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Kyle F

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Everything posted by Kyle F

  1. That's the problem. I want Pages as the default app.
  2. Yeah the URL set in the conf_global.php is "https://forums.evogaming.co.uk". I don't know why it has "/forums/" at the end? Unless I have made a mistake somewhere? At the time of doing it I was also doing multiple other things as well.
  3. Hey people. So for some reason after moving my forum to our new permanent domain name; the thread/post URLs are now "forums.<mysite>.co.uk/forums/forum/37-ban-appeals/" for example. How do I make it so it's clean: "forums.domain.co.uk/forum/37-ban-appeals"?
  4. Is your current and new host using cPanel? If so you 'could' ask them (the new host) to utilise the "Transfer accounts between servers" feature. For this they'd simply use the IP of the previous host, your account name and password (you could set a temp PW for them to use) and it'd transfer your entire account over. I did this from my old host to my dedicated server running cPanel. Next you'd then ask the previous host to completely terminate and delete your account from their server (once you have your files and that on the new host), modify the conf_global.php file to change the URL to your new domain. You can then proceed to your IPS Client Area and change your domain URL. You'll receive an email from IPS giving you strict instructions on how to proceed.
  5. Easily overlooked and mistaken. 🙂 Good thing about forum administration is you learn from mistakes, Glad I could be of help!
  6. Or you can utilise the built in feature. Admin CP > Forums (edit forum you want this to show for) and its “custom error” under the main forum settings. Don’t forget to untick the permissions for that forum for the user group of your choice. So in this instance, I disallowed guests to view the forum I chose: Result:
  7. Hello people! In IPS 4.4.10 how do I go about making Pages my default home page? As with the older versions of IP.Content, I used to have my board in a subdomain, I’m assuming this is still the normal practice? So I have my board in forums.ugcclan.co.uk. (Changed license domain name) I wish to have the main page load up when accessing the main domain name. I appreciate any help and advice. Thanks! Sent with iPhone
  8. If you go into your ACP and to Support; check the Error Logs and System Logs under the diagnostic logs. Under "Get Support", also try selecting "Something isn't working correctly" and run it. See what it comes up with and report back here. Alternatively you could submit a ticket in your Client Area and request some support from IPS.
  9. So here is the full code for that block above (the above post): {{if !empty( $topics ) }} <h3 class='ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset'>{$title}</h3> {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}} <div class='ipsPad_half ipsWidget_inner'> <ul class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing'> {{foreach $topics as $topic}} <li class='ipsDataItem{{if $topic->unread()}} ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}}{{if $topic->hidden()}} ipsModerated{{endif}}'> <div class='ipsDataItem_icon ipsPos_top'> {template="userPhoto" group="global" app="core" params="$topic->author(), 'tiny'"} </div> <div class='ipsDataItem_main cWidgetComments'> <div class="ipsCommentCount ipsPos_right {{if ( $topic->posts - 1 ) === 0}}ipsFaded{{endif}}" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="replies_number" pluralize="$topic->posts - 1"}'>{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatNumber( $topic->posts - 1 )"}</div> <div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> {{if $topic->mapped('featured') || $topic->hidden() === -1 || $topic->hidden() === 1}} {{if $topic->hidden() === -1}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$topic->hiddenBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-eye-slash'></i></span></span> {{elseif $topic->hidden() === 1}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="pending_approval"}'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{if $topic->mapped('featured')}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="featured"}'><i class='fa fa-star'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{endif}} <a href="{$topic->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_topic" sprintf="$topic->title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$topic->title}</a> </div> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_medium ipsType_blendLinks ipsContained'> <span>{lang="byline_nodate" htmlsprintf="$topic->author()->link()"}</span><br> <span class='ipsType_light'>{lang="topic_started_date" htmlsprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $topic->mapped('date') )->html()"}</span> </p> </div> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> {{else}} <div class='ipsWidget_inner'> <ul class='ipsDataList'> {{foreach $topics as $topic}} {template="row" group="global" app="forums" location="front" params="NULL, NULL, $topic, FALSE"} {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> {{endif}} {{endif}} Could someone perhaps do something for me here for a template where the following are removed?: Number of views/replies Name/member "By", date/time and location (forum location) H3 title bar So it'll look like below:
  10. Oh shoot, I didn't realise 4.4.x was all that different... 😅 I did a lot of experimentation for 2 hours but it just kept failing. 😞 I even wrapped the topic feed code in the newslink code but it didn't do good. I don't want all this rubbish in it: So I only want it to show the topic title and link. No "by" or "the member", or the date/time/replies/views, etc. I just want it to look like the screenshot in the first post.
