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Everything posted by Unlucky

  1. Also just added 3 new leagues and only 1 showing up on the page for some reason These are the three new ones added and showing in admin but not all 3 are showing on https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/ Derbyshire Walking Football League 65s Derbyshire Walking Football League Division 1 Derbyshire Walking Football Evening League
  2. OK for some reason my teams don't seem to be showing in the tables now IE https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/14-the-greater-manchester-walking-football-league-division-1/
  3. Hi, For some reason it is not letting me toggle that show only league fixtures to the on position here https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/13-tra-walking-football-national-league-south-division/
  4. Yes please if you can upgrade that is great I have some new leagues to add aswell as fixtures for them all so it would be a good to test everything for you I will wait until you confirm it is done Thanks
  5. if you would like us to beta test new version we would love to as some games are coming up beginning next month We just need you to tell us what we need to do with the next fixture widget thanks
  6. Hi, Well I did update to the application version you quoted. There have not been any new fixtures in that league yet so I have not made any updates. I am assuming because I have not added any new results that is the reason why it's still showing the wrong order: https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/17-gloucestershire-over-60-walking-football-league/
  7. Do you have an ETA for this one yet? Thanks
  8. OK thanks for letting me know
  9. Interested in purchasing this. I see some mixed reviews on the store page for it. Has the app been updated to resolve them? thanks
  10. Actually been meaning to post I have same issue as liquidfractal
  11. Hi I have moved the position to a lower position for the minutes to see if that fixes it for them
  12. its their browser bar looks like your note position might be posted too high?
  13. have a couple of members complaining they can't close sticky notes sent from another member they said the x is missing from the note to close it and sent me this
  14. Noticed one other small bug League tables should be ordered with most points at top which I have setup However in football if two teams have same amount of points, the team with the best goal difference should be the top team As per this table: http://full-time.thefa.com/ProcessPublicSelect.do;jsessionid=B3610B4D4D578BB87BFD60BAC4156563?psSelectedSeason=650472951&psSelectedDivision=737183179&psSelectedLeague=822236769 However my table has the top two listed incorrectly https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/17-gloucestershire-over-60-walking-football-league/
  15. it doesn't i have emailed you access info to acp I am loosing so many loyal customers over this so please fix asap thanks
  16. Hi, I have screaming people and have no idea what to do I am going to pm you ACP access so you can check as you know what you are looking for
  17. Can't get in the american node run room now so neither room is working All I am getting is - You've been disconnected from Babble, please refresh and try again! I Keep refreshing and can't get in and have other members reporting the same issue
  18. Hi, I installed the new version of babble and my site went completely blank - just a white page I reinstalled the previous version and the site is now back online and working. Also the european chat server stopped working earlier so I swapped to the american one for the moment so users can use the rooms
  19. Hi, Is it possible to update the fixtures widget in the same way you did for tables so the upcoming fixtures it shows are ONLY for the league on the league page? I am adding upcoming fixtures for TRA Walking Football National League South Division https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/13-tra-walking-football-national-league-south-division/ The upcoming fixtures looks good to the right hand side. But that fixture list is also appearing on all of the other league pages such as: https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/14-the-greater-manchester-walking-football-league-division-1/ Thanks
  20. Re this update - Using a built in caching method rather than forcing it to use the file system. This appeared to be an issue with CiC clients. Will file system caching be slower?
  21. Hi Have spoken to invision support and they worked out why the theme broke and said it was just a coincidence it happened when we reinstalled notes so no need to worry on that one. Would be good if you could do this Any updates on this one? Thanks
  22. Well I have sticky notes disabled now I only have 1 working theme left in the ACP so can't really test anymore I have tried chrome, firefox and iE with cleared cache plus incognito / private browsing etc and when i switch to one of the effected themes all I get is that white page with the syntax error. I think the site might have crashed directly after running the Invison support tool in the ACP Or it might have been caused by one of my VIP members who complained he was constantly dismissing a sticky note which kept reappearing. I ran the ACP support tool following his email complaining about the sticky note reappearing.
  23. Hi - tried that and run the support tool Also tried different browsers still get a white page with just that parse error
  24. Hi, You can't hide the babble chat tab from guests I have selected in the menu system to show it to everyone BUT guests However the chat tab is still present in the menu
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