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    CaptJeff reacted to Brian Garcia in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    I tend to try and transfer one folder at a time to Filezilla. So upload admin first, and then api, then applications. If I do it all at once the server times out and I get incomplete uploads. That could be the case.
  2. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Miss_B in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    There is nothing to be sorry about. Anyways, it looks like your server meets all the requirements.
  3. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Miss_B in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    You should point the browser to its location to run it.
    i.e. yourforumurl/nameofscript.php
  4. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to teraßyte in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    There should be an error_log file on your server (or maybe visible from your control panel; depends on how the server is configured). See if there's anything logged there.
    If you can't find the file, try asking your hosting for its location.
    I see Marc also mentioned:
    Maybe IPS will be able to have a quick look themselves since they have your FTP access.
  5. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Miss_B in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    Did you try 775? You have to do it for all the files mentioned in the screenshot btw?
  6. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Miss_B in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    The easiest way to do that imo is through a ftp client or the File Manager section in your cPanel.
    To do it through a ftp client, I am using Filezilla,  after you are connected, browse to the file(s) whose permissions need to be changed. Right click on the file name and then select "File permissions" from the drop down menu and set them accordingly.
    Whereas to do it through the File Manager , right click on the file that you want to change, then select Change Permissions from the list of options.
    Hope it helps.
  7. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Miss_B in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    You have to check the aforementioned files and make sure that hey are chmodded accordingly. 
  8. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Marc Stridgen in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    Yes, this is what you need to do. If you are unsure where to find the error, you would need to ask your hosting company. However if you cannot find that, just get it to that point and let us know
  9. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Marc Stridgen in Anyone need help crashing a site?   
    Ok hidden those just to keep things tidy. I can see a reference to cleantalk. Not sure if that is something you have installed?
    What I would suggest here is getting to that same point again first of all. Then you can check the error logs as soon as it hits that point. If you then still have an issue, ensure access details are up to date and let us know. Do not revert it as we then can't see what the issue is. 
  10. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to CheersnGears in Site Down   
    You've got a 500 Internal Server error. You'll need to talk to your host.
  11. Agree
    CaptJeff reacted to Nathan Explosion in Invoice Error   
    Just to help on this one - you are running 4.4.10
  12. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from kindermix in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    OK  Did a search for Skins.  So now I am on a page where I see a bunch of topics on skins but I can not choose paid or free.  The drop down says sort by date or relevancy?  What?  So I look up at the search bar and see what my choices are.  Files bugs articles providers???  What?  None of that stuff makes sense.  I just want to look over some skins that I may want to use, paid or not.. 
    Yepper still sucks.  Do not know where to go.
  13. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from kindermix in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    Just did a search for tutorials. 
    I am unsure what I have here in front of me.  They are all called tutorials but when I click on them it takes me to the middle of some topic that I have no idea what they are talking about.
    Then I have all these categories down the left site?  What is that?  Yepper confused beyond help again.
    This sucks.  Let me go try something else and report back to you how lost i get again.
  14. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from kindermix in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    What tutorial?  Where?  I am on here currently trying find skins.  What is the eyeball that says Spoiler when I mouse over it?
    Sorry but my problem is trying to navigate around this thing.  I do not know what half the stuff means and spend forever trying to figure out how to get back where I did manage to stumble on something I was looking for.  I can never find what I am after.  I always stumble on something I was looking for two weeks ago.
    My signature line is not humor.  It is FACT.  I do not get this stuff.  It is very difficult to navigate.  Too big a learning curve and very disorganized.
  15. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from kindermix in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    WOW if this does not convince you that you want no part of 4.0 then nothing will.  HOLEY CRIPES..  RUN AWAY..  WTFWYT?
  16. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from TracyIsland in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    Does that active marketplace have stuff for 3.4.7? 
    Here is my silly analogy.  This thing was like an office building with 24 offices in it.  Each office had 24 filing cabinets with three drawers in each.  Each drawer had 100 folders in it and each folder had 100 files in it.  So...  there were 172,800 places to look to find ONE file out of 17 million 280 thousand.  And then they choose to make the office building 5 floors tall!
    That is how I feel when I try to find something.  The navigation or topic titles are a foreign language to me and even when I find what I am looking for I get confused as to what to do with it.  I would still love to find some good tutorials on how to learn all this stuff.  Currently my site is crashed because I was trying to do stuff myself.  So YES I get frustrated.
    Thank you for the help.
  17. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from VR6Pete in Member Map   
    I am crashing browsers?

    I do not know what I have done. I was updating some of my custom markers. They are Event Markers and I was changing from this years past date to next years proposed date. I also removed a few discontinued events. Then my browser started to fail. Tried safari, Same Tried explorer and the pin icons were gone. Tried firefox and it crashed many many times.

    I do not know what I have done. Can you have a look please.

  18. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from stoo2000 in Member Map   
    www.thompsonaire.com Pray for good weather. Our weather here has not been good this spring.

  19. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from Draffi in Member Map   
    O Poo. Forgot the whole reason I came on here. I have most likely asked this question before but is there a way I can be notified via an email when someone puts a new marker on the map. I would love to know when my members are putting a pin in the map.

  20. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from Soniceffect in Member Map   
    So is Santa coming tonight? Am I going to find Version 2.0 in my stocking in the morning? Thanks for all you do and I still would love to talk to you about doing a few custom map items. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  21. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to .Ian in Member Map   
    When it is ready :)

    Stuart is working hard on it.

    We need to be patient.
  22. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to Soniceffect in Member Map   
    When its ready is actually a reasonable answer. You need to realise that Stuart provides his professional services in creating a piece of software he could quite easily have charged for, free of charge. Not only that he is working hard to change over the membermap to bing and improve functionality to those who use it, something of which I personally very much appreciate.
  23. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from stoo2000 in Member Map   
    O and yes I will try to stop spelling your name the American way and do it correctly.

    Thanks Stuart

    You should have said thanks Geoff and that would have shook my tree...
  24. Like
    CaptJeff got a reaction from Martin A. in Member Map   
    I have also made a donation.
  25. Like
    CaptJeff reacted to nylyon in Member Map   
    Stuart, I for one appreciate the map. Whilst I had no idea how much it was used, it was missed immediately. Since this is a free application, I have sent you a donation in appreciation of your development efforts!


    Thank you.
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