  11. Odd. It seems this causes the page not to load or show blank: <table class="newslink" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td><strong>Last Online:</strong> <em><i></i></em><br /> <strong>Unified Gaming News: </strong> <i><a href="{$topic->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_topic" sprintf="$topic->title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$topic->title}</a></i></td> <td valign="middle" align="left"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> Specifically: <a href="{$topic->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_topic" sprintf="$topic->title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$topic->title}</a>
  12. Hey, Morrigan, how you been? This is in one block, and yes I have Pages.
  13. How are you all doing? Hope you're well! So I have this 'custom' Pages block on my board that basically resembles the old IPB 2.3.x 'newslink' (pic below). I am looking to try and have the latest thread link automatically be placed within the newslink topic as so: So for example: "domain.com/forums/topic/" but I want the latest thread in the News & Announcements forum in this newslink automatically. I know it's possible but I don't remember what I need to put into the end of the code for this to happen. 😞 It must automatically show the latest topic name in there with it's link. I'm sorry I'm not making much sense here, but I don't quite know how to describe it. I know in IPB 2.3.x's 'newslink' the code was as so: <br /><b>{$this->ipsclass->vars['board_name']} {$this->ipsclass->lang['newslink']}</b> <i><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showtopic=$tid">$title</a></i> So what would it be for IPS 4.4.x? (I'm running 4.4.10) Unfortunately my code is this (it sucks): <table class="newslink" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td><strong>Last Online:</strong> <em><i></i></em><br /> <strong>Unified Gaming News: </strong> <i><a href="https://unifiedgaming.net/topic/436-counter-strike-source-downtime/"><u>Counter-Strike Source Downtime</u></a></i></td> <td valign="middle" align="left"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
  14. Admin CP > Support. Check the Error and System logs and see what caused the Internal Server Error. This is usually a misconfiguration error. It can be caused by a number of things; server misconfiguration (webserver), htaccess, etc. That's only to name a couple. You can also try disabling all plugins/applications and enable them one by one to see if the error reproduces. Report back with results. 🙂
  15. Ah I understand. So if I open the PSDs in photoshop and resize them to properly fit the dimensions it'll be fine? Thanks, Brandon. I greatly appreciate your help!
  16. Hey people. I have a quick question regarding Subscription package images on the non-fluid wide option of a theme from IPS Focus (not specifically asking for support for that theme). So In the Subscriptions bit, the image of the packages stretch out and aren't properly aligned. For example: If I go to Firefox's Inspect Element and under ".cSubscriptionsHeader" untick the "background-size: cover;" element, it shows as follows: Now the issue is the blue-ish background. If I enable the third subscription plan it aligns perfectly as so: How can we make it so it shows like the last one (the 3 plans) with only two?
  17. It would definitely be advantageous to have an actual iOS/Android app again, like the old "IPB Mobile" one.
  18. It would likely require an API and socket connection. Would be sweet if you checked out the TCAdmin SDK and were able to integrate this app with TCAdmin by means of "connecting/linking" from the app's ACP settings. Update; response I got back from an administrator on the official TCAdmin discord:
  19. You can just merge in the "Powered by Invision Community" copyright into your custom footer. So long as the copyright remains intact, as far as I'm currently aware, you may place the IPS copyright anywhere in a custom footer at the bottom of the board.
  20. So I tried out this plugin and uninstalled it when it wasn't what I was looking for and it has completely destroyed my theme. Warning to anyone downloading this plugin, don't do it.
  21. Not sure if this has happened to others but after trying this it has completely messed up my theme.
  22. Oh shoot, I thought it was the question mark I had to replace. 😅
  23. Oof. When using that above I get this:
  24. Hey, Morrigan, what would the line of code be to grab the number of users from a specific member group? Lets say... the "banned" group with ID 15.
  25. Thanks, Morrigan! That worked. Sorry for the late response here; PC power supply became defective and had to go through a 3 week wait for a replacement from Corsair. Finally got my PC back! 🙂
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