Hello, this isn't a " flippant attitude" at all, please don't take it that way.
This topic has been covered several times however, and management has made the decision that this alert will not be removed, we show this for security and the customers best interest in mind, we are not being selfish, we are not being flippant, and we are not being pushy with this recommendation. If third party items are holding some back from upgrading, perhaps they need to evaluate how much value that item is brining to the community if it's forcing them to remain out of date. That isn't an item which we can answer for you though, that is your decision.
With that said, there really isn't much more to add to this topic, so I will close this up. If anyone has anything further to add on this subject and you feel it's something you want addressed that hasn't been converged already, please submit a support ticket under your account.
Thank you for your understanding.