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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by onlyME

  1. @Optic14 

    1. Yes, there are 2 options for reviews and comments in category settings.


    2. I used a custom field  to input url manually.

    3. There is an option "Play video in other tab" so you can enable/disable Tabs view in catergoy settings 


    PM me if you want to test videobox in my demo site. I will give you acp access so you can take a look.


  2. 3 hours ago, amator said:


    I try to add  different sliders to different forums by adding the URL to the page list, but when I add the second slider to a second forum, the first slider disappears from the first forum.

    Is this a bug or as intended? Only one can by added per application?

    Featured Content 4.1.29 on


    Did you delete the first slider from second forum? Because forums have the same controller, you need 2 sliders although you are in other forums.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Cyboman said:

    Unfortunately, the permissions are correct, only guests are deactivated...

    I also tried generating a new RSS feed in ACP -> Content Discovery -> RSS Feeds with all events in all calendars.

    But that didn't help also.

    If I create a new slider with different content, f.e. any downloads, it displays correct and I can select it in the frontend.

    If I afterwards change the same slider settings back to the Calendar RSS Feed in the ACP, it is shown as "no contents" in the frontend.

    Then I checked the RSS Stream, but it has the events as contents in it.

    The slider just doesn't want to show the contents.

    Ok, I will test the rss for calendar.

  4. Just now, Unlucky said:

    If you use this to allow members to upload their videos, does the player stop people being able to right click, see the video url and download the video instead of streaming it?

    We are look for something that would stop people being able to do this and have to visit the site to view the video.


    There is nothing to do to hide video url completely. If someone wants to get it, they can.

  5. 10 hours ago, Cyboman said:
    1. I added a stream (as admin) for the calendar in ACP -> Content Discovery -> Streams ("calendar stream")
    2. In the frontend, I opened the stream and copied the RSS URL of the stream.
    3. Then I created a "featured content" slider to import a RSS stream (=the newly generated calendar stream), and I inserted the RSS link.
    4. After inserting the widget in the frontend, I can't even select the newly generated slider, though it saved well. It isn't listed in the selection drop down field.

    Why? I wanted to display calendar events as a slider with the according image and title.


    Try to check slider's permissions. 

  6. 37 minutes ago, MiP1 said:

    Two more wishes, if you don't mind :)

    1. If a topic was moved from the gallery and the link to a new location was left, you can't see if the thumbnail is just a link or a real topic. In the non-gallery mode, there is an arrow showing it, which is missing in the gallery mode.
    2. It would be great to get options to display a link/a button in the user profile and in users posts (the popup appearing on mouseover over the nickname or maybe a link under the avatar?) this button should load an overview over all topics in the gallery sub-forums the user created, maybe with a filter option or grouping so it would be possible to see in which sub-forum the topic is created. Would be nice if this list could be optionally also in the gallery mode or in the regular mode.

    Thanks in advance!


    1. I will consider this idea.

    2. No, it crosses the main feature of the plugin :)

  7. 55 minutes ago, MiP1 said:

    Hi, is iт possible to add a dark outline to the cogwheel icon ("change thumbnail" in the thread overview)? The problem is that if the thumbnail is light colored in the left upper corner, the cogwheel is not visible. Couldn't find the icon yet to edit it myself, but it would also be much better if it would be supported on default :)

    Yes, I will update it in next version.

  8. 2 minutes ago, FGN said:

    so the new update is awesome , and thank you!

    But what is the chance of getting in the next update these

    1. A profile tab for videos or streams

    2. for a posted video to make a forum topic?

    1. I will not update it, it's not really  necessary. IPS has "See My Active" button on profiles.

    2. I'm still thinking about it, because videobox also has comment & review system.

  9. @JEFF MACK can you give me acp access so I can take a look?

    2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Yes, that's what I'm talking about. See:

    A file from club is also displayed in the Downloads blocks... unless this is a bug in Downloads.

    Yes, I fix it by adding new option to select categories for the blocks in index. 

  10. Just now, Adriano Faria said:

    I had this question in one of my apps so I will reply here too: I don't think this is a bug. Same happens in all official apps, like Downloads. It's there because you have permission in the club, so you can view it.

    My problem is the videos from clubs shows in 'What's new block', and I don't have an option to select categories.

    How to fix the permission in club?

  11. 2 minutes ago, JEFF MACK said:

    So I am trying the integration with clubs and its working. The one thing that I am not sure of are the categories.  I see the videos appear in the Video app, but they really  aren't part of a category.  Shouldn't we select a category in the club that the videos would go in, or be able to create (or one is created already).   Right now, I have no idea what category any of the different club video additions are going into.

    There is a known bug that shows videos from clubs in "What's new" block, it will be fixed in the next version.


  12. 14 hours ago, Ricardo Machado said:

    I use the Customizable Video Feed with custom fields
    Use for genres, and there are genres that are similar to others, for example: Police and Crime

    Would it be possible to search in custom field for more than 1 word?

    No, it searchs the field's value exactly. You should limit categories.

  13. Just now, JohnDer said:

    I noticed something similar on Videobox 1.2.10

    With Videobox enabled:


    With Videobox disabled:


    Try to edit theme > CSS > videobox > front > videobox.css

    Find and remove

    .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal[data-blockid^="app_videobox"] .ipsWidget_title {
    	color: #828e99 !important;
    .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsWidget_title {
      color: #fff;
      background: {theme="widget_title_bar"};


  14. 1 hour ago, InvisionHQ said:

    Hello @onlyME

    Some rules of the videobox.css overwrite the css theme rules and maybe you should take a look.

    I noticed this because in my theme all the horizontal widgets continued to have the color of the text white:


    So inspecting the css I noticed that:


    .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsWidget_title

    This general css rules are overwritten by videobox.css.

    Thank you, I will fix it in the next version.

  15. 9 hours ago, FGN said:

    In a later future update:

    Adding the option to to be able to promote Reviews

    Currently its only available for the just comments...

    For some reason i have members who like to post reviews more than comments....

    So having them both able to be promoted would be awesome! 

    I will consider it.

  16. 2 minutes ago, FGN said:



    ok, well what about this.....and i will leave you alone..lol

    But maybe make it so that posting a video will create a Forum topic?...I think will help with member engagement with one another??

    Yes, it's in my to-do list.

  17. 2 hours ago, FGN said:


    Maybe in a future later update.......putting a tab in the profiles that when clicked will show a list of the member's videos....or one for the stream(stream so member can easily go to it and edit)

    It's not necessary, the profile page has a tab "activity" to list the recent content items from all applications, and it also has a button "see my activity" to list a detail withdifferent sections for applications (eg: forums, videobox,...).


  18. 5 minutes ago, Auday Elyafe said:

    Hello, I ran into another issue. I am not able to rate videos without writing a review. The 5 stars are there but I can't press them. I made sure that all rating options are allowed.

    Try to go to acp and run "get support" to clear the badly cache. And make sure the review star and content are required, you can not submit with stars only or content only, both are required for a review.

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