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  1. tring to add or edit a collab catergory throws this error Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/xxxxx/public_html/system/Lang/Lang.php on line 1566
  2. Is iit 4.1 ready if do I'm ready to buy
  3. One last question before I buy How you display this custom data fields in a collab is itt like the database fields? Where we enter line with our key
  4. Are thoes collab member profile fields for example if inset up a gaming section using group collab I'd like to add a gamertag field for each member specific to that collab
  5. Collab category specificspecific custom fields? I wanna purchase just wondering if this is a possibility orbifnits possible in through rules with collab
  6. There isn't a option for create member notification so if record in a certiN category is approved or unhidden it send them (followers of category) a notification
  7. OK re engage member email perfect tried editing for staff so if staff go inactive forbset amount of time they get a email and moved to inactive group jkw would I create a rulento cancel thatbscheduled eventbif they are moved to member group
  8. Is it Possible when account is created to email a certain member the new accounts email?
  9. At first its a but confusing seeing all these examples is helping understand it better
  10. Is it possible so when user signs in for first time they are redirected to edit profile I've been trying with no luck
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