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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Unlucky

  1. Hi, It's the middle one - quick links. I will sort out acp access for you tomorrow https://www.walkingfootball.com One other question - There is a lot of space to the left of the home menu link at the top. I there a way to shift the menu items to the left more so we can have more links on display? Thanks
  2. Hi, We wanted to add a new entry that shows up as the first entry called VIDEO - What Is Walking Football? We added an older date to it as per instructions It shows fine on this as the first entry here - https://www.walkingfootball.com/helparticles/help-articles/walking-football-help-videos/ But on here here is listed as number 3 - https://www.walkingfootball.com/helparticles/help-articles/walking-football-help-videos/video-what-is-walking-football-r19/ Any ideas what we have done wrong or is it a bug?
  3. Hi, I haven't changed any settings and have always added to it in the past without any problems
  4. Hi, we have the latest version of IPS installed I just edited the advanced footer custom block and it's saving my changes fine in acp but the new changes are not showing up on the site have run the support clear cache tool - same problem
  5. well for an example i can see myself a moment ago there are 3 people in the chatroom when i checked but the chatroom count showed 1 and none of them were logging in as anon this app really worked perfectly several revisions ago and it has been terrible recently our chatroom has gone from about 20-30 regulars to nearly dead now I don't have the time to sit in and keep watching every change as have other sites to work on but something is definately very wrong with the recent updates of this babble app
  6. still the issue with not all members in chatroom showing / disappearing userlist tab is not showing correct number of users in chatroom same problems as before since last few upgrades only feeding back members feedback
  7. We still have this issue and members complaining - please advise
  8. ok restarted babble to cure connection issue, but any advice on other issues?
  9. Hi I have installed Babble Chat Service 2.4.6 and still got problems with userlist not working pluis the chat tab counter is not accurate Also getting this error reported by users:- Babble could not connect, try again later.
  10. Hi, Says cache was rebuilt on Wednesday Sept 13th Is this is the marker you are referencing? https://www.walkingfootball.com/membermap/markers/marker/610-pittwater-rsl-fc-walking-football/ That marker was created when we added this calendar entry - https://www.walkingfootball.com/calendar/event/687-pittwater-rsl-fc-walking-football/ We did not add that custom marker ourselves OK I think I know what I have done wrong
  11. Hi, Just wanted to check something We are using the member map calendar extension We have the Number of days ahead to show set to 7 This is our map https://www.walkingfootball.com/membermap/ The event in Australia that is listed has taken place but the map marker is still present Shouldn't this marker have been removed by now as it was a one day event?
  12. Hi, When my site is full screen on a pc the area behind the logo is white When the site is viewed on mobile or tablet the white area becomes blue Is it possible to change that area from the blue and keep it white on any sized device Area in question is pointed to here
  13. Hi, Any idea of timescales for the fix?
  14. Any ETA on the beefed up duplicate member logger?
  15. Hi, I just wondered if it is possible to have the ip pages block display 5 topics in supergrid and supertopics to present the two large topic boxes with the smaller 3 boxes underneath as we have on the main page IE - https://www.walkingfootball.com/interviews/
  16. Hi, I have installed this but hit a problem Not sure if this is because we have @ Adriano Faria Clubs Enhancements installed? We go to the manage club menu and add a sponsor All is fine as shown here But the sponsors tab does not show on the club as per here
  17. Anything you can do Martin will be great, thank you.
  18. can i see some more screensots might be interested in buying
  19. Hi, We have the calendar extension enabled and have quite a few entries in the calendar we currently have it set to 7 days ahead to show It is now taking quite along to to load https://www.walkingfootball.com/membermap/ Is there any improvements that can be made to speed things up or any advice on what we can do? Thanks
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