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Kevin Carwile

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Posts posted by Kevin Carwile

  1. @Apfelstrudel,

    The comments and reviews on collabs is not "group content". It is for members on the main site to comment or review the collab.

    When you set up the collab category, you choose which apps from the main site that can be used inside the collab (such as forums). When collab/group members use those apps inside the group, permissions can be set as to who can view that content. That is how you achieve your privacy.

    The "private listing" setting in the collab category hides closed/invite-only collabs from public listing within the category.

  2. So lets say I have a set condition that I want in the profile page that will replace the original template for specific members.  Is it possible to do?  I am considering the full version, but I want to make sure the app fits my needs before taking the plunge.

    Not with rules. What you are describing is not any sort of workflow automation, it is theme switching. To do what you are describing will take modifications that operate on the theme layer. Rules provides automation tools for manipulating the data processing layer.

    There is a Rules Lite version of the application in the marketplace which is FREE. It's an excellent way to push buttons before you take any plunges.

  3. In 3x, I used to create loads of conditional statements like if this member then this action, or if member viewing is in this group then this action, or if a member is viewing content by this member ID/name then this action, and etc. I see that you have member conditions in IPS Rules.  First, can this application perform conditions as mentioned and even more?  Secondly, do the rules apply to specified pages and/or all pages?

    Yes to everything you said.

    It works on the ECA (Events, Conditions, Actions) design principle. So I guess you could say conditions is its middle name.

  4. Just by viewing a collab you become a member?

    Ok, well... as you said, that should be possible with rules after I am able to add those actions to the ECA set that ships with GC. I only added the events to the latest release due to time constraint. Actions will be included in the next.

    But you realize that if you set the group membership setting of the collab to be open without approval, anybody can join the collab just by clicking the join button. At that point, they automatically become an active member.

  5. Like you did with the Move to any Forum ID option to integrate collaborations, is it possible to have another field on a thread that is administrative that allows the directory to be searched for members so you can enter multiple members names that would re-direct those users from being able to view that specific thread to a custom URL? 

    ​Currently, rules only includes form fields to edit integers, text fields, and yes/no switches. I will be expanding the available form options to include node selectors, member selectors, and editors. When that is complete, you will be able to accomplish your goal as you had mentioned using rules.

  6. Hi

    Tapatalk have released a beta of their ipbv4 plugin. It would be awesome if this mod worked with that but not sure how easy it would be to hack in.

    If it works with IPS4 then it works with GC. No hacking required.

  7. How do the collabs join with forums?  I don't see where the joins may be in the tables?  Trying to modify a plugin to work with showing the correct threads from posts of groups.  I am not seeing how they hook up

    ​If you're asking how GC remembers what collaboration that each forum is owned by... there is a column added to the forums table which stores the ID of the collab.

  8. Is there a way to give permission to approve posts to a new role?  I see all the options for editing, moving, etc, but don't see one for approving posts.  Can that only be done by admins and mods on the site?

    I dont think there is an "approve posts" moderator permission in core. It's coupled with the moderator ability to unhide posts.

  9. ​So I have a restriction of 3 posts need to be approved.  All of these people will need to have 3 posts approved again in the groups? Some of these people have thousands of posts, it's not really fair to have them be approved again.  Is there a way around this?

    That restriction is a forum based setting. If that setting is used by a collab leader for a collab forum, it stands to reason that posts from outside the group should not count toward that restriction total. Simply remove the restriction for forums inside your collab to bypass the issue.

    If you do not want members who have not posted at least 3 content items to be able to join collabs, then set up a group promotion for members to happen after 3 posts which moves them into a member group who has permission to join collabs.

  10. I am on version, is everything solid with this module to work with the latest version?  I am interested in adding this to my site, just want to make sure that all these file depot changes will not cause issues with this.

    Its as solid as hard foam dipped in laminate and then put in the oven for 10 minutes. You'll be ok with installing it.

    BTW, what is a file depot change?

  11. If a secondary group of X is added to a member (the way this secondary group is added is via nexus product purchase) then this should change custom profile field Y to the value of Yes (True) its a simple profile field of Yes/No

    Which ECA's should I tie in to for this to happen please?

    ​I'm exploring options for including custom profile fields into rules ECA's, but at the moment, it is a very closed system and needs to be softened up by IPS a little bit for better 3rd party integrations.

    What else are you using this custom Yes/No profile field for? You could create a custom Yes/No data field in rules and attach it to members and then you will have full rules access to check and update that field. In which case you would have a rule that looks like this:

    • Event: Member profile is updated
    • Conditions:
      • Member is in a certain member group
      • Truth value (check the Yes/No custom field for user)
    • Action: Update custom data for Yes/No field
  12. In Pages, is it possible to limit the # of article/record submissions per user depending on which group they belong to?

    • ​Event: Output is being sent to browser
    • Conditions:
      • User is in a specific member group
      • Custom PHP Code (check if user is trying to add a new pages record):
        $page = \IPS\Request::i();
        $database_id = 1; // id of pages database
        return ( 
            $page->app          == 'cms' and 
            $page->module       == 'pages' and 
            $page->controller   == 'page' and
            $page->do           == 'form' and
            $page->d            == $database_id
      • Custom PHP Code (check if user has already added a certain amount of records):
        $database_id = 1; // id of pages database
        $threshold = 10;
        $content_count = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'cms_custom_database_' . $database_id, array( 'member_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) )->first();
        return $content_count >= $threshold;


    • Actions:
      • Redirect to another url (maybe another page that explains why they can't add more content



  13. Grid View forums?  is this default in GC or is this picked by the individual category / forums setting?

    I have all the forums set up as "default" which is not a grid view - but the forums display as grid.

