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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Unlucky

  1. Hi Thanks, however notices still appearing on android mobile phone even though they are set to be hidden in the HIDE section
  2. Yes this is a major headache for us to Please can this be fixed ASAP
  3. just messaged you the error log Going to have to disable this now until it is stable Let me know if you need any more info
  4. for some reason your latest version does not remember that a user has dismissed the notice Also your do not show on mobile device does not work I was out tonight testing and although I had selected do not show on mobile device when setting up the notices, your notice was appearing on my android phone
  5. Hi, works great now for guest to dismiss notices However even though logged in members can see the dismiss cross in the corner, clicking it does NOT dismiss the advert
  6. We want this notice to be in the middle so our members see it easily But as guests see it and cannot dismiss it, it covers the menu as per screenshot
  7. Thanks because guests are seeing them regardless and so blocking menu links and navigation is being effected
  8. I have mine set to Dismissible - but there is not option for user to close How do they close the notice? Also feature request for future if possible Add option to display middle left, middle center, middle right EDIT Sorry it's only guests that cannot dismiss the notices
  9. Thanks, that will make this app a lot more powerful
  10. Hi, Thanks Also just set one up to just be shown on pages as we want it to appear here https://www.walkingfootball.com/interviews/ So selected pages in the applications list. But it's appearing on all pages that use pages https://www.walkingfootball.com/ Would it be possible to specify urls for them to appear so we would just target https://www.walkingfootball.com/interviews/ for example?
  11. Hi, Can you add guests group to who can see We want to use one of these as a call to action for guests to signup and register to site Thanks Is it also possible to add clubs as an application a notice can be shown on We want to create one offering members support in starting their clubs thanks
  12. Hi, Latest member issue reported this lunchtime "further to my telling you about the issues with chat room not showing who is in it has now got worse ppl are being kicked out ait seems when someone enters the the mainly it did work or a bit this morning but is back to how it was again now and getting worse no sound now "
  13. Ignore my last request - everything is working fine
  14. Hi, I have selected only 1 forum in the feed configuration but it is pulling in topics from other forums and displaying them in the block Is this a bug?
  15. latest other problem reported... " We can now post but it is still not right, many occupants not showing on the list so difficult to strike up a conversation. " Hi, By the time I posted last problem we have another... "further to my telling you about the issues with chat room not showing who is in it has now got worse ppl are being kicked out ait seems when someone enters the the mainly it did work or a bit this morning but is back to how it was again now"
  16. got the new version of babble installed just had a report in that sound is not working now - any ideas
  17. Hi, Is there extra white space at the bottom of this one compared to the supergrid? IE - https://www.walkingfootball.com/ My walking football news it the topics and i have an pages database underneath
  18. At the moment babble is completely unstable and with new IPS release it is not working at all now It has already cost us a charge back and loss in new revenue and we have contacted developer via private message Hopefully he will get it fixed ASAP
  19. Hi, Yes I have it on but there is nothing in the menu https://www.walkingsports.com/clubs/7-stortford-strollers-walking-basketball-club/
  20. How is this part achieved, thanks A link to "Member Map" can be added to the club header. This will show the member markers of the club's members.
  21. Hi, Re fixtures block If I select >> show to and tick the All box the block works fine. But If I only select certain groups the block stops working and I get an error saying the usual this block cannot be shown etc
  22. Hi, Well I add 8 prefixes and click save but when i go back to edit forum only 1 is showing as saved Therefore when i go to add a new topic - only 1 prefix is in the list of available prefixes bit difficult to screenshot this one
  23. Updated to latest version of IPS today I have created a new forum and tried to add prefixes to it but for some reason it is now only saving 1 prefix Is this an issue with latest version of IPS?
  24. Brilliant And if it's doable - one for calendar events would great and would buy that one too.
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