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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. There are various purposes for clubs and differences in comparison with forums. One advantage is that you can let your users create them—which makes it very different from forums you control. If it works out, it can give your site a boost in activity you might not get in forums. You can get club owners who actively start, manage and promote their own clubs and with that, your platform. Another difference is that clubs need to be joined first, especially closed clubs. So their activity doesn’t disturb the rest of the site. You can have niche topics there or even foreign languages, that the majority of you users don’t care about. And you can bundle features in clubs. A club doesn’t just have to be more forums. It can also have its own calendar, galleries and so on.
  2. You should still be able to download the 4.4 release and install it again.
  3. It should continue to work as it is when it is already installed. I haven’t decided if I will actively market this product for 4.5 and up.
  4. Yes, it’s my assessment that this layout is well-thought-out. (The one I commented, which was from Pages) I work as professional web designer for more than 20 years and I customize these Pages templates all the time—inspecting every little detail, checking the flow of content in many situations and at every CSS breakpoint. Of course if you can’t have an open discussion and need to laugh at people just because they say something you don’t agree with, this discussion ends right here. If all you guys can do is judge a web layout in one desktop view, you know very little of web design and have a lot to learn, but with reactions like the one I quoted you are apparently not willing to. I am out.
  5. Now do that screenshot again on a live site with … complete data like the missing category description pagination, which appears in that empty space when there are more records all user buttons active all moderator options active and a smaller screen right before the phone-view kicks in You will see that the space is there for a reason. It’s there for stuff to “grow into” when the screen isn’t as large as yours. And on much smaller screens things get either hidden or moved below the more important content. It’s actually well-though-out. If the stuff was moved the way you asked for, it would all fall apart when the missing options mentioned above would actually appear and the screen size would get smaller.
  6. It has nothing to do with existing images. You users should just learn not to paste BB code into the editor anymore.
  7. It works the same for every content type. There is nothing special about gallery blocks. But I added one more block at the end here: https://www.opentype.space/superblocks/
  8. Again, the CSS of your plugins is broken. It’s not directly a SuperGrid problem. You would have to narrow down the cause for the broken CSS code. Turned off plugins is a typical problem. A faulty custom.css is another one. You can try to remove everything from custom.css and check if that helps.
  9. This look means the CSS code (which is part of the plugin) isn’t working. Are you sure the SuperGrid plugin is turned on and that the plugin upgrade ran through completely? The upgrade process for my Pages products is described in detail here: https://www.opentype.space/superdocs/support/upgrading-pages-templates-in-invision-community-45-r25/
  10. BB code support is turned off by default in 4.5. Just post the image URL itself. Wrapping an image URL with bb code isn’t needed anymore for years.
  11. IPS has some information about the new Marketplace here under “4.5 Upgrades and the Marketplace”. If you still have trouble with it, feel free to reach out to IPS.
  12. No. The update works like all 4.5 third-party apps and plugins. Link the product in the ACP and then update.
  13. You just click the button in the ACP to create a new one.
  14. Click on the pencil icon first to activate custom permission. After that, the permission settings will appear in that drop-down menu.
  15. It’s not an IE issue per se. Users of any other browser can see the same problems if they haven’t updated their browser in a long time.
  16. If I were in your shoes, I would just hire a developer to update that existing plugin as a custom plugin outside the Marketplace. “Problem solved.” 😉 Probably takes less time than writing the above posts which are unlikely to change IPS staff’s mind.
  17. I have the new version with some bug fixes and design improvement ready locally. But I’m seeing some problems with the Pages upgrade process which I reported to IPS. I am waiting to hear about that before I upload the new version. Otherwise people might get stuck with an incomplete template update.
  18. I can’t replicate any problems with the block template and this setting https://www.opentype.space/list-test/ I would need admin access to your site to narrow down why it potentially fails on your site.
  19. Not a bug. It has a CSS class to hide it on mobile.
  20. I plan to implement native lazy loading through the browser in the future. I will skip IPS’ JavaScript solution.
  21. Might be a problem of your theme. Is it a custom one? These settings just apply CSS classes like “ipsBadge ipsBadge_style5”. I don’t control the look of that.
  22. Just the icon name as shown on the FontAwesome site. The “fa-” must be removed.
  23. If you can replicate a bug, open a bug report. You know the drill. But since you turned to a forum, forum members might weigh in with their experience on any given issue. That’s kind of the point. I invested time explaining how the category/database template assignment and their overrides work on the entire 4.x product line, what possible reasons there are for what you experience, and how you can potentially avoid having to deal with this issue in the future. Most people would say “thank you” for that! Even if you think nothing I said applies to your case, you could have said “I don’t think that’s it, but thanks”. Of course I am happy to oblige and won’t bother you with any more of my Pages experience in the future. I much rather help those who appreciate it.
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