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Kevin Carwile

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Posts posted by Kevin Carwile

  1. Quickly searched the topic but couldn´t find anything related. My antivirus throws a warning: PHP:Agent-UM [Trj]


    Uploaded it to virustotal and only two AVs found something, the other 50 say it´s clean. So it´s deffo a false positive, just wanted to let you know.

    Thanks doc. :)

  2. Hi

    If I buy this can you install it for me please?  I'm totally lost when it comes to this "tar" thing... and while I'm at it I'd like to also buy the Automation Rules so if you can install both for me at the same time that would be great help  @Kevin Carwile   :rofl:

    Just PM me details to access the ACP of your site and I can take care of that for you.

  3. I can't seem to find a way to use the number of Warning Points as a condition.

    It's not in Member attribute values or any other condition I've checked. Is there a way to do this? :)

    Good point. I'll add the warn level into the member attributes in a future version. For now, you could do it by creating a "number value" condition and for one of the numbers to compare choose "PHP Code" as the source and return the member's warn level. I.E:

    return $member->warn_level;


  4. When moving content from original app to GC - there should be some operation that auto enrolls / joins any participant in the content being moved.

    Otherwise if new content was added they may not be properly notified or be seen in VNC etc.?!

    It's not a problem. You just set the permission on the container to allow collab guests to see the content and they can still get their follow notifications. If you set the permission on the container to allow guests to post, they can still participate without needing a membership. If you set the membership join mode of the collab to automatically accept new members without approval, members can choose to join or not. You could even do what @Police Community has done with his board and create a rule that automatically joins members to the collab when they view the collab homepage, since GC has built in ECA's for the Rules application.

    Automatically joining members on content move is going to be problematic anyway, such as if the collab category has a maximum collab membership set to a smaller number than the number of participants in the content being moved.

  5. Is it possible for the collab owner to force a specific theme/style for their group (and content within it)? If not, would you be open to adding this feature?

    Seems pretty feasable and useful. But what happens when a member has chosen a custom site theme and a collab owner has chosen a different theme for the collab?

  6. Need instructions (to edit template) or future switch to turn on or off GRID view. The current grid view the css is a bit off and there is no padding from the text to the edge of the boxes. - My only work around to get rid of grid view is to take all forums out of the parent forum. 

    Template: collab/front/components/nodeList

    The $grid variable in the template can be adjusted to determine the threshold at which the display switches to grid view.

  7. Just got another point which would be interesting. Is there a point/idea integrate 'Pages' add on? You got support for nearly every application, but 'Pages' would be really interesting for a lot of my collabriations and planed collabriations.

    It works with pages. Just create a database that uses categories, add it to a page, and enable it for use in collaborations in your collab category setup.

  8. Its creating two schedules for the same rule and then can't send PM.

    The problem with the execution of the scheduled action is fixed in version 1.1.4 (which was just uploaded to the marketplace a few minutes ago).

    Found another bug, if you log in via the front UI login (see attachement) the Member has logged in trigger gets set off twice.

    It appears that the login event is triggered by the ajax login and also again when the page reloads as a result of the login. But this is not a bug in rules, it's a behavior of the core IPS suite. I'm not sure if IPS would consider it a bug or not. With that said, this issue is easily mitigated in the rule by scheduling the action to send the private message and using a scheduling keyphrase. If the event is fired twice in a row by the framework, then the second scheduling of the action will simply overwrite the first, which is the whole purpose of a scheduling keyphrase.

    I noticed the rule you posted does not use a scheduling key. This is probably because I exported it to the starter rule pack before I fixed the bug which was preventing the scheduling key from being exported with rules. I'll update the starter rule pack in the marketplace to include an example of the scheduling key.

    Essentially, you want to use a scheduling keyphrase such as:

    inactivity pm message for member:[member:id]

    Each member will then only be able to have one action scheduled with that keyphrase at any given time.

  9. Does this app require a special other IPS app? I plan to use IPS Core and only Group Collaboration on a project.

    GC enables the use of other apps in collaborative mode. Without any other apps, you would be able to create collaborations, comment, rate, and manage memberships... however there would be no other apps in the system that could be used for collaborative use (such as forums).

