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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Unlucky

  1. Hi Martin, The plugin I have for member map seems to cause this issue with the latest member map when someone tries to start a new topic Fatal error: Call to undefined method IPS\membermap\Application::getJsForMarkerForm() in /var/www/sites/www.net/html/uk/init.php(448) : eval()'d code on line 79
  2. OK thanks. Just to confirm I have my head round this for other sections, If I wanted an advert after every 5 videos on https://www.walkingfootball.com/media/category/walking-football-videos-1/ Can you just confirm what that should be and I think I have got it.
  3. Thanks. so it should just be this:- article.cPost:eq(2) It's confusing because that code is so much shorter to the advert after every 3rd topic in every forum one which is a lot longer [data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="forums"] .cTopicList .ipsDataItem:eq(9) will give it a go now
  4. Bri Brilliant thanks. What do I need to change to do the same for every 3rd post? I guess I need to change this .cTopicList to the post equiv?
  5. Is there a way to add an advert after the 3rd topic in every forum or does that require your other plugin?
  6. ok that worked - did you apply a fix?
  7. Hi, Have only added that 1 advert Just tried to do a search in a forum and the site has gone down with this error Fatal error: Method IPS\core\Advertisement::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Error: Cannot use object of type IPS\GeoLocation as array in /home/badhabi5/public_html/init.php(448) : eval()'d code on line 0 have disabled the ads app and the site has come back online
  8. Many thanks - I have managed to add one. What exactly do I need to put in the field CSS selectors for the click counter protect for it and how can I find it? When I look at the ad placement in firebug it just says <div data-nbenhadv="" data-nbenhadvid="46">
  9. Hi, Seem this takes the whole site down if you try to only show members who have previously purchased a membership Fatal error: Call to undefined method IPS\nexus\extensions\core\MemberFilter\Purchases::matches() in /var/www/sites/www.site.net/html/uk/applications/notices/sources/Notice/Notice.php on line 554
  10. I have installed firebug but can't seem to see what you posted in your example. When you say the above, do I need to add a plugin into firebug called phpquery selectors? Do you have screen capture software where you could do a quick example?
  11. Does prevent multiple clicks from the same IP address? If so then that should work ok for adsense
  12. Pre Sales Questions Hi, I was going to buy the ad after x posts & ad after x topics but from what I can see this does all of that and more? 1 - A review mentions clickbombing protection. I use google adsense, does this app provide clickbombing protection for adsense? 2 - So can I add adverts anywhere? like ordered in my sidebars? I tend to have a 300x250 followed by 300x600 adverts and have different sets for forum sidebar, calendar sidebar, football sidebar etc. I currently use IP custom blocks to place these so will this give me the ability to replace those? 3 - I also name my ads for the location I place them so I know which ones are performing in adsense. Can I make sure for example, advert 1 in a forum / topic that is in position after 3rd topic / post is a specific advert, then the advert that is after position 5 in a topic post / forum is another specific advert? Thanks in advance.
  13. OK I like the idea of being alerted
  14. Will that fix be in the next release then? Thanks
  15. Just to let you know I am going to hide those sections for the moment so when testing you will need to re-select ALL in the widget Would you also be able to add an option to switch off those red/green and grey arrows from view please like we can do with all of the other columns?
  16. Hi, Just updating some league tables and noticed all the home and away stat table sections are just showing zeros The overal stats section however is correct IE - https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/14-the-greater-manchester-walking-football-league-division-1/
  17. Not sure what would be the best way to go. Anyone else readying this who uses this football app have any thoughts on this?
  18. Just noticed this The team at the top of this league who has played two games has a red down arrow - Is that incorrect? https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/21-derbyshire-walking-football-evening-league/
  19. You are a star! One idea for a future update if possible. When you have future fixtures and the game is played, the games played number increments automatically on the table once that time and date of that fixture has passed. The table is not updated correctly until you manually edit the fixtures and enter the scores. Which can cause a period of time with the tables showing incorrect data. Would it be possible to either alert an admin that he need to update the fixture entry as it has passed it's play date, or stop the table being updated automatically as above? Thanks again - this is a cracking app now
  20. ok thanks The default sort position does not appear to be working on the new table At the moment It is set to >>position >>ASC but the page order looks random https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/league/17-gloucestershire-over-60-walking-football-league/ Position 2 is at the top & position 1 is at the very bottom And the overal order is 2,5,4,3,,6,1
  21. IGNORE - it because i had the dates wrong
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