    Its actually built into the collab homepage display template. If there are more than 2 forums, it switches to grid layout to display forums.

  14. I'd be more than happy to help you out.

    1. On the first rule, it sounds like you're using the correct event and have the action set up correctly, but you're having trouble with the condition portion of your rule.

    • Event: Member profile is updated
    • Condition: Check array value ( You want to check the array of profile fields that have changed for the "pp_main_photo" key )
    • Action: Create new topic


    2. What you want to do in a situation like this is to create a custom action which you will use to create the topic. You will then schedule this custom action to happen in 30 days. That custom action then becomes a new event in the system that you can attach additional rules to so that you can check conditions when that action is invoked at the scheduled time, and take additional actions at that time such as either creating the topic if the member has indeed been inactive for the 30 days prior, or if not, rescheduling the custom action to happen again in another week or so which will repeat the process indefinitely.

    As for the scheduling key portion of the equation, whenever you schedule an action, custom or not, you can enter a "scheduling key" for the action which will give it a unique identity so that you can operate on it later (such as delete it, or re-schedule it). When you use a scheduling key, you usually want to include a token of some sort from the event that will make it unique to a certain aspect of the event, such as the member id of the user it is being scheduled for. So the scheduling key for your use would look something like this:

    create inactive topic for member:[member:member_id]

    So when you schedule an action again with that same key, the old one is removed and only the new one remains (hence re-scheduling).

  15. one thing that would be exceptionally useful to my community is when they joined a specific collab, their user group was then assigned to another group, of course ignoring certain groups that have higher perm sets.

    Like you said.

    This sounds like a job for...  

    da tada da ta da... Rules! :super:

    But I havent added the ECA's into GC yet. So there will be a short wait on that. But its coming for sure.

  16. What about the administration header? I'm confused at what you're describing.

    Also I'm really struggling why the "Forums" section needs to have a "category" 
    I would much prefer to have a "Forums" section and Blogs/Gallery/Downloads sections as these don't require a "category"

    I was able to move forums to the top level and then it does create a "Forum" area - however you then can't create new forums with no parent, as only category can have no parent. 

    I agree. However this behavior is not a function of the GC app, its built into the Forums app. I'lI see if there is anything I can do here to relieve some tension but generally speaking, GC does not modify the inner workings of apps... it just controls access.

  17. Is there a way to highlight which have new content, does view new content only show content for collaborations that they have 'joined' or all if they have view access to them all? Is there anyway that this could be improved to make it easier?

    ​The VNC filters that GC adds filters out only content that the user does not have permission to view. So if they aren't a part of a collab, but they still have permission to view the content, then it will be included in the VNC list.

    A quick way to fix it might be a category that says "My Collaborations" on the New Content page. This way you can limit the view to just what you care about, and join/leave collaborations to affect whether they appear there. You'll still have the global setting if you want to read everything (like I do).

    ​Agreed. This thought has crossed my mind as well. I believe this may help relieve some of the VNC frustrations outlined by @Police Community also.

  18. Hi @Kevin Carwile

    How would you suggest is best to provide a sidebar widget or an output etc of topics/posts from within a particular group collaboration category, not all categories. The sidebar widgets would be useful but they don't seem to cover a thread feed from collaborations?

    Just wondering what the best way of implementing this is? I know I could probably do some cool stuff with Rules to create a news article in Pages perhaps every time a new topic is created and I could then use those news items created to form an RSS feed but it wouldn't link direct to the thread ... Im hoping it will be something fairly simple ....


    ​I will build some API methods into the application that you can use to query content from a specific collab.

  19. Yes, I agree fully. The commerce expansion has not been forgotten.

    But it is going to be the largest expansion pack of them all as there is much more than what has already been listed for it to be a complete package.

    First I need to get out a much smaller expansion to cover the core IPS downloads app, and then I will start on the ECA's for the commerce app.

    And at some point in between all of this, I need to get some documentation written on how other developers can include their own ECA's in their apps using rules extensions in the developer center. My goal and hope is that all apps will be customizable with rules at some point.

  20. had a few questions, sorry can't test right now have other project deadlines and IPS uber support staff are working on an issue with permissions on my site so I can't add any third party products just yet..

    these questions been tossing about the grey matter.

    1. copy from forums to GC only copies structures not content. = true / false
    2. move to GC moves structure and content? = true / false
    3. when it moves do all the links to existing forums or posts get a new url or is that static to the original ID's
    4. is it possible to restrict forums or apps in the GC to a particular language or is that still user defined?
    1. ​True. Copy makes a clone of the structure, and not the content.
    2. True. The structure is re-allocated to the collaboration and therefore the content goes with it.
    3. For a move, no ID's are changed. In fact, you're not really moving anything except authority over the content.
    4. No. GC exercises no control over the language selection options for users.
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