  10. Would I be able to send an email to a member after 5 days including similar files if a member downloads a file?

    You could do this but it would be up to you to determine which other files would be considered similar and form the email dynamically using the code fearures in rules.

  11. Have you any thoughts on how sidebar blocks could be collab specific so that the content in the sidebar is relevant to that collab area?

    GC already hooks in to the core methods in the framework to limit content in that way. So if you have a sidebar widget placed that shows the most recent topics for example, those topics will only be the most recent for the collab being viewed.

    Are you saying that its not behaving that way on your site? Unless the widget is bypassing core methodology to pull its data, this should work for any widget.

    Similarly, a recent topics widget on the main site (not in a collab) should show topics from the main site forums and also any topics in collabs that the user has permission to view.

  12. I have a small suggestion, not sure if it's in the works/previously suggested though. The blocks so far are still named as "collaborations". We renamed ours to say "factions" but the Featured Collaborations block hasn't renamed

    ​The titles of blocks are changed through the language system. Search for "block_featuredCollabs", and "block_latestCollabs".

    I'm also interested to know if it's possible to have moderators, or some exception/group that can view all the forums despite being hidden for non-members, so the groups can still be monitored without having to join each one? Apologies if I've just missed that functionality somewhere.

    ​There is a moderator permission on the moderators configuration form inside the ACP. Members -> Moderators -> {Edit moderator/group} -> Collab Management tab

    Enable the option: "Unrestricted by collab permissions ".


  13. I have one request so far though, I would love it if when a new topic comment is created (say if that topic is pinned) through a rule, that we can associate that post with a third party.

    When configuring the post author in the action, select "manual configuration" for the comment author instead of choosing event data. You can simply type the name of your bot account in as the comment author.

  14. On a test account with more than 1 login sessions, when I set the rule to less than 1, I do not get redirected when I log in.  However when I set the rule to greater than 1, I get redirected to Calendar when I log in.  Both results were correct.


      If IPS does not have a login counter, or some method to know whether a member has logged in or not, the rules should not have worked, but they did.  How is that possible?

    ​My head just spun around on my shoulders. I have no idea what kind of rule you configured. PM me regarding this issue and include an exported version of your rule so I can check out what you've got going on.

  15. @GrooveOnBeat,

    The EX2 error turned out to be a bug. It's been corrected in the latest release. Go grab that.

    As far as the conditions to check if the member has logged in only 1 time, there is not a login counter built into IPS core that you can check with a condition, so in order to accomplish this you will have to create your own counter. That is why the configuration gets a little more complicated, but just by a little.

    1. Add a custom "integer" data field attached to member via rules ACP
    2. Create a rule that is triggered when a member logs in. In the rule, add an action that increments the custom data field you created in step 1.
    3. Then in your other rule which does the redirect, you can check this custom data field to check if the counter is under your threshold of logins.
  16. Feature request:

    • Allow to add by group for "Manual configuration", and not just by invidual members. For instance, create a new member notification for all members of the specified groups. :)

    ​Instead of manual configuration to select individual members, choose PHP Code and select all members from a particular group:

    $group_id = 1; // Change to ID of member group to select
    return iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'member_id', 'core_members', array( 'member_group_id=?', $group_id ) ) );


  17. ​I noticed that a PHP redirect works, but not a direct URL?

    Not sure what you mean here. The action will redirect to any url you give it.

    Another question. :lol:  Sometimes new members don't log in immediately.  If I were to set the time for a month, will the rule that a member logged in for the first time still apply?  Assuming that the new member logged in within that month. :tongue:

    The way I set that rule up is pretty basic. It redirects on login if the member was registered within the last 24 hours... regardless of the number of times they have logged in. If you want to only redirect one time and one time only, you will need a slightly more advanced rule which tracks if the redirect has been done for them yet.​

    Ok, one more question. :tongue:  Is there a way to disable Rules?

    Yeah. Each rule has the enable/disable button on it. Just click it to enable/disable.

  18. @Kevin Carwile is it possible to let us customise the Collab block titles? They are using the term "Collab" e.g. "Featured Collabs" and "Latest Collabs". I would prefer to be able to use either the Application Title or the category alias in the blocks instead.

    ​The titles of the blocks are customizable through the language editor.

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