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  1. teraßyte's post in [4.7.13] RSS Feed Imports for Pages database categories skip the Title Prefix was marked as the answer   
    Looks like a fix for this bug was included in 4.7.15. Marking as solved.
  2. teraßyte's post in [Blogs 4.7.13] Edit Blog link returns a "CSRF key did no match" error was marked as the answer   
    Looks like a fix for this bug was included in 4.7.15. Marking as solved.
  3. teraßyte's post in [4.7.13] Editing a blog settings with IN_DEV enabled throws an editorLocations exception was marked as the answer   
    Looks like a fix for this bug was included in 4.7.15. Marking as solved.
  4. teraßyte's post in Can't move posts was marked as the answer   
    You can use the Group permissions page to check and edit everything easily: 
  5. teraßyte's post in Problème was marked as the answer   
    A couple of questions:
    Have you cleared the cache from ACP after changing hosting? Guide here => https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/ Do you have any errors in your browser's console? 
  6. teraßyte's post in Cant Upgrade to IPS Version 4.7.14 . Error was marked as the answer   
    It's a known issue:
  7. teraßyte's post in Can't promote in Twitter was marked as the answer   
    It's been broken for months now... 🙄
  8. teraßyte's post in Anonymous comments to be "reactable" was marked as the answer   
    With the way it works now when someone likes a content you post (topic, post, file, image, etc), it shows up in your profile's activity, and you can also look up all the reputation a user has received in their profile.
    For example, if you look at my profile right now, you'll see this item in it:
    A list of reputations given and received is also available on this page: https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/145950-teraßyte/reputation/?type=forums_topic_post&change_section=1
    If you follow a link from there, and the post is anonymous, you'll be able to figure out who made the post.
    It doesn't work like this right now, it's a function that IPS would need to implement in the framework. I guess you can ask for this topic moved to the Feedback forum instead.
    And no, it's not possible to create a custom modification to change this behavior, either. Because of the way reputation is currently implemented (traits), it's not possible to overload/extend the necessary code.
  9. teraßyte's post in Automatically "Mark site as read" for new registrations was marked as the answer   
    No, the only way is to manually click the Mark site read link.
    You have 2 options:
    Create an alert in your Moderator CP that shows only to new members, and include that they can click that link to reset the new content flag. Have someone create a custom modification for you that marks the site as read after a member registers.  
    I think the alert should do just fine in your case. That way you can warn only new members about the feature existing.
  10. teraßyte's post in Update Members Via CSV Import or API was marked as the answer   
    Oh, okay. If you need those additional filters then it's not possible because secondary groups are not listed in the advanced search form as you've already seen.
    You either need to manually run queries on the database to update the group value, or you can use the core/members REST API: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/members/GETindex
    With the API you'll have to load all members with a specific group, then manually check their secondary groups, and update them based on the filters you mentioned.
  11. teraßyte's post in PHP version help and errors. was marked as the answer   
    Even if you uploaded a new theme, you probably have an old plugin/application that isn't compatible with PHP 8. Their templates are added and parsed for all themes regardless.
  12. teraßyte's post in Retrieve installed plugins and apps was marked as the answer   
    Applications have all files inside their /application folder.
    For plugins, instead, part of the data is used only when installing and is not saved anywhere. That's the problem. While it's possible to re-create the plugin from the files left on the server, it's not possible to simply re-install them. You'd need to hire someone to redo the plugin for you from the files.
  13. teraßyte's post in Achievements & Ranks by post was marked as the answer   
    There is a tool in ACP to rebuild the achievements right away (see the button in the Other Settings screenshot):
    Before rebuilding, you can change the rules so that they add only 1 point for each content they make. By default, users get 10 points for a new item they post and 5 points for each comment/reply.
  14. teraßyte's post in Can Header Logo link to Page rather than Forums? was marked as the answer   
    There is no option for that currently. You need to edit the template core > front > global > logo and replace (twice) the link:
    {setting="base_url"} with the one you want to use.
