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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by onlyME

  1. 27 minutes ago, gabs007 said:

    HI. While I'm preparing to update to 4.2 I have a question concerning this mod.

    Will I be able to use the topic thumbnail in the club topic tabs too ? 
    I read you wanted to focus this widget on forums only, if so, do you plan to make a version specifically for clubs ? We wouldn't mind paying for it. 

    Thanks for your good job. 

    I have a plan for clubs. Maybe in some next versions.

  2. Just now, FGN said:

    yes, but the ability to have that uploaded image stay no matter what, stay on even if the stream is not live

    So if the stream is not live you see the still image that was uploaded by the admin or if possible the member who posted the stream

    I will consider your idea.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Optic14 said:

    Hi @onlyME

    Feature request, would you consider adding the ability for thumbnails to be automatically downloaded and set via YouTube API ?


    The add-on I used in XenForo had this feature, and also automatically downloaded the video duration/description (but you had to register for an Web Application API token in Google Developers Console)

    I think it would be a very advanced feature but maybe others would find it useful too?

    No, it's so complex and slow. The current thumbnail is fast without sending request to youtube api. 

  4. 5 hours ago, FGN said:

    So in the video section there is a way to upload a thumbnail or featured image

    Can you add the option for admin or member to be able to add a thumbnail at least to the Live Streams, so it will show in place of the Purple Twitch pic and the Black Offline Pic?

    Can you help me to understand why there's not a way for this to happen, if we have Pinned Featured Streams that stay on the front page of the Category, it looks real ugly to see a Purple blank pic and Black offline pic.

    I will even pay to have the feature made possible

    Twitch and Mixer, and Smashcast all show the person's logo or background for when they are offline

    Theres gotta be a way to have a image pic show instead of what it shows now??

    I don't understand. Do you mean adding uploading Featured Image Form for livestreams?

  5. Just now, wmarcy said:

    I can setup the widget, it displayed initially,  then I turned on friendly URLs, and changed the page to display it on (To removed the index.php), after that it will not display. 

    You need to edit the widget and check the new url in page list.

  6. 26 minutes ago, wmarcy said:

    Hi Onlyme, I am not able to get the featured content slider to display on my main index.   Any hints?  

    Can you let me know how is the problem? You can not setup the widget or the slider does not display? 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Optic14 said:

    Hi @onlyME thank you so much for the new update with the new Recent Reviews sidebar block.

    Minor issue though, it seems there is a fixed 100px height for each row/review:


    As a result, it looks like there is no padding at the bottom for each row.

    I confirm this bug, go to ACP > Customization > click </> to edit your theme > videobox > front > widgets > LatestReviews

    Find and remove

     style="height: 100px;"


  8. 4 hours ago, sobrenome said:

    I changed the folder permission to 777 by SSH, and now there is this error:

     The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.

    Did you browse the tar file? This is not a problem with the app, it's a problem with your hosting. Please give me acp & ftp access so I can take a look. Or open the support ticket to ips.

  9. 1 minute ago, FGN said:

    Is there gonna be a update soon for the slider to be able to show the featured Videos without us having to upload a certain size image?

    As of right now it only shows the online streams that featured.......a lot of us use this this for YouTube and that has thumbnails for the image, and it would be nice to be able to use the Slider to feature members YouTube Videos

    No, there is no way, because using the youtube's images, the slider will be terrible and can not have the best size.

  10. 6 hours ago, sobrenome said:

    Does not work. I uploaded the files but the only option to upgrade is to upload the files directly from AdminCP.

    Please give me acp and ftp access. But you should contact your hosting provider to fix this problem.

  11. Just now, Josiah Wallingford said:

    I am not looking to have a media player or any player. I just need a place to post a link so that the link is picked up by in RSS by iTunes and Google Play.

    My app does not have this feature. It's just a video application.

