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  1. SeNioR- started following Rhett
  2. Rhett replied to ReyDev's post in a topic in General Questions
    I just looked up your account and I don't see any support tickets from you, to start a support ticket on your account please go to the client area, login with your licensed account, then select the support link. What email were you sending emails to and from what address?
  3. If you run the support tool in the admincp > system > support, there should be a patch available for this issue.
  4. By default the search settings are set to 365 days for your search index, if you have changed that and increased it, that may explain the higher usage, you can limit search as needed to adjust the size of this as needed. This is changed in your admincp > system > search settings.
  5. Yes it was a big change, and no there isn't an ETA at this time I'm afraid.
  6. "Folders uploads, plugins, datastore and applications are set to 766 recursive" That should be 777 for a standard setup on writable folders/files, if you're using suPHP then it would be 755 for all folders and 644 for all files.
  7. You can run the support tool and apply the latest patch to remove this error on facebook/instagram embeds. Due to some large changes on their end, facebook/instagram embed no longer work at this time. The patch will prevent any errors and post the link as a normal link for now. We hope to revisit this in feature with facebook/Instagram in a future version.
  8. Here is a guide on a transfer, in your case it's the same method, never use phpmyadmin to export and import the database unless it's like 10Mb. Always use mysqldump via ssh to backup and restore via the command line. You mentioned this is the same host, is it also the same mysql server? if not please ensure you are on the proper version on the new server, we recommend mysql 5.7+ or Mariadb 10.2+
  9. The same location you have your conf_global.php file.
  10. Hello, this isn't a " flippant attitude" at all, please don't take it that way. This topic has been covered several times however, and management has made the decision that this alert will not be removed, we show this for security and the customers best interest in mind, we are not being selfish, we are not being flippant, and we are not being pushy with this recommendation. If third party items are holding some back from upgrading, perhaps they need to evaluate how much value that item is brining to the community if it's forcing them to remain out of date. That isn't an item which we can answer for you though, that is your decision. With that said, there really isn't much more to add to this topic, so I will close this up. If anyone has anything further to add on this subject and you feel it's something you want addressed that hasn't been converged already, please submit a support ticket under your account. Thank you for your understanding.
  11. The solution is to get a provider that actually knows what they are doing, by the information you have posted over time, you should get a fully managed provider, you can't really have the best of both worlds, the cost of an unmanaged server, and a properly working one without a proper server admin running things for you. Email can be sent just fine from a dedicated server if it's setup properly and maintained properly. This isn't anything new nor is it rocket science, but it does take someone willing to do things right. Best of luck to you, I hope you find a provider that can offer you some better service though, based on what you posted they replied with, I would run from them fast, as there are likely many other issues they are not paying attention to as well.
  12. Your site is up and running without issue currently, if you are having any issues please response to the support request you have, we have replied with no response from you at this point. Thank you
  13. This was a cloud issue, which just took a little longer to be corrected. Sorry for the trouble, it has been corrected as of this morning.
  14. Rhett replied to Guy Shimon's post in a topic in General Questions
    You can see your current storage usage in the client area by selecting your cloud package from your purchases.
  15. MariaDB is the preferred solution, and default on many Linux distros for the last few years, no issues at all, nothing to worry about.
  16. To clarify you have two licenses that showing on your account, one is self hosted and one in our cloud, sorry for any confusion, but those files do not exist in the cloud site as Brandon mentioned.