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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by onlyME

  1. 1 minute ago, FGN said:


    you know me, i must have put it in the wrong place?

    I put it in the custom css part

    but it still shows....did i put it in the wrong place?

    if so, where do i put it?

    in custom.css. Or you can take a look videobox > front > videobox.css and find "vbPagination" , you will see it.

  2. 50 minutes ago, FGN said:


    I was wondering if you have a custom css code that i could use to take off the ABC/Number quick find blocks


    You can overwrite the css

    .vbPagination > li, .vbPagination a {
    	color: .... !important;
    	background: ... !important;


  3. 1 hour ago, Julien Costes said:

    Yes, but that is not our case.

    On your demo you use what? You upload by FTP?

    In uses the "External URL" function I can add only one by one the music.
    I have 4792 mp3

    If I upload everything through FTP.
    How to link a folder to a playlist?

    It does not support adding folder unfortunately.

  4. Just now, Julien Costes said:

    It would be very appreciable to add a way to listen to all Musicbox music. This greatly reduces the usefulness of this hit app = /
    We have a old jukebox, random reading to read all the contents is the basic function. http://www.otaku-attitude.net/jukebox.html

    Concerning uploading files all is uploaded into folders:
    / www / uploads / monthly_XXXX_XX

    Is there a way to get everything uploaded to a separate folder like:
    / www / uploads / musicbox
    Certainly applying their own record, and it's very handy for different reasons

    This is not a good solution, there are a lot of clients use the cloud storage, FTP... :) 

  5. 19 hours ago, Julien Costes said:

    Thank you for your wonderful application!
    Is it possible to add a button to activate the random play of music of a genre and in our personal playlists?



    I haven't found the solution to play random music yet.


    When one is on an artist's page how to read all these songs?
    When I click on the play button of a music it redirects me directly to the page of the music.


    Just one music played.Unable to discover new music while doing something else

    This is the way how it works, can not play directly.

  6. 2 hours ago, GASR said:


    Quick question.  Is there an option for us to track cookies with this?  So that the pop-up won't show again after they click out of it until their session renews.


    It has some options:


    PM me if you need to test it on demo site.

  7. Just now, Optic14 said:

    Thanks @onlyME

    One more question..

    I have Reviews I need to re-add from previous forum system, I am happy do this manually because there are only a handful of reviews to move across to Videobox.

    After I recreate reviews Videobox front-end, is it OK to edit database directly to change the review authors (to different members) and date of the review? Do I need to run any rebuilds if I do this?

    It's so complex and I can not support editting database.

  8. 2 hours ago, FGN said:

    They did....and i logged into their account, and its not there

    i cleared and restarted mine, still no there

    they are the ONLY ones who don't see this, all other members can see that field

    Maybe a bug, I wil test it again.

  9. 3 hours ago, FGN said:


    I had a member do something crazy.....

    They accidently hit the X button on the url field to copy/paste youtube videos

    i can't see any way to re enable it for them........the field still shows on all other members post when wanting to add a video....just not this one persons

    Do you know of a way to put this field back up for this one member?


    then after this is fixed(if possible) can you tell me what setting i need to enable so reg members can't see that X to take off the field 


    I don understand this issue. The form does not have setting to remember closinh or opening. Try to clear the browser cache and refresh page.

  10. 1 hour ago, Aleksandrs Davids Sidurins said:

    You can make one block like you see on screen, in right side with big windows?


    If you only show 1 video, find 

    <div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsSpacer_bottom vbItem'>

    Replace by

    <div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsSpacer_bottom vbItem' {{if count( $videos ) == 1}}style='width: 100% !important;'{{endif}}>


  11. 1 hour ago, liquidfractal said:

    Ok, that makes sense.  Is it possible, say, to open the Musicbox in one tab, right-click to open forums or blogs in a second window and write/edit/submit with the music still playng in the other window? That seems to me the only solution right now.

    @Charles I know I'm bringing this up in the context of one specific app here, but let me ask: would allowing IPS apps/sidebars to load in AJAX be enough of a paradigm-shift to really open up the development possibilities for apps like Musicbox and others?  I'm the last person to tell IPS how to code, but could making this possible take IPS to a new level?

    Not only the sidebar, the important is javascripts from plugins, or custom templates... So complex to implement.

  12. Just now, liquidfractal said:

    I've been keeping an eye on this application for some time, as it's a great idea and looks very promising for those of us who want to add a music experience to our sites.

    I've read through the support thread but still have a couple of unanswered questions (there are a lot of questions! ^_^):

    1. I assume it's possible to restrict all listening to certain member groups, even if it's just changing the permissions on the Musicbox tab?  I would only want certain member groups (VIP, Advanced Members, Clients etc) to be able to use this service.
    2. I visited the demo site and while the music panel on the bottom of the screen plays music unbroken while you browse the Musicbox app, it cuts out entirely when one goes to forums.  This is kind of a deal-breaker for me, as I would need my users to be able to listen to music while they browse/write in forums, blogs, Clubs and collabs in Kevin Carwile's Collabs app.  But I was led to believe that this was fixed (even though there is a slight pause in the song when loading, which I can live with)?


    Thanks again - your apps look fantastic! :thumbsup:

    1. Each category has permission settings.


    2. It's not a bug, it's the way how it works. Because in other applications may have sidebars, or custom javascripts but no way to load ips sidebar in ajax, and the a lot of other javascripts will be broken.

  13. 10 hours ago, JEFF MACK said:

    No matter what options I try, I can't get the newest videos to show in the widget on my forum index page.  Any idea what I am doing wrong?



    Can you give me acp access so I can take a look? I can not reproduce this problem.

  14. Just now, FGN said:

    yes, if that's what the purple and black pic is

    it would be so good to be able to override that 

    but the option to upload thumbs for streams goes away when you use the slider to post live stream




    I will consider it.

  15. Just now, FGN said:

    i know this,

    I'm talking about on the stand still, to cover up the ugly picture of purple and black offline pic

    When you're on these actual sites, you don't see the those purple or black offline pics, you see the person's added thumbnail

    i'm just wondering if you could the option like you have for the regular videos, that way when selected streams are offline, it shows a selected thumbnail

    The reason i'm asking this, is because i have a custom membership for featured live streams, that means that the stream is pinned (you don't have a regular widget for featured streams...just the slider) so those streams are offline sometimes, i would like to put a thumbnail there so it looks good alongside the streams that are showing live

    here's a screenshot




    Do you mean the default offline picture?

  16. Just now, FGN said:


    Even though you haven't received any "Bug Reports" can you at least think about putting in the add on of the thumbnail for Live Streams? for at least the Owner to be able to do this on certain ones of our Pick

    The livestream should get the live screenshot. When you promote a video, you can select its thumbnail or upload new thumbnail manually


  17. 7 minutes ago, FGN said:

    I know you're super busy and updating files isn't your whole life, lol

    But any updates coming out for this soon?

    No, I don't get any bug report.

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