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  1. I am Mac based and use Dreamweaver for non-CMS so I haven’t used an FTP client for quite some time. Usually just drag and drop a file through admin panel. Can’t quite believe the upgrade script can’t handle a package or give an explanation as to why it wants me to do this update manually.

  2. I did a rollback and tried again. On step 4 I see the green progress bar moves quite rapidly and then gets stuck at the end, then all I see is a spinning wheel saying downloading. Tried on another site, same issue. Have now rolled both sites back and will wait until things are fixed at your end.

  3. On 9/15/2020 at 10:48 PM, xtech said:

    Now try to put personal tastes aside, because everyone has his own ones.

    The existence of this topic is enough to tell you some people are unhappy with this change.

    We could have it both ways with an option to minimise the new additional header space - e.g. disable follow section, reposition, toggle

    Both viewpoints can co-exist but at the moment only one is being catered for.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Rikki said:

    We have to design components that can work well in more than one perfect scenario. 

    So standard installs of a forum only are not considered core business?

    Sorry but this isn't open source software, we have paid subscriptions, and having already been told by Invision they don't want to discuss it, and seeing people being asked to dial down "criticism" here only makes customers feel unloved. Maybe developers don't want to put as much weight behind design issues as they do functionality but seeing so much white space looks very amateur. Not forgetting a topic list relegated down near the fold is going to impact engagement.

    And if we are talking components (to cover multiple scenarios) then why can't we switch this section off?

    I hope you can appreciate that members posting here probably represent multiple installs, and have to explain this to their clients too. If you can't handle the negative feedback from us then try dealing with it when it comes from the front line.

    This isn't a political hot potato... just a straightforward design issue arising from an update... it can be fixed if someone is prepared to listen.

  5. I don't have a problem with calling this aspect of the design "terrible" because it is.

    The previous version had the follow button on the same level as the Forum title.

    Somebody made the "terrible" decision to move this button into acres of precious vertical space, all on its own. What was wrong with leaving it where it was? Why is this necessary? If it had to be moved below the title as an essential button then why not place it beside the start topic button?

    Or if a follow button is of such paramount importance to be a leading feature for the landing page, why not go full width?

    You've probably all heard of the "hero image" ... welcome to its successor, the "hero button"

    Screen Shot 2020-09-15 at 13.51.49.png

  6.  Takohashi, even sadder I have been doing this for over 25 years 😂

    Whatever the reasons, I do not appreciate having the topic list on my forum home page relegated to the bottom of the page so close to the fold.

    I contacted Invision support before I discovered this topic but they said it's not something they can help me with.

    Which is a shame because I think if you are going to reserve so much space at the top of a page you should at least have some kind of control over it, such as repositioning or disabling.

    Is there a converter for Ikonboard? I might go back to using that if this is the way things are going.


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