  15. teraßyte's post in Limit number of new topic was marked as the answer   
    Yes. That setting is not restricted to a specific forum, blog, gallery album, etc. It applies to everything the user posts.
  16. teraßyte's post in Forum down after successful migration was marked as the answer   
    Try disabling completely the template disk caching setting for now. Does that fix the issue?
  17. teraßyte's post in X Logo Shows as Facebook Logo after upgrade to 4.7.14 was marked as the answer   
    The missing <li> elements issue is something I reported a few days ago:
  18. teraßyte's post in IPS Stock Rank Images to Download? was marked as the answer   
    You can find the SVG files inside this XML file in your ZIP: \applications\core\data\achievements\ranks.xml
    In the same folder, you can also find the Badges in badges.xml.
    Both files have the images encoded with base_64.
  19. teraßyte's post in I can no longer access invisioncommunity.com from Chrome? was marked as the answer   
    Does it work in incognito mode or with another browser? Sometimes Chrome is too aggressive in caching pages, and it might have cached that error page.
  20. teraßyte's post in Translating langkey's questions? was marked as the answer   
    Some language keys are empty on purpose. They're needed because the framework expects them to exist and would throw errors while developing otherwise.
    If you find an empty string just ignore it. 🙂
  21. teraßyte's post in Private page accessible to only one group? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it's possible to create a private page for moderators only if you have the Pages application. Simply select only the Moderators group after creating the page. Or you can edit a current page's permissions by clicking on the Menu and then the Lock icon. No, the only place you can add a link is the menu by using the Menu Manager. If you want a link on the ModCP page, you'll have to edit the template or have someone make a quick plugin for you. (Using a plugin allows the templates to auto-update in future versions)  
  22. teraßyte's post in No API for creating a group was marked as the answer   
    Given the situation, the only real option is a custom modification that adds a new API endpoint to create a group. 🤷‍♂️
  23. teraßyte's post in How to create hooks in invision new version? was marked as the answer   
    Based on what you posted I now have a clearer idea of what you're doing, but I still see a few issues and optimizations that can be made:
    You can use a quick in_array() check for the group instead of multiple OR checks. Also, note that your code doesn't take into account secondary groups, if you want to check also those, you need to adjust the code. The $assign_point variable is not defined before the IF check, if the user is in a group outside of the listed IDs, PHP 8 will throw an error about an unknown variable. I see that you're basically loading the credit balance from a table, adding 250 to it, and then updating the same table back. The whole process can be simplified in a single query instead. The reset DB prefix code can be moved inside the IF check, if the user doesn't need a credit balance update, there's no point running it. Here's an updated code based on the points above:
    protected function processAfterCreate($comment, $values) { # Comment/uncomment either line below based on what you want #if ( \in_array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id, array( 3, 4, 7, 8 ) ) ) # This line checks only the primary group if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup( array( 3, 4, 7, 8 ) ) ) # This line checks also secondary groups { # Temporarily disable the DB prefix $previousPrefix = \IPS\Db::i()->prefix; \IPS\Db::i()->prefix = ''; # Update credit_balance column to add 250 credits to its current value \IPS\Db::i()->update('plug_mailing_master', "credit_balance=credit_balance+250", array('user_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id)); # Reset prefix \IPS\Db::i()->prefix = $previousPrefix; } return parent::processAfterCreate($comment, $values); } The code checks if the user has one of the specified groups, and adds 250 to their credit balance value based on their member ID. No need for anything else.
    P.S.: If you use the Code button in the editor the code you post will look better and formatted for the appropriate language. 😉
  24. teraßyte's post in "Sorry There Was A Problem Reacting To This Content" was marked as the answer   
    Yes, change that part to HTTPS and then clear the cache in ACP > Support:
  25. teraßyte's post in Error was marked as the answer   
    It's a bug in the first 4.7.13 release, you should have a patch available in your ACP's support page.
    Install it and the error should stop.
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