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  1. Agree
    aia reacted to Vodafone CZ in Password requirements dont work properly   
    I use the strongest rules for creating user passwords, but the app let me create account with easy passwords with non-standard characters like ččččč, řřřřř etc. 😐

  2. Agree
    aia reacted to CheersnGears in PHP 8.2 Thread   
    This is quite disappointing, as many of us will not be able to upgrade to 5.0.0 right out of the gate and will probably need to wait until 5.1 before many of our plug-ins are updated. I'm really excited for 5.0, but I'm also realistic about how soon after launch I'll be able to upgrade. 8.2 active support ends in 7 months, and I don't see being on 5.x before this time next year. 
  3. Agree
    aia reacted to LYM3R in Please optimize the phone version very poor ratings   
    Very poor ratings on the phone version mostly because of render-blocking resources in the css and unused javascript.

    PC version is good but the phone version lacks on all Invision Community sites that I have checked.
  4. Agree
    aia reacted to Ibai in Remove the "And 6 more" in menus   
    Totally agree. At least, having the option to choose how many items you'd like to show.
  5. Agree
    aia reacted to SecondSight in Remove the "And 6 more" in menus   
    Hello, 🙂
    Suggestion : remove the "and 6 more" in the menus and show all items in the menu instead, or allow to choose.
    Hiding the menu items (and thus the content) with a "And 6 more" is making things complicated for the user and is not attractive.
    Keeping things simple for the user is important.
    Thank you. 🙂
  6. Agree
    aia reacted to Kirill Gromov in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    When will we see a public alpha test?
  7. Agree
    aia reacted to David N. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Indeed, the requests for custom styling buttons or HTML source code are for the admin, or article authors (in the Pages section), not common users. 
    The discussion on common users was related to the functionality to add a new line below a quote block. 
    No one made that argument. You're mixing up two different discussions. 
  8. Agree
    aia reacted to David N. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    I agree with @Omri Amos.
    In fact, even by @Matt's definition: 
    That means Alpha testers are forum owners. We have experience running a website that contains a forum. 
    By contrast, many common users have no clue whatsoever how to use a forum. Some have only a limited understanding of the English language.
    Sometimes, I get emails with questions. When I reply that they can't email me their questions, and that they have to post the questions in the forum, they tell me "I don't know where to start, I don't understand how the forum works." 
    Another example: many, many new members don't know what "Title" means when they post their first topic, so they enter their username in the "Title" field. 
    Your customers (our peers) know better. We have a decent grasp of what a forum is, how it works, and what a topic title is. Don't overestimate most common forum users. Many of them have only limited Facebook or Twitter experience, but zero forum experience, and get lost very quickly. 
    I agree that the arrow buttons are confusing (I first encountered similar arrow buttons on a forum powered by Kunena, and at first I couldn't make any sense of them myself, despite my years of experience running a forum). The idea of a clickable interactive area by @13. is a much more intuitive solution. 
  9. Agree
    aia reacted to Omri Amos in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Any person who OWNS A WEBSITE/FORUM is not a common user... None of the users in this community is a common user IMO.
  10. Agree
    aia reacted to Omri Amos in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    No disrespect but that's a stupid weird argument. Alpha testers are extremely tech savvy users, they don't represent the common users in any way.
  11. Like
    aia got a reaction from Omri Amos in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It seems you misinterpreted my suggestion. You 'don't agree' with something weird that you came up with yourself because I never said to do that. I would not agree with that either 
    I only suggested adding one interactive area, which allows typing in the paragraph only upon interaction, and nothing like what you described. In this implementation, it does not have any of the drawbacks you imagined.
  12. Like
    aia got a reaction from Omri Amos in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Those elements are not intuitive for inexperienced users (i.e., almost all users).
    It would be much more intuitive and easy to use if there were an area where users could click to start writing in a new empty paragraph. This area should always be placed right after the existing content in the editor:

    If this is implemented, even inexperienced users won't get stuck in a state where they can't add a new line and don't know where to search for a button to do that.
  13. Agree
    aia reacted to Sonya* in (BUG) Sitemap and Index option on the page   
    What items? 
    It is a bug, Jim. You are speaking of crawling efficiency all the time. In this case, you give search engines a suggestion to index something, that they should not index. It is not effective. It spends crawling quota for nothing. 😞
  14. Thanks
    aia reacted to Sonya* in (BUG) Sitemap and Index option on the page   
    We have an option not to index a page:

    If you place a database on such page, it will be still added to the sitemap. At the same time all the records in the database have the meta tag “noindex”.
    Google will mark the pages as excluded:

    Desired behavior: do not add a database on the page that should not be indexed to the sitemap.php
  15. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Maxxius in Make all widgets movable instead of hardcoded positions   
    Hardcoded widgets are painful to move to desired positions.
    Please make them movable, just like other widgets.
    For example, the statistics in the topic (which eats a whole column in the topic view by default).
  16. Like
    aia got a reaction from I_cant_Swim_ in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yup, a must-have feature. I implemented it myself in the current CKE, and I hope IC5 will allow doing it too. Or, even better, it will finally include it for all IC5 users 
  17. Like
    aia got a reaction from Claudia999 in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yup, a must-have feature. I implemented it myself in the current CKE, and I hope IC5 will allow doing it too. Or, even better, it will finally include it for all IC5 users 
  18. Like
    aia got a reaction from Sonya* in Make all widgets movable instead of hardcoded positions   
    Hardcoded widgets are painful to move to desired positions.
    Please make them movable, just like other widgets.
    For example, the statistics in the topic (which eats a whole column in the topic view by default).
  19. Like
    aia got a reaction from David N. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Exactly the same as already implemented. My suggestion is for improvement, not replacement.
    The main idea of the interactive area is to prevent people from getting stuck in a state where they are unable to add a new paragraph at all (which happens quite often in CKE now) or are forced to look for unintuitive buttons on other elements (as implemented in IC5).
    When they can start typing into a paragraph with just one click in the same intuitive zone, regardless of the contents, they are no longer stuck. They can move blocks wherever they want after adding new paragraphs, etc.
  20. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    @Matt Finger, again, we're talking only about one region below the entire content (not "every block"), so everything you've mentioned is not relevant to the suggestion.
    The implementation of the interactive area exactly as it was described in the suggestion will only improve UX and won't affect anything else in any way.
  21. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Exactly the same as already implemented. My suggestion is for improvement, not replacement.
    The main idea of the interactive area is to prevent people from getting stuck in a state where they are unable to add a new paragraph at all (which happens quite often in CKE now) or are forced to look for unintuitive buttons on other elements (as implemented in IC5).
    When they can start typing into a paragraph with just one click in the same intuitive zone, regardless of the contents, they are no longer stuck. They can move blocks wherever they want after adding new paragraphs, etc.
  22. Like
    aia got a reaction from Ibai in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yup, a must-have feature. I implemented it myself in the current CKE, and I hope IC5 will allow doing it too. Or, even better, it will finally include it for all IC5 users 
  23. Agree
    aia reacted to G17 Media in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    The alpha testing group probably mostly consists of those who are at least experts or well-versed in using web technology and quick learners. @13.'s suggestion is probably more aligned with how I see normal users using it.
  24. Like
    aia got a reaction from Mike G. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yup, a must-have feature. I implemented it myself in the current CKE, and I hope IC5 will allow doing it too. Or, even better, it will finally include it for all IC5 users 
  25. Like
    aia got a reaction from David N. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yup, a must-have feature. I implemented it myself in the current CKE, and I hope IC5 will allow doing it too. Or, even better, it will finally include it for all IC5 users 
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