  12. Just now, Josiah Wallingford said:

    Feature Request: Add audio

    I need a place to add audio links to videos for podcasting to iTunes and Google Play. We post the videos and then add the audio of each video for our podcasts. Currently, we use WordPress for this but I would love to bring that over to IPB. We use the BluBrry plugin for this https://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/

    It has great excellent integration with iTunes and Google Play.

    No, this is video application. You can use the Media Tag feature for your custom player.

  13. 7 hours ago, FGN said:

    This is just a suggestion for maybe future consideration

    Maybe have the Video part be compatible to show Vidme.com urls..and have the video show like YouTube Videos can

    Currently IPS doesn't have it embeddable


    Unless i'm missing it somewhere 

    If the video service has embedding player, you can use Media Tag (youtube, vimeo also use media tag)

  14. 7 hours ago, sobrenome said:

    Trying to upgrade but AdminCP says that the folder featuredcontent/ does not have permission for the file upload. It's set to 755 and I cannot change to 777.

    Estado:         Setting permissions of '/public_html/applications/featuredcontent' to '777'
    Comando:     SITE CHMOD 777 featuredcontent
    Resposta:     550 Could not change perms on featuredcontent: Operation not permitted

    Your hosting has chmod/chown problem. Try to unpack the tar file and upload all to /applications/featuredcontent then go to acp to upgrade it.

  15. 6 hours ago, Florent Cadet said:

    When I click on Topic thumbnail on Topics list to update thumbnail, modal overlay is still here and transparent after closing the modal.

    As result, I cannot click on any links without reloading page.

    See printscreen


    Sometimes it works well and .ipsDialog has "display: none;" attribute at the end. Strange!

    Try to run 'get support' to clear ips cache.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Saurabh Jain said:

    1 Where is the option of making albums ?

    2 We will have 

    • Speeches
    • Songs

    For songs we can have artist...

    A person who deliver speech / talk is not an artist....

    How to go about it....


    Sorry, it's playlist. You can set permission in your genres for user group to create playlists.

    About songs, it uses artist's photo that you can manage in acp or artist's page. You can also translate 'artist' to what you like in manage language.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Saurabh Jain said:

    How can we rename MusicBox say to Audios

    what other names will you suggest ... we will have audio files including lectures (discourse) , songs 

    Yes, go to acp to translate language. Find 'Musicbox' and edit to 'Audio'

  18. 26 minutes ago, JaguarForum said:

    I get the following error when installing the .tar:

    4S142/7 Kan niet schrijven in het thema ID map in /themes/. Controleer de rechten van deze map.
    4S142/7 can not write in the thema ID map in /themes/. Check rights.

    The rights are fine?

    You need to disable designer mode.

  19. 12 minutes ago, DanLemX said:

    First I want to say that i love the app! Keeps getting better and better.  Since 4.2 came out, I have one concern, and one suggestion that I hope you'll consider.

    First, the concern has to do with guest permissions in clubs.  I want to prevent guests from listening to music, but the group permissions are not accessible when it is inside a Club.  Would there be a way to disable guests to listen, site wide, and only allow signed in members (or specific user groups) to use the "listen" feature.   I mostly just want to disable guests to be able to listen to music inside a public or open club.

    Second, my suggestion. I notice on other music stores a cool feature called "Pay what you want".  So basically allows the buyer to enter their own value for the song, if the musician decides to use the feature.

    It can not, if user can access club, they can listen music, read topics, or other items of other applications. This is the way how the clubs work with applications.

    If you installed IP.Commercial (Nexus), you can sell your songs. Other user can purchase to listen.

  20. Just now, xtech said:

    Hi @onlyME i am having some trouble with a language string.

    In the club definitions for user group permissions, musicbox is listed as a possible app to add to a club. That's good.

    The problem is that it is listed as "musicbox_categories"... shouldn't it be named "Musicbox"?

    I couldn't find the language string to change, seems it doesn't exist. Please help.

    This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next version.

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