are set to the "use board default" skin choice before running an upgrade, things go smoothly.

    We have been live for 24 hours now on 3.0.3, and have had ZERO complaints,,, in fact we have had quite a few positive comments about all of the improvements both us and IPB have made.

    Kudos again to the IPB Development team - you took an impossible task and came up with a product that blows away the competition!
  19. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to Tom Whiting in Absolutely HORRIBLE support response times!   
    When I call my bank, do I get put on hold for 14 hours? Of course not.
    When I open up a ticket with any major company (except IPB), do I get put on hold for 14 hours? No. In fact, this is the most horrific support time I've seen.
    Just a few examples of what I'm talking about here:

    Softlayer - major corporation, major clients, 1000s of clients - 2 hours max for initial response
    Hivelocity - same thing, maybe 3 hours

    I could go on and on and on, but the point is that 14 hours is pushing it for response times. If it takes you that long to get a response, you need help.
  20. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to Tom Whiting in Absolutely HORRIBLE support response times!   
    Maybe, just maybe I didn't buy that specific license?
    I purchased a hosting package, which did not come with that specific license. ALL that is said about thiat is as follows:

    Nothing about time limitations, or anything else.

    I purchased the hosted package deliberately, as I need off network support forums, and, wanted to test a few things out with IPB, as a customer of another forum software originally.

    Yeah, encourage abuse of critical issues. That's the ticket

    Yet, they still work business hours no?

    And again with the hints of spending more money. Not going to happen. Why should I spend more money when you've already proven you're going to ignore my requests anyways?
  21. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to Tom Whiting in Absolutely HORRIBLE support response times!   
  22. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to Tom Whiting in Absolutely HORRIBLE support response times!   
    Nonsense. Both are 'web services companies', both serve 1000s of clients, yeah, that's not apples to oranges at all. Just because one handles servers and one handles code doesn't make one any different from the other.

    Until they ignore your request for hours on end. The point is that if they CAN'T provide same day responses to clients, they need to expand their support services.
    Sure, I found out my own answers after waiting a few hours, but I shouldn't have to find out my own answers here.
    Sure, I could have called in for support, but I shouldn't have to call in for support on a webhosting package (and yes, it wasn't only a license that was purchased, but a webhosting package with that).

    Automated replies are not human and do not count, which is why I specified non automated

    When emails are sent, and support tickets are opened, it's only proper and polite, from a company perspective to respond to that (a human response) within the same business day. Even something as simple as I'm working on this now will do wonders when dealing with clients. Ignoring your client's ticket (for whatever reason) for 14 hours is unacceptable, and it only shows that you don't care about your client's business. It's a brush off, it's rude, and it's horrible business practice.

    If any of my clients opened up a ticket, it would be responded to within the same business day. Now, sure, I'm just a one man show, and have only a few clients, but still, that response would be there within the same day. NOT doing so is just wrong.
  23. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to Tom Whiting in Absolutely HORRIBLE support response times!   
    You know, 14 hours is far too long to just let a ticket go without even bothering to respond to it.
    Of course, during that time, I was able to find and handle the issue myself, but if this is the typical 'response time', I'll find somewhere else to take my business.

    I'm not an impatient guy, 4-5 hours is reasonable, at least as long as things are submitted during business hours (which this was), but 14 hours is pushing it.
    Even better? A second reply took 45 minutes or less. Kinda ironic.

    The moral of the story? DON'T keep your customer waiting. If they open a ticket, they deserve a non automated reply, same business day, urgent or not.
  24. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to cargelock in Eek! Search seems to look rather odd!   
    I really don't give a hoot if he's right (not in my book he wasn't), being patronised by a user who has no connection to IPS isn't going to impress me. If I had wanted to post a bug report I would have, but the fact is people don't look at those and the title of this forum section is entitled "IPS Company Feedback > IP.Board" is it not? Did I not provide feedback or am I wasting my time? Not sure why you'd let casual users patronise another user when all he was doing was "providing feedback".
  25. Downvote
    bfarber reacted to cargelock in Eek! Search seems to look rather odd!   
    Are you staff or just trying too hard?
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