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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Unlucky

  1. Hi, Any chance you can come back to me on the button issue as it's stopping site visitors navigate the news section of the site Thanks
  2. Hi, I can confirm the button issue is worse than I thought It does appear to work in the default theme ok but it is only the news app that has this problem. Iissue happens in both firefox and chrome There is a worse problem with the page navigation buttons The page 2 page 3 etc navigation buttons work fine at the top of the articles page But if you scroll down to the bottom of the page - none of them work at all unless you move your mouse pointer to the very bottom right of the button and it only highlights then and becomes clickable which basically means nobody can navigate to page 2 onwards because they will think the button is dead. Please review the issue yourself by going to https://www.walkingfootball.com/news/ Scroll down to the bottom of the articles on page 1 and then you will see what I have posted above. If you are going to say this is a theme issue I will need a detailed explanation to pass on to the theme dev as he will say if it's only the news app that has this issue, it will be a news app problem This one is quite critical Thanks
  3. Hi, Also being chased by our chat mod as he can't mod the chatroom at the moment. Thanks
  4. It's probably my OCD coming out but it would be nice if the text was aligned level for Participants and Prizes and the bottom line lined up It's slightly out on my raffle page here: https://www.walkingfootball.com/raffles/raffle/1-win-a-bala-sport-astro-ball-for-your-walking-football-team-in-our-free-to-enter-raffle/
  5. Really need this duplicate member logger update now - we have some very naughty boys on our forum. If it is not ready - is there a quick way you can do a bug fix where it sends the email / pm to both the original account AND new account letting them know they have been caught? Problem I have is when I catch one I kill their PM access on the original account, so when the re-register they are not getting any notification that they have been caught Thanks
  6. Hi, Re-added show sticky on mobile and when testing on my android phone the note looks fine size wize but I cannot dismiss it by clicking the X Hmm just tried again and it worked So not sure if it is just my phone? Is everyone elses working ok?
  7. Hi, Yes I am only running free raffles. OK so I don't need to edit anything else, Thanks for letting me know
  8. Hi, If the raffle is a give a way are members restricted to 1 ticket? If not where is the setting to restrict them to only being able to get 1 ticket? Thanks
  9. Hi Mike, Where can I change the text Categories that appears on the news app main page? I just want to change it to News Categories instead Don't worry about the button for the moment, it's not a critical one
  10. Hi, Yes thanks that looks better
  11. Hi, When saving a news article the save button roll over is very hit and miss and I have to move the mouse very slowly for it change colour so I can click and save It's the only button on my site I have this issue with
  12. new version is not working at all Just pm'd you the error codes tried dropping down to an earlier version to get things up and running but the earlier version has bugs too
  13. Hi, Thanks Also it would be great to be able to import an rss feed into a news category like we can do with the forums
  14. Hi Your donations box header text is out of line compared to other widgets You can see where I placed the red dot - there is a gap at the top
  15. We have found the footer is a good place to ad advertising. Would it be possible to request in a future release the option to have three custom block options instead of the current two? Thanks
  16. Thank you - What would I do without you.
  17. Just checking in for an ETA on the new release as I have been sent a new bunch of fixtures to add. Thanks
  18. Hi, I am not sure exactly where to add that extra code?
  19. Hi, I added the code that was suggested in a reply to Hugo_S4 who asked Hello. Please help. How to insert an ad after the second search result which was #elSearch_main [data-role="resultsContents"] .ipsStreamItem:eq(1 It works lovely on the search results but I have just noticed it also appears incorrectly when clicking the members icon which takes you to: https://www.walkingfootball.com/search/?type=core_members
  20. Hi, Are you going to add support for clubs for this? Seems like the perfect app for a club
  21. Hi, I am trying to add an advert under the map on the left hand column on all my event pages such as: https://www.walkingfootball.com/calendar/event/174-sharley-park-leisure-centre-derbyshire/ I thought the Custom CSS should be .ipsBox ipsPad_half ipsSpacer_bottom but nothing is appearing - can you tell me what I have done wrong? Thanks
  22. Hi, It would be nice for us to choose the default Sort the list by in the admin cp I would prefer my gold vip members to show up first in the list rather than the newest members by default
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